After Reset - Update #1, First Blood


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Black Cloud Studios has posted the first update for After Reset with more details about the games DRM , and talks about the lore of The New Confederacy.


The Confederate Cities of America (CCA) commonly referred to as the Confederate Cities (CC) or the New Confederacy, was set up on February 4, 130AR (130 years After the Reset) by several cities within the region formerly known as North America. Those cities included in the New Confederacy were all survivors of the Reset and the nuclear holocaust that came with it, with populations directly descended from the survivors of the Reset. The creation of the CCA was heavily influenced by the Dallas Incident that occurred less than a year before its founding. It was also thanks to the personal charisma and experience of Bill Thomas, who united 5 of the survivor cities in Former North America and became the first President of The Confederate Cities of America after its formation.


Your "Global influence of choice and consequences". Can you explain that?

RE: After your first play through, all your choices could be sent to our server. After the game session (1-2 years after release) our PC will calculate global ending of the session for After Reset setting. All people’s choices will be taken into account. Than me myself (as the author of the setting) with our story masters will polish it. By all of that we will get one unite global ending for the setting plus to your own one. And they combine well within the story (I mean personal ending and global one).

Does the Internet required to activate or play the game? Am I forced to use the internet for that?

RE: You are completely free to use it or not. Internet connection is required only for co-op, global ending influence and several small bonus ‘cookies’ from our exclusive pledges (to activate them). If you don’t want to connect to Internet you are free to play it with your CD-KEY like in good old Fallout 1&2… or just play cracked version from the Pirate Bay. But you will not be able to affect the setting, play co-op and use other small testy ‘cookies’ of Quantum Sync feature.

Speaking of DRM, will there be a DRM free version?

RE: After Reset RPG will be DRM-free.

What is the difference between NORMAL and DIRECTORS'S CUT version? It says (no violence/morale/language restrictions switcher). What does it mean, exactly?

RE: Director’s Cut is for hardcore sociopaths :) But to be serious, those editions will have different ERSB ratings. Maximize violence is in Director’s Cut. As well as no language or actions restrictions. If you remember that devs had to cut off possibility of killing children in Fallout, then you know what I mean. I am also going to try to avoid any restrictions for real receipts of and made arms, explosive, stims and drugs. As well we are going to make much more violent animations. That cost more in production (e.g. recreating 1/3 of only character animations from Fallout 2 by motion capture technology we use for our game costs more than $12k).

What about a dialogue system to interact with NPCs? Is it going to be a full dialogue or a keyword system?

RE: There will be an old school full dialogue system. Remember the one in Fallout 1&2? Then just add reaction timer from Walking Dead: The Game and you will know exactly what to expect.
More information.
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Oct 1, 2010
Eh. About this normal vs director's cut business, I'd feel as if I was playing a censored version of the game with the normal one. So I'd never pledge for that one. However, I am also not going to pledge a $100+ for the director's cut, even though I appreciate it may cost more.
So I am out for sure, unless something changes.

Personally, I feel like stuff like that should be in all versions. Period. A director's cut should be extra story-content, like extra missions and such. But this, I don't know, it somehow rubs the wrong way.

For the more knowledgeable Watchers, does this have precedent? Like, publishing versions of a game that differ in increased violence and accompanying animations/textures/ only?
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
Eh. About this normal vs director's cut business, I'd feel as if I was playing a censored version of the game with the normal one. So I'd never pledge for that one. However, I am also not going to pledge a $100+ for the director's cut, even though I appreciate it may cost more.
I wont pledge $100+ too… that's just too much.

But I'm not sure if I really understand this. It says for $125+ you get the director's cut which has "no violence/moral/language restrictions switcher". To me that means that you can't switch restrictions. So in reverse it means, that the normal version has a switcher… which you can set to any violence/moral/language level? So in the director's cut you would get less (options) for more money?
Do I make sense? I don't think so...
May 6, 2013
I believe they mean that the switcher is only in the Director's Cut, whereas the normal version does not have the switcher and is stuck with the lowest violence/language/... level.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
Then why does it say
DIRECTOR’S CUT version (no [...] switcher)

If you're really right and you're stuck with the lowest level in normal mode, that would be really dumb. You just can't ask to pay $125 for having this feature.
May 6, 2013
I'd assume that's what they mean, otherwise that would be really retarded.

To be precise, it says "Standard version of After Reset RPG is swapped for DIRECTOR’S CUT version (no violence/morale/language restrictions switcher)".
I assume it should read: "Standard version of After Reset RPG is swapped for DIRECTOR’S CUT version (no violence/morale/language restrictions IN switcher)"…

In any case, it seems very poorly phrased.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
Yeah, you are right. A little misunderstanding. Please, regard Normal version as common Fallout 1&2 - all animations from original Fallout would be there, recreated in 3D... I just wanted to add more of them because I like them, and because I would like to see such animations for critical miss&failure hits as well :) Anyway you always could take Normal version and upgrade it later ONLY if you wish. I'll give my attention to that question in our next update. Sorry for misunderstanding.
Oct 31, 2013
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