Lords of Xulima - Now on Kickstarter


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
The Lords of Xulima kickstarter is now live to get more funding to expand the game after the successful Indiegogo campaign.

Our Vision

Lords of Xulima was born from the dreams of developers who have been playing countless RPGs from the beginning of the genre. One day we asked ourselves:

"What would make the ideal RPG for us?"

In Lords of Xulima, we have set out to make a challenging, turn-based RPG in the vein of the old school classics. We're making a game filled with character development, puzzles and often difficult strategic combat. Our goal is to create an immersive environment and a challenging combat system; how you choose to play it will be entirely up to you.

Why Crowdfunding?

In developing a game as complex as Lords of Xulima, we needed to make a lot of decisions about what aspects to include and which ones to exclude. Even though we would like to be able to do everything to make Lords of Xulima the best game possible, unfortunately we need to adjust our vision to match our budget. For this reason, we have decided to launch this campaign and ask you to contribute towards improving Lords of Xulima.

When finished, the game will be about 60 hours long and it is currently about 70% complete. It will be available in early 2014 on PC, Mac and Linux. At a future date, we would also like to make it available on Android and iOS tablets.

Why fund Lords of Xulima?

As an independent group, we, the developers, have the freedom to make decisions around every aspect of the game so that it is completely true to our artistic vision. Lords of Xulima will be a wholly original game with unique gameplay. If you also miss the complexity and challenge of the old school RPG classics and want to take part in the new era of Role Playing Games, this is your chance to contribute.

We want to make the best new RPG we can, and for that we need you to participate in our campaign.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Great to see them on Kickstarter now!

However I would have loved to see some "add ons" for the indiegogo people.

So that you can pledge like 20$ and then note that 0$ are for the game (which you already got from indiegogo) and 20$ for an additional poster, a npc name or something like that.
Jun 2, 2012
Always felt it was a bit weird to ask for funds via one channel and then once again on another. But as long as they're up front about their two sources of income, I guess I have no reason to complain. Not that I'm going to throw more money at this after already indiegogo-ing it. Is that even a real word?
Sep 10, 2011
I just backed with $1 for getting updates. ;)
May 6, 2013
That's one aspect usually neglected in RPGs, yet if you'll go on the basics and Tolkien, no puzzles game is hardly RPG at all. And one of the reasons I avoid to say "action RPG" to describe a certain genre but use diabloclones instead.

I'll pledge on this one definetly.
Apr 12, 2009
Will we soon see the 'next gen' kickstarters, where you go to Kickstarter first and do a flexible funding campaign on Indiegogo afterwards? Not to give anyone ideas. >.>
However I would have loved to see some "add ons" for the indiegogo people.

So that you can pledge like 20$ and then note that 0$ are for the game (which you already got from indiegogo) and 20$ for an additional poster, a npc name or something like that.

You can currently do that for all the rewards that they DO currently have available(such as the digital game guide). I asked them that.
PM reply from Numantian Games:
'Yes, you can do that.
Pledge 5$ [for example, for digital game guide] more without choosing a reward and send us an email to info@numantiangames.com with something like "I want to upgrade my reward" and we will register your new reward.'

Also, have you looked at the $5 tier? It's an "add-on ONLY" tier designed just for indiegogo people!
Oct 31, 2013
Will we soon see the 'next gen' kickstarters, where you go to Kickstarter first and do a flexible funding campaign on Indiegogo afterwards? Not to give anyone ideas. >.>

To secure some stretch goal? Or what?

No I don't think so. I believe we'll see a released game then DLC spam-o-rama like in Van Helsing case. And those DLC I'm not buying although all are cheaper than phonegames.
Apr 12, 2009
So their main change (for Kickstarter) has been to lower the goal?
Last edited:
Mar 22, 2012
To secure some stretch goal? Or what?

No, but to milk some more cash. Flexible funding means you don't have to reach a goal. I'm sure there are exclusivists on Indiegogo as there are on Kickstarter... in fact, I am one of them, as are a lot of other Europeans I'd guess.
For those who haven't done so yet, it's definitely worth checking out their website at www.lordsofxulima.com. Specifically, the blog entries along the right-hand column. They go into a lot of their philosophy on various game mechanics, and it all sounds really good. This snippet stood out to me:

"Of all of the innovations that modern RPGs have contributed to gaming (some good, some less so) there is one, that in my opinion, is so horrible that it destroys the very essence of an RPG: auto-scaling the levels of the enemies and treasures to match the level of the player so that the difficulty and rewards are constant throughout."

I also found it interesting that the party creation mechanic is something I haven't seen before: There will be a single pre-made and pre-named protagonist, but the player will make all the other 5 members of the party. That's backwards from the norm nowadays, but I think it strikes a good balance between character customization and narrative opportunities.

Backed this one, obviously…
Mar 10, 2009
I liked this part also, and I think Joxer agrees:

"The Player knows that every enemy defeated will not return to trouble the world again. The more enemies you defeat the more time you will have between encounters, largely because there will be fewer enemies left in the area."

Dec 20, 2010
You can currently do that for all the rewards that they DO currently have available(such as the digital game guide). I asked them that.
PM reply from Numantian Games:
'Yes, you can do that.
Pledge 5$ [for example, for digital game guide] more without choosing a reward and send us an email to info@numantiangames.com with something like "I want to upgrade my reward" and we will register your new reward.'

Also, have you looked at the $5 tier? It's an "add-on ONLY" tier designed just for indiegogo people!

Yub, already pedged 5$ for this, well mainly to also have it showing up in my KS list. ;)

They are already at 53% now which isn't bad. But to be honest I would have expected that they would be at 100% by now. I am also wondering why they do not receive more coverage by the media. I mean this game does not only look great, it's graphical presentation also looks extremely well and should appeal to lots of people similar to the new Might and Magic title.
But as long as people don't know about it...
Jun 2, 2012
Yub. the 20k goal doesn't look very interesting to me. Might even be game breaking. The 30k goal however adds "real" additional content. So I hope they will reach that. They definitely have chances for that.
Jun 2, 2012
Yub. the 20k goal doesn't look very interesting to me. Might even be game breaking.

They had the Alchemist and the Warrior Monk up as stretch goals on Indiegogo. As they belong to different magic realms and the Divine realm had no additional class planned, they said they might implement a Divine Summoner class too. I assume the first two had been planned for some time, so even if the Divine Summoner was made up rather quickly, they had two other classes against which to balance him.
So, finally got to backing this, looks great!
Apr 17, 2007
Jun 2, 2012
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