Deus Ex: The Fall - Review Roundup


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
I managed to roundup up five reviews for Deus Ex: The Fall. Most of them are negative due to the game being a phone port. We do have one positive one though.

Strategy Informer - 7/10

Once you get through a lot of the shock that comes with The Fall being a tablet conversion and all the little problems it has, fortunately you'll find that it's still a fun new slice of Human Revolution. Get used to the slightly odd un-redefinable controls, the cramped level design, and the silly shop-inventory (where you can only buy, not sell) and you'll find the special Deus Ex gameplay itself is intact.
IncGamers - 2/10

Deus Ex: The Fall is pretty much a catastrophe in every way possible. It’s a pale imitation of Deus Ex: Human Revolution that was seemingly made by following a checklist of everything a Deus Ex game needs to have, but not managing to tie it together with any skill, verve, or spark. Media - 10/100

The Fall has all the components of a Deus Ex game, with the stealth, the hacking, the RPG progression, and the cyberpunk setting. Unfortunately, It’s like someone took all the elements of a Deus Ex game, sucked out the fun, then clumsily stitched it back together. If you really want some more Deus Ex action after playing Human Revolution, then check out the Director’s Cut, or even try the earlier entries in the series. Either way, avoid The Fall at all costs.
RPGCodex -No Score

Like a drug addict staring down their mom's television, what this really all comes down to is what you're willing to do for another hit of Deus Ex. Are you willing to sacrifice graphical fidelity? How about jumping and thinking in general? Do you need it to be challenging? Does it have to play like a PC game? Like a well-ported game? Does your love for Deus Ex reach the depths of becoming unconditional, or do you require your cyberpunk fantasy to respect you as much as you respect it?
More information.
Oct 1, 2010

I was so excited to get it on day one..

I don't really get it…why damaging the reputation of the franchise with a release like this one? For few bucks more? Is it really worth it?

Oct 21, 2006
Is it really that bad? Who here has actually played it?

Depends on what you mean by played it. I think I spent 10 minutes on the tablet version.

It's not bad for a tablet game, but it's not great for a tablet game either. Above average, I suppose.

For a PC game, it's a distraction more than anything.
It's not bad for a tablet game, but it's not great for a tablet game either. Above average, I suppose.

This is what I would call the 'essential review' for 3 reasons:
- It captures the quality of the game (not bad, not great, above average)
- It delivers the proper context - for a tablet game
- It captures the total lack of excitement generated by this game, ESPECIALLY on a full PC gaming platform.

DX: The Fall was insta-buy for me on iPad, and I have reinstalled it recently ... but I didn't buy it on PC and won't spend more than $2 if I ever DO buy it. In fact, let me offer my own summary:

Oh cool, the Deus Ex-ish tablet game came to PC ... everyone should go play the original Deux Ex on their PC as a reminder of just how awesome that game is ...
Oct 18, 2006
Apr 12, 2009
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