Mass Effect 3 - Editorial @ Press Start To Begin


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October 1, 2010
Press Start To Begin has a new article with their opinion on Bioware's artistic integrity.

Mass Effect 3′s ending caused an uproar among a vocal section of fans. They tried to appeal to BioWare, explaining why the ending did not work. Many of their attempts were incredibly creative, not only designed to capture BioWare’s attention with unique messages, but also to try to gain widespread attention to what was going on. BioWare dug in their heels, saying that they didn’t have to change the ending because of artistic integrity. In other words, Mass Effect 3 is art, and one does not tell artists how to make their art. An artist only has to be true to their own vision. The moment the artist is not true to that vision, the work of art is no longer authentic and becomes something else.

To be honest, this argument never sat well with me. I was never convinced video games were art or should be considered art. But more than that, the claim felt out of place. BioWare was using the term incorrectly. Let me explain why.
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Oct 1, 2010
The ending was garbage deus ex machina. As such it was bad storytelling. If you write terrible stories, people have a right to point out how terrible they are. That's all there is to it really. They wrote a story that wouldn't pass a college level literature class. They just need to own that.

But anyway, BioWare who? The people who truly shaped Baldur's Gate, DA:O, and Mass Effect 1 are no longer with BioWare. Not like we don't all know that…
Oct 5, 2010
Although the ending itself was kind of silly, I was cool with the whole invasion concept up until that point. I just didn't like the fact that, after 3 games having my companions by my side through thick and thin, they forced Anderson down my throat during the final battle.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
My main complaint with the ending is that the actions you chose throughout the entire series or even the 3rd game don't really matter much. Considering how much they been hyping up the choice & consequence and player agency aspect of the series, it was just a big disappointment to be presented with a choose which death you want ending. Whether you played as Paragon or a Renegade didn't matter. No matter how many powerful allies you gathered didn't matter. There should have been a bigger variety in the endings. Probably an ultra mega happy ending, even if they made it very tough to get.

I do rather like the Indoctrination theory that was floating around the interwebs… But Bioware clearly didn't put in support for the theory, it just something a little more clever that fans thought up.
Apr 9, 2013
My main complaint with the ending is that the actions you chose throughout the entire series or even the 3rd game don't really matter much. …

Yep. I think it's what we call an EPIC STORY FAIL. But hey, at least BioWare managed to have the biggest story failure in all of gaming. Other games have had much worse stories, but never has a gaming series gone from such great heights to such horrible depths. That is quite a feat if you think about it.
Oct 5, 2010
The ME series is both a solid example why nobody should rely on video games as a medium to deliver a quality story and material to understand why some people love stories in video games so much.

After reading the article, if the story was delivered through a medium like a book or a movie, the inaccuracy of the report would call for the question whether the book was read or the movie was seen.

But with video games, it does not call for it. It might be good to be an author for a video game because, as the delivery is so choppy, players might not get at all the story. Which might serve the purpose of seeing a story much better than it is.

The author reports a different story from the story told in the game. It jumps to the face to even someone who does not pay attention to the narration in video games.
Mar 29, 2011
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