What I've Been Watching: The Catch-All Film Thread

I'm not into any comic books and I liked Dredd :)

It wasn't fantastic, but it was solid and entertaining. I found the visuals to be novel and effective as well. It's actually pretty much the only movie I've seen in 3D that was significantly enhanced by it - and I'm talking about the slow motion stuff in particular.

That said, it's probably more of a male movie, all things considered.

Oh, and I liked that blonde ;)
I liked Dredd. The new one for the action and the old one for the campy fun.
Aug 30, 2006
I enjoyed the original Judge Dredd, it was like a good B movie, and it didn't take itself too seriously. The writing was mediocre, but the interaction between Stallone and Rob Schneider was good for a few laughs. Same thing with Demolition Man.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Totally with JDR here, plus the new Dredd lacked the dark humor of the comic books.
As for it being a 'male' movie ... well, hmmm ... let me think: (Nearly) no booze, no cars, no females in skimpy bikinis! Hubby hated it even more than I did (and that's the truth).
G.I. Joe: Retaliation was definitely the more 'female' flick. Lots of male eye candy ^^.
Aug 31, 2006

Go see it.

And bring a towel with you to wipe off the sweat you get from all that suspense. :sweatdrop:
Aug 30, 2006
Not to go against the grain here, but I just got back from Gravity and it had way too much Hollywood fantasy for my tastes.

  • The Hubble orbits over 100 milles higher than the ISS…
  • Clooney must have some hella good eyesight to spot Bullock with a simple flashlight beacon.
  • Just what exactly was pulling on George Clooney's character when he had to let go?! Both he and Bullock are in freefall, yet it's set up like a cliche scene where he's hanging off the side of a building…
  • Sure was lucky for for that capsule to right itself and stop tumbling all on its own during re-entry…

As for being suspenseful, it was indeed that - too much so. From one storyboard scenario to the next, it never let up. By the time Bullock touched down after her miraculous re-entry, I was just about rolling my eyes when her capsule started filling with water.

Some good backdrops of the earth and the blackness of space during the early part of the film though.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Really didn't plan to write about it, but the recent "mature sex in DA" craptalk from Bio's PR got on my nerves.

Pacific Rim

What is the movie about? Imagine it as Transformers vs Jurrassic Park. Mech lovers and Godzilla lovers unite.

The story is nothing original - the planet is about to be invaded by gigantic beasts and mechs controlled by pilots are trying to stop them, first by fighting then by attempting to close the transdimensional portal those beasts come from. Action, action and more action, if there's no fight between huge creatures/creations, actors fight among themselves and not just verbally. Eyecandy CGI, good and famous actors, no instadetected plotholes no obvious editing cuts. Plus a few hidden messages for those with crazy logic.

To clear up this last sentence, let's pretend (or not for some) you're living in USA. Your country is constantly "invaded" by "evil monsters" (from Mexico). What do you do? You make a wall. Does it help? No it doesn't. This movie criticises exactly that. Thus I bet it wasn't really popular in USA.

IMO the whole thing is 100 times better than Transformers movie (btw I adored cartoon series, but got disgusted with the movie about Megan Fox attributes so much that I've never seen it's sequels).
What you need to enjoy the movie immensly is your inner child - if you didn't kill it ages ago pretending it's useless or retarded to keep it.

And finally to the point from the starting of this post. Or should I say, to the director. Guillermo del Toro, praised by some (me included), hated by others.
Is this really *his* movie or stuff in it was dictated by producers? Oh, it's his movie. Definetly. There is something Del Toro does to the audience with everything he makes. What is it?
No romance. No sex. Yup.

This is a movie without yucktalk and without pr0n scenes. That's Del Toro. So different than upcoming DA3. And because I've enjoyed not just that, but the whole thing:
Apr 12, 2009
It has been a few weeks, but realized I never mentioned that my wife and I went to see 'Don Jon'.

Total 'meh' - if you saw the trailer, you saw the movie. Shallow plot, paper-thin characters, no depth to anything going on.

I have no idea about the acclaim - I really like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and also Scarlett Johansson and Tony Danza and Julianne Moore - but none of the characters can ever escape the limits of the movie.
Oct 18, 2006
Loved Pacific Rim :) Need to buy it on blu-ray now. One of the only movies I've ever gone to see twice in theatres. I only wish they had chosen a different lead actor - man did I hate that guy.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I'd try with Pacific Rim (should be in US theatres right now) and Snowpiercer (later this year). Those two are my plan to watch, or in other words I expect those two to be good.
There is also possibly good Ender's Game coming, but it depends what will Hollywood do, hopefully they won't massacre it like Jackson did with LotR.

In my country this movie comes to theatres next month.

Seems that idiots from The Weinstein Company are cutting the film by 20 minutes for worldwide distribution. The reason? Read this article:

Oh, don't miss the title of this article too:
Such version will most probably appear in cinemas over here and mark my words - I won't be watching it! Instead, I'll wait for the full version DVD and import it.

The story about idiocy doesn't end here. I don't speak french so didn't buy the comic upon which the movie Snowpiercer is based. And finally Titan Comics will publish the comic with english translation!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… Wait… It'll be printed as two volumes in NEXT 2 YEARS.

At least noone cut the animated prequel/trailer nor we have to wait 2 years for the translation:
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Apr 12, 2009
Well as the presumed American mid-west hick he, and the rest of the world can pardon what I'm about to say for this generalization.
Can kiss my ass.;)
I have no plans to watch this movie at all now:thumbsdown:
Loved Pacific Rim :) Need to buy it on blu-ray now. One of the only movies I've ever gone to see twice in theatres. I only wish they had chosen a different lead actor - man did I hate that guy.
I just watched it and agree it's not that bad. The first time I saw the trailer was Gundam meets Godzilla. Can't wait for the second movie that has been confirmed already.
Oct 1, 2010
The Counselor I'm a fan of Cormac McArthy's novels, so I couldn't wait to see this film. Overall reviews have not been good, but I enjoyed it. The end, however, was too predictable & introduction of characters with no background on who they were or how the protagonist knew them were some points against it imo. It's by no means a perfect film & if I were to really examine what I saw it may not stand up to scrutiny. Perhaps this would have been a better novel than screenplay.

I am fascinated by movies or TV series involving the dark world of drug trafficking, so this film was right up my alley. Probably best to either wait for Netflix or go to a matinee for the lower ticket price.
Jul 18, 2007
Escape Plan

Surprisingly fun, if a bit predictable. Stallone was Stallone, but Arnold's acting was tip-top! 50 Cent (the rapper-turned-actor) was decent too; it's getting to the point that I don't instantly dismiss him as an actor if I see him in the credits.

Recommended if you're a fan of 80's action flicks.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Kick-Ass 2

Just a plain great movie! Cliche at a couple points, but you are left with a smile when the credits roll. Definitely be buying this on blu-ray.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I have just watched (on Bluray DVD) Man of Steel. And I was sort of like this :S
when I watched, until I finally got it. Chris Nolan (the director) has taken the Superman myth and made it into some sort of Batman myth. The openings for Man of Steel remind me way too much of the plot/opening scene of Batman Begins as does the end scene.

On another more positive note, I just watched this movie as well:

A fine movie which tells the story of a girl and a boy, living in 1963, one year before the 1964 olympics in Tokyo. The film also has fine morale about what people can do when they work together on common project, even make people change their minds.

And I have never laughed as much when I watched Despicable Me 2....
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Man of Steel's director was actually Zack Snyder, aka Mr. 300. Chris Nolan did have a hand in writing the script however.

To me, the movie was a great letdown. They forgot what Superman was all about. Instead of being uplifted, I came out of the theater with a distinct lack of feeling one way or another - simply another forgettable movie experience. As derivative as it was, I enjoyed Superman Returns a lot more.

Speaking of letdowns, I saw the new Thor today… 200 million dollar budgets are ruining films through and through.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Hmmm, all I can say I won't go watching Superman nor Carrie. Not interested into yet another take on the same old superhero, and I'm not falling for another silly and unnecessary remake of a cult classic.

But am posting because I've discovered that Y: The Last Man is being filmed:
The comic it's based on is post-apocaliptic, all men die and only one is left on the whole planet, at least it seems so at first. Honestly I don't think that the comic is a masterpiece, it lacks of human behavior study on many levels and too many things are left open/unanswered but as a light sci-fi movie it could work. If you didn't read the comic I suggest not to, it's pretty expensive to buy the whole saga unless you're comicworm like me (it's available in 10 huge tomes on Amazon) and simply have to buy it. Let's hope the movie does a good job, it should be out next year.
Apr 12, 2009
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