Dark Souls II - Live Action Teaser

Dark Souls II is probably my most looked forward to game of 2014.

That said... live action teaser? Who cares?
Sep 16, 2011
Dark Souls II is probably my most looked forward to game of 2014.

That said… live action teaser? Who cares?
I do as it would make a nice movie. I'm still looking forward to the game also. I just have to finish Dark Souls first.:)
Oct 1, 2010
I finished Dark Souls the PREPARE TO DIE version on the PC a few weeks ago. I'm very good now at preparing to die and most excellent at the actual dying part. In fact, I'm a professional dead guy now. I'm furiously trying to get through Demon's Souls and be done with that before DS2 hits the shelves. It's an excellent series, great atmosphere, lots of purpose in the world, excellent exploring, and just about everything you can do in the game is important in some way. Now, if I can just beat this stupid boss...
Oct 18, 2006
Which boss are you stuck on MadGamer and what build are you playing?

I actually played through Demons Souls over a series of 4-5 weekends after a friend loaned me his PS3. I've been intending to write a report at the Watch to describe some of my thoughts on it. It's not as punishing as Dark Souls and not near as difficult, but that being said I did play on offline mode to avoid the moronic trolls out there. ;)

You can certainly see the echoes of design in certain moments (the Nexus transmogrifying into Firelink, the shades of Blighttown in the Valley of Defilement and Tower of Latria's lower marsh section) for example.

Speaking of Dark Souls itself though, I'm a little frustrated with the recent update (as of September 2013) as the ruddy thing has utterly disabled DSMFix, which hasn't been updated yet to counter this. If anyone knows of a better fix so that I can use keyboard and mouse again without any glitches, I'd certainly appreciate it. (I'm using the non-steam release)
Jul 12, 2009
Speaking of Dark Souls itself though, I'm a little frustrated with the recent update (as of September 2013) as the ruddy thing has utterly disabled DSMFix, which hasn't been updated yet to counter this ... (I'm using the non-steam release)

Yikes, Steam is not updated but I better go and disable auto updates just in case... And me just a couple of days away from starting a replay :eek: Thanks for the heads up!
Oct 18, 2006
Which boss are you stuck on MadGamer and what build are you playing?

I actually played through Demons Souls over a series of 4-5 weekends after a friend loaned me his PS3. I've been intending to write a report at the Watch to describe some of my thoughts on it. It's not as punishing as Dark Souls and not near as difficult, but that being said I did play on offline mode to avoid the moronic trolls out there. ;)

You can certainly see the echoes of design in certain moments (the Nexus transmogrifying into Firelink, the shades of Blighttown in the Valley of Defilement and Tower of Latria's lower marsh section) for example.

Speaking of Dark Souls itself though, I'm a little frustrated with the recent update (as of September 2013) as the ruddy thing has utterly disabled DSMFix, which hasn't been updated yet to counter this. If anyone knows of a better fix so that I can use keyboard and mouse again without any glitches, I'd certainly appreciate it. (I'm using the non-steam release)

Follow the link and download the latest version hosted on SkyDrive. It works with the most recent version of Dark Souls (that I'm aware of) although you may have to additionally edit an .ini file to make it work properly. If you're already using that version and the September patch overwrote it I guess I'm behind the times.
Mar 16, 2012
There is a fix which works great with September version, it is probably the one from the link above... I am playing it just fine.
Oct 25, 2006
erm mindfart :S You guys are probably correct. I bought the game on september so I guess I already have that version.

Version 09 of the DSmfix works fine for me too...
Oct 18, 2006
Link? Where? :)

Are you playing with Mouse and Keyboard as well?

There's one particular amateur fix that I found on the Steam forums
which ostensibly works: It at least makes the DSMFix work again. However I've experienced some very strange glitches with it, one of which will randomly make me invade worlds even in hollow form! After the fourth or fifth time, I'd had enough.

For those interested, this is the fix I tried: http://steamcommunity.com/app/211420/discussions/0/864979455329386779/#p5

I've got a friend who is keen for some co-op with our newest characters, so I'm keen to get my head around this little problem.
Jul 12, 2009
I can upload it once I am on my gaming rig. It runs perfectly with mouse + keyboard + graphics.
Oct 25, 2006
Ah, I only play offline so I did not notice any online related glitches. For me with DSmfix 09 I hat to put the sensitivity to max from the mods configurator and lower camera speed to 2 ingame iirc to get a smooth and controlable experience…

This is the version I am using.
Oct 18, 2006
I only play offline as well and was using the same dsmfix you posted JonNik, before the recent September patch. It was only at my friend's request that I tried logging back in to GFWL and encountered this rather strange bollocks.
Hopefully another fix will be made/found soon, or that my solution is a simple ini alteration staring at me in the face. :)
Jul 12, 2009
Are you sure you don't have the ring for the covenant of cat equipped ?

That will cause exactly what you described as soon as you go near the forest above the waterfalls....
Oct 25, 2006
Ahh, GothicGothicness, I bow to your knowledge of Dark Souls lore, for I believe you've nailed it in one. Thank you kindly, I believe you've fixed my problem. :)
What an odd piece of causation from having a ring equipped...
The random invasions were even happening near the Undead Parish, but I'd often end up in the Darkroot Garden.

The only minor annoyance I have now is the target lock tends to go astray sometimes and doesn't let me cycle spells, but I can easily adjust to that if it means camera manipulation and functionality has been restored. :) Thanks again!
Jul 12, 2009
Which boss are you stuck on MadGamer and what build are you playing?

When I wrote my above post I was stuck on the Tower Knight boss. I finally beat him last night though. It took me a few hours to figure out there were stairs I could run up. Then I discovered the archers who were making my life miserable, though I never noticed them earlier because the Knight would just step on me in two seconds and I'd be dead. I'm a slow learner.

But once I discovered the stairs and took out the archers, I used my ranged magic to take him out fairly easily. I suppose this is the gutless way of taking care of him, but I don't care he's dead. Dead is dead. I think I will mold this guy into a caster like I did in Dark Souls. I don't know if that makes the game easier or if I'm just really good at playing that particular class. But it worked for me in Dark Souls (mostly) and so maybe it will in Demon's Souls also.

Also, in regard to your DSFIX problems, I used DSFIX with Dark Souls (steam version) and did not have any issues. BUT I did play with a controller so maybe I just didn't notice the mouse problems. I used DSFIX just for the higher resolution.
Oct 18, 2006
Hey fellow watchers, there's a link here (http://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/1mke6z/i_managed_to_isolate_and_restore_the_4_files_that/) where you can find the pre-steam-patch key files, download them and overwrite your existing to practically roll-back DS to the pre-patch version. Naturally, switch steam updates off for DS.

Doing so makes you play with working DSfix, DSmfix and DScfix. You can play coop with others who have this and there's no invasions practically. This workaround might be just the thing for people looking exclusively for coop (I miss being invaded but I had to roll back to be able to use DSfix so...).
Jun 29, 2012
But DSFix 04 and DSmfix 09 work fine with the steam version :S
(I know, I am replaying as a sort of Fighter-sorceress build right now and having a blast :) )
Oct 18, 2006
The only minor annoyance I have now is the target lock tends to go astray sometimes and doesn't let me cycle spells, but I can easily adjust to that if it means camera manipulation and functionality has been restored. :) Thanks again!

Missed that. You do know that you can switch the mouse wheel lock to mouse look through the DSmfix ini or the mod's config app right? (Unless I misunderstand what you are saying)

For reference:

# You can configure DSfix by editing this file
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by the program and contain descritpions of the options

# Graphics Options

# internal rendering resolution of the game
# higher values will decrease performance
#renderWidth 1680
#renderHeight 1050
renderWidth 2880
renderHeight 1620

# The display width/height
# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height
# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)
presentWidth 0
presentHeight 0

############# Anti Aliasing

# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 4

# AA type
# either "SMAA" or "FXAA"
aaType SMAA

############# Ambient Occlusion

# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 3

# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
# 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance
ssaoScale 1

# Determine the type of AO used
# "VSSAO" = Volumetric SSAO (default, suggested)
# "HBAO" = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion
# VSSAO and HBAO types have a different effect and similar performance
# SCAO combines both, with a higher performance impact
ssaoType VSSAO

############# Depth of field

# Depth of Field resolution override, possible values:
# 0 = no change from default (DoF pyramid starts at 512x360)
# 540 = DoF pyramid starts at 960x540
# 810 = DoF pyramid starts at 1440x810
# 1080 = DoF pyramid starts at 1920x1080
# 2160 = DoF pyramid starts at 3840x2160
# higher values will decrease performance
# do NOT set this to the same value as your vertical rendering resolution!
dofOverrideResolution 810

# Depth of Field scaling override (NOT RECOMMENDED)
# 0 = DoF scaling enabled (default, recommended)
# 1 = DoF scaling disabled (sharper, worse performance, not as originally intended)
disableDofScaling 0

# Depth of field additional blur
# allows you to use high DoF resolutions and still get the originally intended effect
# suggested values:
# o (off) at default DoF resolution
# 0 or 1 at 540 DoF resolution
# 1 or 2 above that
# 3 or 4 at 2160 DoF resolution (if you're running a 680+)
dofBlurAmount 0

############# Framerate

# Enable variable framerate (up to 60)
# - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL
# - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay
# - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS
# - in some instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders
# Use this at your own risk!
# 0 = no changes to game code
# 1 = unlock the frame rate
unlockFPS 0

# FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate
# do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine
FPSlimit 60

# FPS threshold
# DSfix will dynamically disable AA if your framerate drops below this value
# and re-enable it once it has normalized (with a bit of hysteresis thresholding)
FPSthreshold 28

############# Filtering

# texture filtering override
# 0 = no change
# 1 = enable some bilinear filtering (use only if you need it!)
# 2 = full AF override (may degrade performance)
# if in doubt, leave this at 0
filteringOverride 2

# HUD options

# Enable HUD modifications
# 0 = off (default) - none of the options below will do anything!
# 1 = on
enableHudMod 0

# Remove the weapon icons from the HUD
# (you can see which weapons you have equipped from your character model)
enableMinimalHud 1

# Scale down HuD, examples:
# 1.0 = original scale
# 0.75 = 75% of the original size
hudScaleFactor 0.75

# Set opacity for different elements of the HUD
# 1.0 = fully opaque
# 0.0 = fully transparent
# Top left: health bars, stamina bar, humanity counter, status indicators
hudTopLeftOpacity 0.8f
# Bottom left: item indicators & counts
hudBottomLeftOpacity 0.75f
# Bottom right: soul count
hudBottomRightOpacity 0.5f

# Window & Mouse Cursor Options

# borderless fullscreen mode
# make sure to select windowed mode in the game settings for this to work!
# 0 = disable
# 1 = enable
borderlessFullscreen 1

# disable cursor at startup
# 0 = no change
# 1 = off at start
disableCursor 1

# capture cursor (do not allow it to leave the window)
# 0 = don't capture
# 1 = capture
# (this also works if the cursor is not visible)
captureCursor 1

# Save Game Backup Options

# enables save game backups
# 0 = no backups
# 1 = backups enabled
# backups are stored in the save folder, as "[timestamp]_[original name].bak"
enableBackups 1

# backup interval in seconds (1500 = 25 minutes)
# (minimum setting 600)
backupInterval 700

# maximum amount of backups, older ones will be deleted
maxBackups 10

# Texture Override Options

# enables texture dumping
# you *only* need this if you want to create your own override textures
# textures will be dumped to "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].tga"
enableTextureDumping 0

# enables texture override
# textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals
# will cause a small slowdown during texture loading!
enableTextureOverride 0

# Other Options

# skip the intro logos
# this should now be slightly more stable, but should still be
# the first thing to disable in case you experience any problems
skipIntro 1

# change the screenshot directory
# default: . (current directory)
# example: C:\Users\Peter\Pictures
# directory must exist!
screenshotDir .

# override the in-game language
# none = no override
# en-GB = English, fr = French, it = Italian, de = German, es = Spanish
# ko = Korean, zh-tw = Chinese, pl = Polish, ru = Russian
# this does not work in Windows XP!
overrideLanguage none

# Dinput dll chaining
# if you want to use another dinput8.dll wrapper together
# with DSfix, rename it (e.g. "dinputwrapper.dll") and put the new name here
dinput8dllWrapper dsmfix.dll
# dsmfix.dll

# D3D adapter override
# -1 = no override
# N = use adapter N
# this setting is for multiple (non-SLI/crossfire) GPUs
# everyone else should leave it at -1
d3dAdapterOverride -1

# Log level - 0 to 11, higher numbers mean more logging
# only enable for debugging
logLevel 0

# The settings below are not yet ready to use!!

# You can only set either forceFullscreen or forceWindowed (or neither)
# 0 = off, 1 = on
forceWindowed 0
forceFullscreen 0

# turn on/off Vsync
enableVsync 0
# adjust display refresh rate in fullscreen mode - this is NOT linked to FPS!
fullscreenHz 60

# http://source.winehq.org/source/include/dinput.h#L469
# [a]ttack, [h]eavy attack, [t]arget, [g]uard, [p]arry, [r]oll/dash, nbound

I also set High Quality 16xAF from the Nvidia panel. Add to that a bit of Digital vibrance and a decent IPS monitor and the game looks pretty damn good indeed ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Hi JonNik, yes, that's exactly what I do via DSmfix. I have Mouse wheel for scroll and button 3 for lock on. It works great for the most part, but seems different somehow after the update - that could just be my memory playing tricks though!

This is actually only my second playthrough as well (exactly one summer ago; my reports are in the impressions thread). I'm playing a pure blooded Sorceress with some minor pyromancy experimentation. I've made it to the two archers in Anor Londo who are giving me a nice strategic headache. ;)
Jul 12, 2009
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