The Mandate - Kickstarter Updates #25 & 26


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
The Madate developers Perihelion Interactive have been busy in the games last few days by releaseing a few updates. As usual the details and links are below.

Update #25- "Captain Wrack's Thanksgiving"

Captain Wrack's Thanksgiving

First of all Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it! Captain Wrack and all his friends wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving (PS! That is a cyber-parrot, not a turkey!)

On the topic of Captain Wrack our design example from the Great Captain Doc in our previous update (Page 1 and Page 2) generated some internal discussion about the length of each captain backstory. We have decided that each Great Captain will be assigned a full two pages for text and pictures so you can really flesh out the lore and backstory similar to our Captain Wrack example. The Great Captain Doc with nearly 300 captains will be a minimum of 600 pages long (lore captain’s from our writers will come on top!). Our writers and designers will work with those of you who have set out to design captains and ensure both language and content is of high quality.
Update #26 -"The Destroyers"

The Destroyers

Today we have a very special something to share with you, namely the third and last piece which we recorded with David Bradley (as Lord High Admiral Suvarov) for use with our Kickstarter campaign. Before we get to that, we thought we would touch on a couple of things.

We have already gotten quite a bit of media coverage from both press and youtube gamers which is damn cool, but getting an endorsement from industry veterans is cool and very humbling at the same time:

"It looks like a fantastic project."- Julian Gollop - Designer of XCOM/UFO:EU (1994)

"They’ve done a really great Kickstarter campaign, are already funded, but are now looking to make it to their stretch goals, which frankly speaking are worth it. " - Swen Vincke, Larian Studios, Divine Divinity series++

Thanks guys!

We will be doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on this Sunday to answer questions as a count down towards the end of the campaign. We expect to start around 9 PM CET / 8 PM GMT / 3 PM EST / 12 AM PST and will keep it running for several hours until we a) pass out or b) you stop asking questions. Announcements will be made on the official twitter @Mandategame as well as on our Facebook page. As a special treat we will try to get Garret to do a live stream and do some drawing while we are taking questions!

Now, then, we have made you wait long enough. Here is the final video for our Kickstarter, called “The Destroyers”, after an old poem by Rudyard Kipling. It focuses on boarding combat and should hopefully answer some questions. Remember, this is pre-production footage but it should illustrate the direction we want to go in. Expect the final game to be at least 10x more awesome! Enjoy!
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
They made their first stretch goal. Great to see that it is doing well.
Nov 11, 2006
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