Witcher 3 Witcher 3 First 15 mins

The Witcher 3
The child of prophecy?
Mordred? Or Damien?

I won't watch it if it's again low graphics footage from consoles.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, I can't say I'm that impressed with the look of the game or what I've seen of the UI. Those aspects look like generic open-world fare. In my opinion, of course.

But I like what I'm seeing of the atmosphere of the game. The countryside being infested with strange and interesting monsters is a nice backdrop to the game, and I enjoyed the cinematic approach to quests (which usually isn't my thing).

So, yes, it looks interesting. Maybe not the super game I think I was expecting, but certainly pretty good.

I hope they refine the UI to make it more RPG-centric, and they can't do much about the actual graphics at this point, though everything was animated well and had high resolution and all that. The actual art-style didn't impress me much, though. I'd much prefer the graphical style of Gothic 2, or an open-world game with more of a hand-crafted feel, and not a feel of a large, barren, mostly empty world (if that makes sense.)

Hope that cleared it up for you. This won't be a day one purchase for me (it's very rare I do that), but I'll certainly give it a whirl at some point, probably when I've actually spent some time with the first 2 games in the series! :)
I'll certainly give it a whirl at some point, probably when I've actually spent some time with the first 2 games in the series! :)
In the meantime I'd check if there is something to lower your excitment because once you start them, your heart might not last much. :)
Apr 12, 2009
much prefer the graphical style of Gothic 2, or an open-world game with more of a hand-crafted feel, and not a feel of a large, barren, mostly empty world (if that makes sense.)

Where are you seeing a barren, mostly empty world?

Just release TW3 on tape and Fluent will go nuts over it ;)

Nah… he'd most likely say something like "It looks ok, but it's no Kingdoms of Amalur".
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Give DArt a game with a massive budget and shiny graphics and watch him go nuts over it. :)
Give DArt a game with a massive budget and shiny graphics and watch him go nuts over it. :)

Admit it, if TW3 had cartoon graphics like KoA - you'd be all over it, even if it had a massive budget :)

I know you don't like realistic visuals, as it reminds you of awful reality and present day ;)

I promise, you get used to it if you don't flee from it ;)
I don't need "ZOMG SOOPER REALISTIC GRAPHIX!!!11" to enjoy my games, but I know some of the trend-following, chasers of everything new and shiny do need it. So hey, no big deal. :)
KoA also had a pretty large budget, IIRC :)

Of course, it was still a cartoon. So, I think it gets a pass for not triggering real emotions!
I don't need "ZOMG SOOPER REALISTIC GRAPHIX!!!11" to enjoy my games, but I know some of the trend-following, chasers of everything new and shiny do need it. So hey, no big deal. :)

I don't either but it sure is nice to have.

With the standard they set with the witcher 2 graphic wise I admit I'd be a little disappointed if the graphics are exceptional.

Judging by the trailer in the other thread I don't think I'll be disappointed though. CDPR makes great trailers.
Give DArt a game with a massive budget and shiny graphics and watch him go nuts over it. :)

No. Bioshock Infinite is not that.
Give him a game where an overpowered girl who can do magic unheard of in the whole universe rots in a prison waiting till a random penis comes to save her. There he goes nuts over the material. A goddes who can do practically anything, yet without a male, she can't do shit on her own.
And me, hating this utter idiocy of a story, to him is an idiot. No I didn't play nor buy that game. I've read the game story resume on another site. Oddly, noone said what I've just written is not what happens in that game.
Apr 12, 2009
I have a feeling joxer has been paying attention to DArt, even if I'm on ignore.

I'm flattered :)
Fluent is right in one thing, the Ui does look bit sci fi to me rather than fantasy…
Oct 8, 2009
The UI looks like your typical action game. It looks like the game is being influenced by games like GTA and Just Cause, rather than RPGs, but that's what I observed.
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