Liege - Game Funded


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Coda Games Liege is funded and achieved all of its announced stretch goals. The developer has an update saying thank you, and giving out more information.

We finished our campaign with over 2,900 supporters and over five times our initial funding target, which was set to cover my minimum living expenses to continue pursuing this full time. Since the campaign launched, Liege has evolved from a small, one man project to something that will be much bigger and better than I could ever have hoped for.

The success we've had has enabled us to bring the game to new platforms, bring on some amazing new talent, and add some exciting new features that will add a ton to the experience. We couldn't have gotten to this point without all of your support. Thank you!

Reward Surveys

I'll begin sending out surveys to collect the necessary details to get rewards out as we get closer to our first alpha release, which will start later this year. In the meantime, if you have any questions for me at all, don't hesitate to reach out directly.

Paypal and the Humble Store

I've set up a separate page to accept Paypal payments, and in the next few days, I'll be updating the page to include payments through the Humble Store as well. If you know anyone who may be interested in the game but missed the chance to support here on Kickstarter, please send them over to

Steam Greenlight

As I mentioned earlier, Liege is currently on Steam Greenlight. Steam is one of the biggest distribution platforms for games out there, and getting onto it means we'll be able to reach a whole new audience. We're currently 50% of the way to the top 100, but we have a long way to go; help us get the rest of the way by voting here!

Artists Wanted

As you know, our Art 2.0 stretch goal means we'll be able to bring some new art talent to the project. I've already started receiving some portfolio samples, but if you're interested or know someone who might be, let me know! I'm looking specifically for someone who can take the game's existing in-game art style, and add some professional polish to take it to the next level. In addition to digital illustration, 3D animation skills are a huge plus.

Follow along

As promised, I'll be posting updates with our progress every few weeks on our website as well as on Facebook and Twitter. If you haven't already, please take a moment to like and follow us! This will be the best way for us to stay in touch, and for you to stay stay up to date with the very latest on the project.

The Road Ahead

The last few weeks have been an incredible, exhausting ride, but we're just getting started. After taking a couple days to catch my breath, I'll be switching my focus back to developing the game and putting our new resources to full use. Over the next year, I'll be working non-stop to make Liege the absolute best it can be. I can't wait to get started.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I've backed it early on, hope it turns out good. He is making a playstation, xbox and WiiU version also, sounds liek a lot of work for one man.
Oct 15, 2012
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