Amulets & Armor - A Classic Arcade RPG


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Amulets & Armor was a Arcade RPG released back in the 1990's with little success. You can check out the game on the projects website as it's now free for eveyone.

Happy New Year!
The work on the classic version continues. This is most of the last important bugs found in the game (see below). If you find more bugs, don't hesitate to send us a report by email! We're now going to focus on the OpenGL port of the game.

  • Option added to disable dropping items when character dies.
  • Option added to change speed of mouse and keyboard turn rates from 20% to 200%.
  • Toggling between look and mouse mode no longer causes the look angle to jump.
  • Added missing music files (MUSIC6 and DANCE). Now music can play on all adventure levels.
  • Fixed a crash at the end of the first level of Elmore's Retreat.
  • Fixed leak when playing a long time that would cause music to stop playing or crash.
  • Fixed problem when teleporting to water covered area while wearing ring of water walking. It no longer constantly teleports back and forth.
  • Movement speed is now properly recalculated when strength changes from spells.
  • Health and Mana properly update when using amulets and rings fo food and water conservation/nourishment.
  • Improved diagonal strafe/sidestep calculations.
  • Players can no longer move when dead.
Download the latest from the download page.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I like this fix: "Players can no longer move when dead." :p
Well I warned you the game had little success. If people enjoy classic dungeon slaying, and can overlook a few bugs they may like the game. If not stay away you wont enjoy yourself.;)

Here is more information on the game.

What is Amulets & Armor?

Sit down, young adventurer. There's a tale to be told. It spans 10 years, and while once it was thought the story was over, there's been a recent twist.

Amulets and Armor (A&A) is best described as a first person fantasy crawler designed by the minds of mad Game Masters. The game attempts to retain the feeling of playing tabletop fantasy with friends and a drink in your hand. Originally released in 1997, after a launch without a publisher, fewer than 100 copies of the game were sold, and eventually it faded into obscurity, only popping up on websites hosting abandoned software.

Why are you here now?

Here is where the story gets interesting. A&A has been available on various sites for a while now and has garnered a small underground following. In October of 2012 Bacter and Mzbundifund began a Let's Play to show off this little-known game. Bacter reached out and contacted me to join in the discussion.

I was pleased to see the growing interest in the Let's Play and the game itself. Mzbundifund and Bacter were doing an excellent job of showing off the game in all its glory (and its many flaws). There were bugs and I winced at each and everyone, but behind it all, they showed the game really has a charm to it that had been forgotten. Because the game had been sold incorrectly, I had always felt it never quite got its day in the sun. I have always desired to bring it out again, but due to its aged graphics, legal issues, and general obscurity, never thought there would be a platform where it would take off.

However, after some rights-wrangling, and some work on my part to bring the aged beast into the new millennium, I am ecstatic to be able to release the game for free.

For Free?

Yup! Now this is good for a few reasons. One is that I can port the game properly to Windows and add a number of bug fixes. These bug fixes and enhancements make the game much more playable than the current "abandoned" versions. It also means that we have the potential to be able to continue development and expand upon the base of the game. It is our hope to add new content sometime down the line, dependent on community interest. For now though, the game is going to be released in as strong a state as possible for everyone to enjoy, with updates as they are found.

Why A&A Continues…

Amulets & Armor is a true labor of love. It has some quirks and problems, but we’re working to make it better. Something special was made and we plan to expand upon the game and make it even better little by little. Sure, the graphics are a bit dated, the interface needs a few more tweaks, the character classes are not balanced, but underneath it all, there is a charm not often found in other games. Explore the game and join with others who have also found that charm.
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
after some rights-wrangling

I begin to hate that : That there are always somewhere some rights not belonging to the original developer / maker …

Rights in Wrong Hands : The Bane of Modern Society.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Woah, they're STILL updating?

Dedication Level: Slightly below Grimoire.
Aug 24, 2013
A 24 year old failed game is now available for free? Woo-hoo! ;)
I can't afford to be picky sometimes with the lack of any good news recently.:)
Oct 1, 2010
What seems like ages ago, I actually played this game quite a bit and a relative of mine(who had more free time to play)was able to beat it. We both enjoyed it. It's very dated looking now, but back then it wasn't that dated looking.
Jun 3, 2007
Downloaded and played for a bit. The outdated looks don't bother me, but the outdated controls do. Some good ideas there for sure though. I'm interested to see where they go with the opengl version.
May 3, 2008
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