Jagged Alliance: Flashback - Update #26, and 27


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Full Control released two more quick updates for Jagged Alliance: Flashback.The total sofar is $323,852 pledged of $350,000 goal.The project mangaged to get a huge boost, but still needs more money with just 23 hours left
Kickstarter Recap

Backers and fans, let us tell you something. The last ~29 days have been quite an amazing journey. And we’re already looking back, getting a bit sentimental. Thomas even had a tear in his eyes this morning (srsly). It feels as it was just yesterday that we pressed the green “launch the damned thing” button on Kickstarter. Without knowing what would come, what to expect, what to fear.

It’s has been a great learning experience from our side and we’ve been challenged in more ways than we could imagine. And at the same time it has been a fantastic journey that seems to have united us with a large part of the community to dare dream the dream of another great Jagged Alliance game.
We are now approaching 6000 people who share the same dream. So we wanted to take this opportunity to make a recap of what has happened the last ~29 days.

- The most important thing is that people from all over the world have already put more than $307,000 (at the time of writing this) into Jagged Alliance: Flashback already. Again we want to tank you (pun intended, as always) for all your support.

- We recently released a Diorama of the game which everyone can download to get a feel for the art direction we’d like to see in Flashback. Thanks for the massive feedback you gave us on that one. See update #20 for more info

- From the start of the Kickstarter we realised that we needed to be a lot clearer and more specific in certain areas, we were in pre-production (and still are) and wanted feedback from all the fans. But the following two weeks we spent on clarifying major parts of the story, combat and strategic elements of the game, which was overall well received by the backers. See the following updates for more info: Update #1, Update #2, Update #4, Update #5 and Update #9.
During the Kickstarter we’ve been trying to reach out the press for coverage in various areas and also social media like Reddit and YouTube. We even did a Reddit IAMA .

We managed to get some coverage here and there, but not at the level we anticipated, which is why we’d like to thank you guys for your help with pushing them to do those interviews and spreading the word among friends, family and on multiple forums! And Thanks to all those journalists who had the time to send us some questions!

Slacker Backer initiative

When we reach our goal (Yeah we’ll get there!!) we want to open up for a slacker backer initiative like they have on Project Eternity. The initiative will run to a certain date and all funds will go towards stretch goals. We plan to make this available to both Paypal and Credit Card backers.

The Paypal tally is almost $ 8,000 which means we’re already ⅓ of the way to the first stretch goal when we reach our initial goal.

We right now have no end date, and we are unsure what it will be. As long as we are in pre-production and even early production we can still add more sectors and story that fits with the sector. So we will announce the end date sometime after summer to give appropriate warning.

This also means that we will continue adding stretch goals as we reach the initial ones.

Bear Pit Interviews

Shanga and his fellow bears have been busy and cooked together questions for Chris Camfield, Ian Currie and our CEO Thomas Lund. All of the interviews were ready yesterday, so we think you should go check them out :D

Chris Camfield
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Oct 1, 2010
Ha, and I wrote just a couple of days ago I was hoping for a miracle the last 24. Well…thanks! Maybe I should have wished for a lottery win instead…

Really glad this pitch pulled through though!
Dec 20, 2010
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