The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

Another update. Not overly large.

Probably gonna run Wouldii thru the Korthos village quests to catch up with Corwin, once the update is complete.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
The new sale appears to be about races & classes.

No free item of the week now ? At least I couldn't see ny.

To add upon the confusion on the guild ship amenities :

After further investigation, it appears that my earlier message was incorrect in regards to which amenity would remain. Let's try this again: The oldest still-active airship amenity in a hookpoint will be the hookpoint that will be available.

Source :

Another official post :

Reposting from the Airship Amenities Coupon thread for greater visibility: We have increased the amount of uses of the SHIP01 coupon to 15/account as a way to say thank you for your patience during our recent issues with guild airship amenities. This coupon will remain active through July 15th.

This means that if you had previously used all ten of the prior 10/account uses of this coupon, you now have an additional 5 uses. This coupon provides up to 1800 Turbine points in total cart value of airship amenities for free per use.[/

Source :

I think you should read the discussion from these quotes on. Because I've lost track on what's going on there right now.

Edit : Finally found something that explains everything :

This was mentioned in the scheduled maintenance thread, but is worth repeating here:

We've fixed the issue that was causing airship amenities to "disappear" whenever the worlds were brought down. The amenities that will be connected to your hookpoints post-fix will be the oldest amenities that are still active.

The SHIP01 coupon remains active as well. Thanks, and we apologize for the inconvenience that this issue has caused in recent weeks.

Source :

That means they finally made it ??? Hooray, if this is true !

Summary regarding the buying of the guild sghip amenities :

And finally : The release notes to Update 14 [MOTU] Patch 1 (everything before were Hotfixes) :

Druid News
[edit] Veteran Status & Reincarnations

Starting Friday, July 13th, players can use all forms of Veteran Status and Reincarnation on the Druid class.
[edit] Limited Time Druid Special

The Druid is coming to the DDO Market on Friday, July 13th. To celebrate, we’ll be having a limited time sale: Enjoy 20% off Druid Pack for 13 hours on Friday, July 13th only! Sale starts at 11 am Eastern (-4 GMT).
[edit] Druid Free Trial

There will also be a free trial of the Druid class from July 13th – July 15th! For those who do not already own the Druid, head over to the Character Creator and create one during the free trial from July 13th-15th! After the trial ends, your character will be locked. If you decide to purchase the Druid Pack, your character will be unlocked and you can continue to enjoy the Druid character created! Remember that Druid is also free to VIPs!


The artificer's iron defender now gains epic levels.
The druid's animal companion now gains epic levels.


The Bebilith is growing smarter all the time. It's like some crazy intelligent demonic spider or something. Now it understands that people can hit it from far away.


Start Menu icons can each be dragged onto hotbars.
The main cursor is now easier to see.


The target and Campaign UI bits will now properly be hidden when you hide the UI for pretty screenshots! Have I mentioned Screenshot of the Week?


Corrected an issue that caused amenities to go invisible and be inaccessible.


Made significant optimizations to server memory allocations.
Removed all suggestions to take the "Combat Casting" feat from the chargen advice for all classes.

Quite a long list, and I haven't quoted everything ! ;)
Last edited:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Since I don't have a trapper at lvl 6, I went into ww elite with Katherina since she has the crappiest reflex saves, but also a lot of hp.

Part 1
First acid trap: 25 pts w/save, 52 pts w/o save
First Fire trap: 30 pts w/save, 75 pts w/o save

Part 3
Acid hallway: 25 pts w/save, 59 pts w/o save

No buffs, and dmg looked like it was reduced because the numbers over my head were small in size. So, to me, looks like traps haven't been fixed.

Spells though, look like they were fixed. Had a lightning bolt hit for 10 w/ save. Again no buffs.
Nov 19, 2006
Probably gonna run Wouldii thru the Korthos village quests to catch up with Corwin, once the update is complete.
Done. Wouldii has done the 3 village quests on hard and then elite, and the bartender quest on hard. That got him (even being a TR) maybe 1/3 of the way into the first rank of level 2. I went ahead and took the level since that got him some cleric abilities that the group might find useful. I left Korthos, got to the ship, discovered I had nearly nothing useful in the reincarnation cache, purchased arty and cleric spell components and inscribed all the remaining lvl1 arty spells, but got too tired to hit the auction house for better gear. I did pull a +1INT item out of a chest, so I can actually cast my arty spells now. :blush: Outside of deconning and maybe crafting an item or two for himself, Wouldii will sit until the group is ready.

I'm assuming that we'll take TRv1.0 toons and get everyone flagged for the Shroud tonight? I wants to build my MIN2 spell point bracers, I does.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I said no buffs, and they were doing UP TO 150 before, that would have been on a crit. So getting 60-75 pts on something not on a crit sounds like they aren't any better.

Need a trapper to chk to see if dcs are reasonable.
Nov 19, 2006
We have greater fire and acid shrines and that should remove 30 from your damage numbers. I don't think getting 30-40 hp per tick is a big problem. You can usually get past the traps fast.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
From the xp shrine I yesterday got the message that there were actually 2, interfering with one another :

- one with 2 %
- one with 3 %

This can be explained by the dev's report that they actzually were NOT gone, but only invisible + inaccessible !

I have no idea which of both xp shrines is active now.

P.S. : Sorry for the grammar. I'm a bit tired right now from walking through Cologne for about 6-7 hours.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Done. Wouldii has done the 3 village quests on hard and then elite, and the bartender quest on hard. That got him (even being a TR) maybe 1/3 of the way into the first rank of level 2. I went ahead and took the level since that got him some cleric abilities that the group might find useful. I left Korthos, got to the ship, discovered I had nearly nothing useful in the reincarnation cache, purchased arty and cleric spell components and inscribed all the remaining lvl1 arty spells, but got too tired to hit the auction house for better gear. I did pull a +1INT item out of a chest, so I can actually cast my arty spells now. :blush: Outside of deconning and maybe crafting an item or two for himself, Wouldii will sit until the group is ready.

I'm assuming that we'll take TRv1.0 toons and get everyone flagged for the Shroud tonight? I wants to build my MIN2 spell point bracers, I does.

I only did the village quests on Hard, not ELITE, so you're racing past me!! :D
Aug 31, 2006
I'm still there to help you out ! ;)

(Or at least I will be later this day.)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Someone gave me a link that helps with crafting a few minutes ago :

It gave me a clue as what I'm able to craft into docents, for my Artificer pet.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Thank you for everything, it was a great time with you !

And sorry, Cm, curiously of all voices I hear through skype yours is unfortunately the most muffled one. I sometimes have really problems to understand you. And that just adds up to my "immersion/focus thing". (When I'm immersed and focused too much on something I just don't notice the world around me anymore.)

The Pizza is very tasty, by the way ! ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Cm's voice...MUFFLED!!??!! I want YOUR version of Skype!!!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Strange. For me, everyone else had very clear and loud voices, but not her. This is really strange. I actually had to press the earphone close to my ear in order to be able to understand her.

Or do I mix her with Jm ? Well, I don't think so, because it was Khatherina, if I remember correctly, who asked me about that item in the chest …

My problem is … sorry, but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to find the right words for it - that in order to understand someone, I need to get the high frequency parts of the sound spectrum. Becaue the little I'm still able to hear with my almost deaf ear - it's indeed the higher sounds I can hear better, and almost nothing on he lower to lowest sound spectrum. And my "normal" ear has this tendency, too. The lower the sounds are, the less I'm able to understand something. And everything from her that arrived at my ears rather had a tendency to be lower sounds.

This is really complicated for me.

What I still don't understand is that I had this problem only with her and with no-one else. It really puzzles me.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It wasn't cm, it was jm. Her mic is on the fritz, so she's muffled right now.

Don't worry, Alrik. It's a guy thing-- we're naturally conditioned to tune out the voices of women. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
How true!! :) Married men learn very quickly to say- Yes Dear- whenever they hear her speak; that way, you don't have to listen at all!! :D
Aug 31, 2006
Ah, so it was a bigger misunderstanding on my side ?

I guess that I would have to o quests more often with them so that I can better keep their voices apart ... ;)

Yesterday I did another Catacombs run on elite - that was fun until we got to a spikes trap (the quest where you'vwe got to run away from the Wraith) where nearly everyone died. At one point there was only 1 or 2 group members left - and they still insisted that one could avoid that trap ! LOL !

I did, however, after I had died there I astonishingly succeeded in speeding through the trap - being very close to the wall. Tht seems to be a good and viable yet dangerous method ... The rest of the querst was very smooth apart from the fighter and the driud (the leader) running around so fast that I (as a Cleric) couldn't focus and this couldn't heal them. It was difficult.

As the reward I took the neverending small staff/wand of healing ... I think I'll play it through with my Artificer again to get the runearm from there, too.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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