Dragon Age: Inquisition - Content Complete


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
David Gaider has a new post on his blog that mentions Dragon Age: Inquisition is close to Alpha, and goes into detail about what he calls "Content Complete".

We’re on the road to Alpha, also known as “Content Complete”. So there’s still new content being created, but at this point it’s more about dealing with the content we have and getting it all to work. This is also the stage where most of the big cuts happen, since we can still create new content to deal with those cuts (as in “change the writing to accomodate a change in the story flow”). Once we hit Alpha, cuts are generally things that are simply excised in their entirety, without any ability to really work around them for the sake of logic or flow.

The writing team is mostly out of the pool insofar as voiced dialogue goes, so the last of it can go through the pipeline and get edited, recorded and localized before being passed on to the cinematics people. At this point we’re mostly working on what we call “non-VO text” …the codex entries, item and talent descriptions, GUI text. Pretty much anything that needs words.

Still, we have to handle all bugs that come our way, and be responsive to any cuts that are occurring. This is a pretty stressful time for everyone. Every cut feels like it’s reducing the overall quality of the game, until there are so many of them you feel like you’re producing a piece of crap—until you remind yourself that every game goes through this, and the alternative is shipping late or not at all.

It’s not a process that any fan will truly understand. They’re usually oblivious to what’s going on, harping on what color the sails should be while the hull is rapidly leaking water. Which is a strange dissonance from our perspective, let me tell you.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I see Gaider continues to have no respect for the fans.
May 4, 2011
I see Gaider continues to have no respect for the fans.
No he is absolutely right in what he says.;)
It’s not a process that any fan will truly understand. They’re usually oblivious to what’s going on, harping on what color the sails should be while the hull is rapidly leaking water. Which is a strange dissonance from our perspective, let me tell you.
Need proof just read our various forum threads about anything Bioware related.
Oct 1, 2010
You have to admit though couch that this particular comment can be read in a patronising way. (I.E He said "any fan")
Surely there are fans who can actually maintain a sense of perspective, demonstrate understanding and thus have insight on such matters.
In short, colouring the sails all the same colour, doesn't serve to help express his point at all. ;)
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Jul 12, 2009
Depends. It seems to me that the negative form of the sentence of the preceding verb implies what it states as a rebuttal.

It’s not a process that any fan will truly understand.
Which implies that some fans truly understand it. But they are not the general fan. They are exception.
Mar 29, 2011
Which implies that some fans truly understand it. But they are not the general fan. They are exception.

Check the official forums and the people who hang on his twitter/tumbler and you will see this is totally accurate.
Oct 13, 2007
He's just lashing out as the overly emotional individual he is. He knows he's not working for the old Bioware anymore - and he's still in denial about that.

I can understand his frustration with fans - but as a professional, you have to stay away from that or face the consequences. Lumping them all together is grade A stupid from a PR standpoint.

Judging from his writing, he doesn't seem to understand that being sensitive is not the only way to be and be a valid and fully capable human being at the same time.
Whatever the case (though I'm with Couch on this, people read too much into it), I rather have this (an honest opinion coloured by one's personality, we are no robots) than those run-off-mill PR statements that say nothing at all.

Watching all those kickstart projects develop has been fun.
Jun 5, 2009
I much prefer honest talk as well - but I don't think honesty means we should ignore what's being said.
So sorry he didn't clear this with his Public Relations team. It lacks the general bland suger coated bullshit that mollifies the public.
Aug 13, 2013
David's honesty is refreshing. And he need not worry about PR when posting on his personal blog.
Mar 30, 2007
David's honesty is refreshing. And he need not worry about PR when posting on his personal blog.

Not that I think he should worry, but people don't care whether his blog is personal or not.

In that same way, President Obama can't post random musings on his personal blog and expect people to be understanding either.

It's this unfortunate thing called reality that always gets in the way of the ideal.
"In that same way, President Obama can't post random musings on his personal blog and expect people to be understanding either."

I think Gaider can't expect idiots to be understanding. He also might have a wee bit more latitude to express himself than the leader of the free world.
May 3, 2014
Not that I think he should worry, but people don't care whether his blog is personal or not.

Just who are these people? and on what basis you claim this?

In that same way, President Obama can't post random musings on his personal blog and expect people to be understanding either.

Comparing a game designer working at some game company with President of the US!! I hope you can see the logical fallacy of your argument.

It's this unfortunate thing called reality that always gets in the way of the ideal.

And yet, on every post that deals anything with Bioware, you bring this subjective "lack of passion in their work" argument to berate them. Do you give any heed to reality of the changed gaming market?
Mar 30, 2007
Just who are these people? and on what basis you claim this?

I'm talking about human nature. Sad as it may be, most people don't go out of their way thinking about what's fair and reasonable when they read something online. If you don't believe this, then pay attention the next time one of your colleagues responds to some news piece about what some politician or celebrity is quoted as having said.

That, or just keep your eyes open around here for every news piece posted that's about what developers are saying in public.

Comparing a game designer working at some game company with President of the US!! I hope you can see the logical fallacy of your argument.

They're both human beings in the public eye. The difference being the amount of people watching, not the fact that human beings are the ones watching.

And yet, on every post that deals anything with Bioware, you bring this subjective "lack of passion in their work" argument to berate them. Do you give any heed to reality of the changed gaming market?

Are you saying I'm not allowed to put forth my opinion?

I prefer to think of it as lamenting the lack of passion, rather than berating them for working in an environment where the fire is hard to maintain.

Supposedly, they need the job - so quitting and doing games from the heart isn't a trivial effort.

Let's say it was important to "convince" you that I've taken into consideration a very large amount of factors, how would I go about doing that?

Does it matter to you that I praise other developers for their passion, even within this changed market?

As it happens, I think the market has changed for the better in recent years. The reason Bioware has no passion left - is not because of the current market climate. They sold out several years ago.
Gaider's comment can be technically more true than false
he can be a grade-A sarcastic ASS at the same time.

Both can be (and, in this case, happen to be) correct.

He prides himself on his sarcastic image, though, so that's less of a dig than it might appear at first blush.
Apr 16, 2012
Rochester, MN
I'm talking about human nature. Sad as it may be, most people don't go out of their way thinking about what's fair and reasonable when they read something online.

Right. So according to you, most people think exactly how you think and interpret things the way you do. Very convenient! However, the numbers of posts alone in this thread that are supportive of David's opinions defines your argument.

That, or just keep your eyes open around here for every news piece posted that's about what developers are saying in public.

Unless someone is an idiot who does not understand what a blog post means, which the news post clearly states right at the beginning, I say some people CHOOSE to remain ignorant and use that as a shield to retain their hatred. But this can't be blamed on the developer who expresses his honest opinions on his personal blog, sans the usual sweet PR talk.

Does it matter to you that I praise other developers for their passion, even within this changed market?

So which developer, the ones who have not taken the kickstarter route yet, do you hold in high esteem??
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Mar 30, 2007
Im not familiar with Gaider's attitude towards fans and I have no problem with him. But I wonder why he added to his text that final comment. It has no purpose in his article other than show a little disrespect towards fans. Or mock them. I dont know what make him angry but I agree with DArtagnan. Even if you deal with haters and stupid people, its pointless to act like all fans are haters.
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
Im not familiar with Gaider's attitude towards fans and I have no problem with him. But I wonder why he added to his text that final comment. It has no purpose in his article other than show a little disrespect towards fans. Or mock them. I dont know what make him angry but I agree with DArtagnan. Even if you deal with haters and stupid people, its pointless to act like all fans are haters.

He does it as a defense mechanism versus the vitriol that can be online forums, and because it is his personality to be sarcastic, and because people egg him on because they also like to see people mocked.
Apr 16, 2012
Rochester, MN
Right. So according to you, most people think exactly how you think and interpret things the way you do. Very convenient! However, the numbers of posts alone in this thread that are supportive of David's opinions defines your argument.

According to you, bananas make great cars - which doesn't seem to define a convincing argument.

Unless someone is an idiot who does not understand what a blog post means, which the news post clearly states right at the beginning, I say some people CHOOSE to remain ignorant and use that as a shield to retain their hatred. But this can't be blamed on the developer who expresses his honest opinions on his personal blog, sans the usual sweet PR talk.

Let's calm down a bit and try taking a deep breath. Then we can dismiss the silly stuff like calling it hate when people don't agree with you about Bioware.

If you can point out where I'm blaming Gaider for anything, that'd be interesting. I'm just saying he sucks at PR.

That can be a good or a bad thing, I suppose. I don't really care, though.

But it's true, most people do choose to remain ignorant. You certainly don't seem to set yourself apart in that way.

The way you consider it hatred when people don't appreciate being called stupid and treated like morons is a sure fire sign of being both irrational and overly emotional. This is where the calming down bit might help you understand something about human beings. Unless, of course, you prefer to remain ignorant.

So which developer, the ones who have not taken the kickstarter route yet, do you hold in high esteem??

CDPR, Piranha Bytes, Irrational Games, Relic, etc.

You know, developers with both passion and talent. That said, Relic and PB do seem to have lost some of that initial fire they once had - and Irrational got shut down.

I consider Kickstarter and crowdfunding a part of the market change, and a part of why it's been changed for the better - so I don't know why anyone would exclude developers who wised up and realised that passion is much better served when you're not selling out.

Maybe if Gaider opened his eyes - he might start making a difference where his writing could flourish, instead of that money prison he's at right now.

I'm being kind here, because I don't think that much of his writing - but then again, I don't know if he ever got to write what he really wanted to write in the industry.

Seems to me his ego needs him to be a mouthpiece in the media more than it needs him to be a part of making great games.
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