Graywalkers: Purgatory - Pre-Alpha Gameplay


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
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Oct 1, 2010
Don't get the shoddy reaction to this game. Back during the golden age of KS, games this far along would be hitting one million at least. Tons of games with nothing but rough concept ideas got tons of cash, now games with full playable demos and running alphas/betas don't get funded. It's insane!

Suddenly it's cool to rag on Kickstarter so all the cool kids (ie. everyone lol) decided to just shit all over the games and not back anything but the biggest titles. The very ones that could find outside funding. Kickstarter was... IS for those for whom outside funding isn't a possibility!!

And as for all the evidence "all kickstarters are scams that fail and are vaporware" their examples are either games that are just taking a very long time to make (ie. the KS project was pure concept only, no prior work done so take much longer), or are games run by obviously inexperienced devs that anyone could see is a massive risk.

The list of successful projects that saw an official release is much longer than that of successful KS projects that flopped.
Jan 1, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Already backed this game, this video just confirms that it probably was the right decision. A shame more people don't feel that way, don't think this one will make it.
Dec 20, 2010
I didn't care for the Jrpg type graphics and the weapons that are larger than the person carrying them. I never play games like that. I don't care whether it can be played on a phone, but I need my weapons and stuff to look realistic. The character art didn't work for me either.
Oct 18, 2006
Too bad we missed the golden age of KS Pegasus. Yeah, i was wondering about that. I wasn't expecting to make millions here but I was hoping we would have a decent run. Anyway, I'm still not giving up though. There's still time and I'm a believer on beating the odds. There are plans in motion, hopefully they will pan out.

Honestly, I'm pumped to really work on the game even more so now than before. The faith and trust you guys have given us has made me even more dedicated to get this project done one way or another.

Don't get the shoddy reaction to this game. Back during the golden age of KS, games this far along would be hitting one million at least. Tons of games with nothing but rough concept ideas got tons of cash, now games with full playable demos and running alphas/betas don't get funded. It's insane!

Suddenly it's cool to rag on Kickstarter so all the cool kids (ie. everyone lol) decided to just shit all over the games and not back anything but the biggest titles. The very ones that could find outside funding. Kickstarter was… IS for those for whom outside funding isn't a possibility!!

And as for all the evidence "all kickstarters are scams that fail and are vaporware" their examples are either games that are just taking a very long time to make (ie. the KS project was pure concept only, no prior work done so take much longer), or are games run by obviously inexperienced devs that anyone could see is a massive risk.

The list of successful projects that saw an official release is much longer than that of successful KS projects that flopped.
Oct 25, 2013
Glad you think so tomasp3n. For me, that means a lot.

As for us not making it, well don't take us out for the count yet. It will be tight but I'm still hoping we will reach it. I'm bringing out all the lucky charms i have. hehe

Already backed this game, this video just confirms that it probably was the right decision. A shame more people don't feel that way, don't think this one will make it.
Oct 25, 2013
That's unfortunate to hear but i understand. When it comes to art style, i think everybody does have a preference with no real right or wrong. As with the characters, we really intended them to be colorful, though realistic still actually, at least in the sense that they do exist and that people do wear them.

Our idea is to create a new look for what is Post-apocalyptic now, based on modern culture. Not the average every day culture, but the edgy ones, the same way the mad max look was for its time.

Just to clarify though, we don't plan to have oversized weapons in the game. I don't play those games much as well. I love realistic games. In fact, as a Jagged Alliance fanatic, a lot of realism will be put in, at least in the area of mechanics dealing with weapons, armor and tech. In terms of sizing, it will be realistic. If you are referring to the weapon of the bald guy, that's basically a steel pipe welded to a gear of some industrial machine so it should be proportionally right. In fact, we're not going sci-fi or anything that isn't realistic when it comes to any of the tech involved

Actually thanks. You just inspired a new Update. I've been thinking what topic would be interesting to tackle and your thoughts just put this on the list. Thank you.

I didn't care for the Jrpg type graphics and the weapons that are larger than the person carrying them. I never play games like that. I don't care whether it can be played on a phone, but I need my weapons and stuff to look realistic. The character art didn't work for me either.
Oct 25, 2013
It's really cool that you came on here and replied to us all. No matter what, you made some long term fans that will be pushing to get you more attention and awareness on the various sites we frequent. There have been projects that have bounced back. The great thing is your game has a unique quality that is absent in most games. Reminds me of Planescape: Torment in that that are many contrasting elements all piled on top of the same world.
Not to mention how you got typical monsters replacing the cliched "elf, dwarf, orc" combo many of
us are so sick of. It's wildly imaginative and bright. But in a self aware way, going over the top on purpose. Can't not like it!
Jan 1, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Hi Pegasus. It's always our pleasure to keep in touch with the community. We're hoping we do bounce back. There's still 21 days to go. and we're only gunning for $100K. Right now, we're building up slowly as we get more press attention and coverage. Your thought of us being unique is really inspiring. We are really try to be different as much as we can, yet being still familiar that the player can easily adapt to it. I'm not sure though if our uniqueness was an advantage or disadvantage in this campaign. Nevertheless, i don't think i'll have it any other way. I'd rather be who we are and fail, rather than simply conform for the sake of winning. This is why we appreciate all of you guys who have supported us even more. Honestly, today thoughts of cancelling this kickstarter crossed my mind as I looked at the number of campaigns that started with us and stopped…but then that was just a moment…I realized you guys believed in us so we have to believe in ourselves too. It's easy to give up with all this doubt lingering over our heads but I've decided that no matter what, we will fight tooth and nail to for every backer and every cent until we make it. If we still fail, then at least we can all say, we've done our best, and maybe we can try again next time. But until the end, we will march on…and anyway, i think the situation just makes it more interesting. I do love a challenge and I'm sure you guys do too. Imagine if we could all together somehow make this succeed, then that will be one heck of an experience.

It's really cool that you came on here and replied to us all. No matter what, you made some long term fans that will be pushing to get you more attention and awareness on the various sites we frequent. There have been projects that have bounced back. The great thing is your game has a unique quality that is absent in most games. Reminds me of Planescape: Torment in that that are many contrasting elements all piled on top of the same world.
Not to mention how you got typical monsters replacing the cliched "elf, dwarf, orc" combo many of
us are so sick of. It's wildly imaginative and bright. But in a self aware way, going over the top on purpose. Can't not like it!
Oct 25, 2013
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