Why old people get more and more grumpy as they get older


November 1, 2014
A huge tragedy occurred to my personal well-being over Christmas. One of my beloved possessions finally bit the dust:


This is what we, in our household, refer to as a 'Sponge Bag'. It is designed to carry small items, normally toiletries, for the purposes of travelling. I received this item as a gift one Christmas, full of branded items. The branded items all got used up, but the bag stayed with me, one of the most useful presents ever. How old the bag is (was) is anyone's guess. Let's just put a rough figure of 25 years as it's age upon death.

At the top of the bag you will notice heavy perforation to the material, this is where a material cord used to circle the top of the bag enabling the tight closure of the bag upon a careful pulling of the cord. The top is now fully perforated and the cord is now a separate entity. At the bottom of the bag you will notice the white plastic cord that maintains the sturdy circular shape of the bag, enabling it to stand upright unaided. This white plastic cord is now protruding from its encasing like old bones sticking out of broken skin.

There is only one obvious solution. My God, man! It's time to… Noooooooo… buy a new one…

So, regretfully, one engages the shops and the internet in search of that old-fashioned concept - the replacement item.

Egad! it appears that, unbeknownst to you, shock upon shock, the wonders of the material market do not actually function by the whims of what you personally might or might not have a need for. The market does not keep a supply of that odd item you became addicted to 25 or so years ago. Not one single enterprise stocks anything even remotely like that item you have used like a third limb for over half your life.

They have sponge bags that look like purses:


But, no no no, that's all quite wrong, that is absolutely nothing like what I'm trying to replace. Then you find something that looks absolutely spot on:


But, no, it turns out this is a 'Wash Bag' and is designed for washing to be put in the washing machine and is twice the size of what you're looking for. Then you find a potential compromise:


Ok, it's pink, I can live with pink, honest I can, ok, you got me, I'm pretty desperate by now, I'll take pink if that's all there is. But… alas, you then realise you've found your item on Alibaba and the minimum order is 1,000 pieces and decide that maybe this pink compromise isn't worth the effort after all.

Then, walking round the shops in town, trying to test the brain cells of every shop assistant in the city, you discover that using the term 'Sponge Bag' only appears to work on the older shop assistants. The term 'Sponge Bag' is now met with the blank stares of insanity by anyone under the age of "You look quite young, is it legal for you to be working?". For this new breed one gets shown to 'Wash Bags' or just pointed to other assistants, to which you finally discover the a new phrase has entered your language, that of the 'Toiletries Bag'. Yes good assistant, I meant 'Toiletries Bag', how dumb of me.

And after 12 hours of virtually non-stop shopping one has to come to terms with a new tragic reality - that your item is extinct. It was likely never intended to be anything but a Christmas flash in the pan when one product required a carry-case for it's Christmas gift set. You became addicted to an inevitable dead-end. You have set yourself up to have a day of misery and depression 25 years down the line by choosing to actually use a useful object someone once gave to you as a present.

But it has been useful for 25 years! Yes, indeed it has. It has cruelly addicted me to its use, knowing full well that at some point it would leave me limbless, cultureless and bereft of an entire way of life. That bag that has accompanied me everywhere I have been when away from my house, be it work or pleasure, is now gone - just what am I supposed to do when I leave the house now? I cannot leave the house for any prolonged duration without my bag. I know that bag. That bag knows me. Everything in it is there as a result of 25 years of continued experience, an object within for every eventuality.

Why… It makes one scared to leave the house!

Edits: for revolting typos.
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Nov 1, 2014
Tis beyond repair :( and besides, I new someone would recommend trying to teach an old dog new tricks ;)
Nov 1, 2014
Best post I've read in a while :)
Whether intentional or not lackblogger it was great.
Aug 13, 2013
Below looks like what I have used for years and years. It is also called a toiletries bag, and is a bit more durable methinks. Also, protects against leakages ruining clothing. Consider this as an opportunity for an upgrade. :)

Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Are you talking about bags like these and these?
Oct 13, 2007
Below looks like what I have used for years and years. It is also called a toiletries bag, and is a bit more durable methinks. Also, protects against leakages ruining clothing. Consider this as an opportunity for an upgrade. :)


I use something similar to Thrasher. I don't even remember where I got it. It says Singapore Air on it and its nice soft leather. Maybe some promotion. Had it for about 8+ years?
Aug 13, 2013
Are you talking about bags like these and these?

Yes, like that, but with a sturdy, rigid base. They have a variety of sizes which is cool, but no means to carry the item extraneously from the hand.

Likewise with the fancy leather mini-suitcases/purses, they look a million dollars, but they have no means of carrying them extraneously from the hand (the rather bulky belt-like strap cannot be simply hooked over the wrists). They are also not see-through. They are also the wrong shape, being rectagonal length-ways instead of conical height-wise, making items that I wish to keep upright more complex a challenge.

All these factors played a major part in the items eventual usefulness to me, to compromise on one part adds one part of inconvenience. The 'upgrade' would simply initiate an entirely new long period of adjustment, which is an irritant in comparison to a simple replacement.

I did see a gorgeous male-purse-like one in the shops, it was just entirely impracticle, it didn't even have a strap, let alone a more useful cord.
Nov 1, 2014
Sure they hook over your wrist just fine. BTW, why is that important? Are you staying in a place where you just can't simply leave the bag in the bathroom, where you can remove the items that need to be kept upright?

For me there is little more frustrating, than toiletry leakage in my suitcase. That concern is more important than any other consideration. Mesh would never work for me. :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Indeed, we all adapt to what we use. Everything about the shape and style of my bag gained routined use. The ability to hang it over the wrist is important because, when I go to work for long periods, I carry my laptop case in my hand and hang the overnight bag on my wrist, two items, one hand, the other hand free to do whatever.

And, no, while at work I do not get everything out and arrange it upon my desk ;) Mesh is cool for leakages, it all just runs away instead of congealing.
Nov 1, 2014

Good lord, no! :D

I have one of these that I use while camping. Very useful tho it may be to large for what you want.


Waaaay too large and elaborate! :D obviously great for camping though :)

Now that looks like its as good as it gets! Who'd'a' thought, I should have been looking for swimwear! "Wet Products Shoulder Strap Beach Mesh Bag" how in all that's holy did you find that! Lol. No... wait...

Dimensions: 21 15/16"L x 20"W - OMG, that guy has flippers in it! That's a no.

Getting warmer, certainly. Actually, now this is probably as good as it gets. I have no idea if it has a solid base, but everything else looks cool. I guess I should have been searching for:

"Quick Dry Mesh Shower Caddy, Shower Tote, Shower Bag, Black, for Travel"

I thank-you my good man (or woman :uhoh: ), you have found the needle in the haystack! I shall let you know how it turns out.
Nov 1, 2014
Little Bill Daggett: I don't deserve this... to die like this. I was building a house.

Will Munny: Deserve's got nothin' to do with it.

[aims gun]

Little Bill Daggett: I'll see you in hell, William Munny.

Will Munny: Yeah.

Nov 1, 2014
I'm ok with a few messy omelettes.....over the years, I've become quite adept at retrieving egg shells. What doesn't kill you only makes you more eager to layeth down the smack downeth.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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