Your profession ?

I can relate to that CI. When I went to England in 1981 I was working in all sort of manual jobs for quite a while so I can understand you only too well ;)
Jan 10, 2008
I am a teacher, chemistry.

My students think it's weird that a grown up still plays games, but I still like it!

I'd say your students are weird. Do they think its strange that grown ups listens to music and watch movies too? :) I bet they'd die if i told them i collect action figures, lol

On-topic: Painter (the kind that paints walls and puts up wallpapers). I retired early (when i was 29 or 30), been around 12 years since i last worked.

Edit: actually i have worked on some indie games, but i almost don't consider it "work" :)
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Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I am a teacher, chemistry.

My students think it's weird that a grown up still plays games, but I still like it!

I admire you, Ursusdraconis. My chemistry teacher back in high school was the one who inspired me to study chemistry at university. I loved it too. Too bad I'm not in the industry anymore….

I once wanted to be a chemistry teacher and studied BSc (chem)/BEd, but I got scared of teaching kids… they can be quite crazy. I don't think I am as charismatic as my teacher back in high school. I did tutor 1st and 2nd year university students though :)
I loved Chemistry at school ... until the part with the calculations came ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Well the last two pages were less IT :D

I wouldn't mind retiring in a few years like you vurt !
Unfortunately, my other wants in life will stop me from doing that. I love travelling and unless I win the lottery, I will not be able to travel to places I want without money I'm earning.

I am looking forward to my next holidays, even though they'll just be regular beach holidays. It's nice to have those once in a while too.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Teaching the kids is why i love my job.

Yes they can be crazy but at least i feel my job has meaning.
I had a research job for about a year and the only thing i did was shooting at crystals with a laser ( wait that sounds cool, but it wasn't). I did measurements that probably nobody will use for anything ever..... Made me feel useless.

Now i hope to make a difference for the kids, i know it won't make me a millionaire, but it does make me happy!
Sep 4, 2013
Beneath the sea
Teaching the kids is why i love my job.

Yes they can be crazy but at least i feel my job has meaning.
I had a research job for about a year and the only thing i did was shooting at crystals with a laser ( wait that sounds cool, but it wasn't). I did measurements that probably nobody will use for anything ever….. Made me feel useless.

Now i hope to make a difference for the kids, i know it won't make me a millionaire, but it does make me happy!

Yup, and if times get hard, you can always fall back on Blue Meth :biggrin:
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Database management / application developer / business analysis / overall swell guy
Oct 21, 2006
The Hudson Valley, NY
Teaching the kids is why i love my job.

Yes they can be crazy but at least i feel my job has meaning.
I had a research job for about a year and the only thing i did was shooting at crystals with a laser ( wait that sounds cool, but it wasn't). I did measurements that probably nobody will use for anything ever….. Made me feel useless.

Now i hope to make a difference for the kids, i know it won't make me a millionaire, but it does make me happy!

That's okay, I know several millionaires and I can't think of one that is truly happy. They've got the nice houses and cars but most of them work 70 hours a week. I've given up several promotions because I don't want to be one of these people. I make enough to get by and that's good enough.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm also teaching. Maths, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.

It's a schizo job. Helping kids reach their potential is extremely rewarding, regardless of how smart they are.

Dealing with kids who dont want to be there but rather snort or eat the equiment (happened in Physics and Chemistry, and no safety standards would have helped) is less fulfilling.

And having a 14-yearold kid brighten up when you discuss electronic appliances as mathematical functions is great fun. Too bad the autism is strong in that one:p
Nov 4, 2006
That's okay, I know several millionaires and I can't think of one that is truly happy. They've got the nice houses and cars but most of them work 70 hours a week. I've given up several promotions because I don't want to be one of these people. I make enough to get by and that's good enough.

Exactly. I know a few people who have plenty of money but are not happy at all.

I left my last job making a good bit of money because I was working to much and not getting to enjoy life like I wanted. Remember, work to live. Do not live to work. Make enough to be safe and take care of your family of course but as long as you don't buy things for material displays of wealth, its easy to get by. That doesn't mean deny yourself something you want but be smart about it.
You can have lots of money and lots of time as well.

But what a lot of people don't understand about themselves is that they have a "convenience threshold" or a "pleasure threshold" at which point the joy or benefit you gain is all but undetectable. This is the point at which sacrificing something significant to attain "more" is counterproductive.

This is especially true with our pathetically stupid monetary system - because with limited resources, more (of nothing) for one person often means less (of something) for another person.
I'm a software developer. Worked with desktop apps, web sites and even Unity games.

I don't have as much time as I did before to play games because I'm on a big project at the moment. So I'm flying to Africa every two or three months and working to beat crazy deadlines :|

Still, the pay is good. Just gotta take things easy now and then to prevent an aneurysm. :p
Oct 19, 2006
Although it appears I might be taking on a new title rather soon, I'm still calling myself a manufacturing engineer.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Gee Dte, people have had other titles for you for years now!! :p :)
Aug 31, 2006
Although it appears I might be taking on a new title rather soon, I'm still calling myself a manufacturing engineer.

So what is in store for you next? Good changes I hope?
Oct 18, 2006
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