Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes - Review Roundup #1


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes has been officially released today and alrready there are a few reviews for the game.

rtsguru - 8/10
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes is a solid 4x game with a huge range of customisation for replayability. A turn-based 4x strategy game set in a fantasy universe with RPG elements. The game offers a solid foundation to get lost in, however feeling occasionally cliche the universe can feel bland at times. A great improvement over its predecessor.
everydaygamers - 9/10
Simply put, you will be enchanted by the game. The more I played, the more I discovered, and the more it kept me coming back for more. I can’t say that I’ve been this enamored by a fantasy strategy game since Heroes Of Might and Magic III. There is a scenario-based campaign to fill the role of a story campaign. If that’s not to your liking, you can simply customize a map, number of opponents and embark on a new adventure each time you restart. Regardless of faction and setting, the game allows you to customize all of your units, their appearances and their equipment.

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes
is wildly addicting and offers just enough variety to fuel the ‘one more turn’ golem inside you. I went through a phase of not finishing campaigns by just restarting on new maps, with new factions and seeing what the game would throw at me. It’s that depth and variety that kept me from being satiated and shows me that my time in the world of Elemental is far from over.
thunderboltgames - 5/10
Legendary Heroes doesn’t leave the greatest first impression. Its graphics make the game look like an HD port of something released last generation. Its story drops out once the game starts, leaving you stranded, without direction as to what you’re expected to do next. There is a scenario to play through, but it does little to add any sort of entertaining narrative.

At first glance the lack of direction appears to be a weakness, but in actuality Legendary Heroes requires you to assist it, to give it the direction it needs. The game thrives on customized scenarios just as much as it wants you to create your own unique army. To get the most out of the game it’s best to play around with the settings to make your own world.

You can choose a sovereign or build your own. Name him, or her. Name their kingdom. Decide what clothes they wear and what sigil is emblazoned on their banner. Give them a backstory. But that’s only the start of it. The experience of Legendary Heroes is highly user defined. It’s a sandbox for you to build your empire, for you to explore, and it’s up to you in regards to the how.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I miss the road not taken with this genre:




Master of Magic is on my short list of all time favorites but I've never found a lot to like about the games that followed that path. I plan on trying that Conquistador one when it comes out, but only because it seems somewhat different. Despite all the reviewers saying it's just the same.
Apr 13, 2010
Now we just needed multiplayer. Even if it's just hotseat.
Where on earth do you find these no name review sites:p
Apr 17, 2007
Where on earth do you find these no name review sites:p

Metacritic? No doubt there would be more volunteers to do reviews here, except that those who try it are most likely to get torn limb from limb and have their teeth extracted. And that's just for starters.

Anyway this game looks pretty good and will probably get it, even if as with previous Stardock games (and most other 4x games to be fair) the gameplay tends to drag into the late middlegame, when your civ has grown beyond a certain size.
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May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
Where on earth do you find these no name review sites:p

From n4g and right off the games website. You do know there are hundred of websites you probably never heard of. I don't use Metacritic. I'm sorry there not refined enough for your exclusive tastes.:p

As Rog pointed out no one wants to do reviews here and when they do lets just say look at the Mars War Logs review.

This is a volunteer site and no one is paid. We all do this because we want to.
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Oct 1, 2010
From n4g and right off the games website. You do know there are hundred of websites you probably never heard of. I don't use Metacritic. I'm sorry there not refined enough for your exclusive tastes.:p

As Rog pointed out no one wants to do reviews here and when they do lets just say look at the Mars War Logs review.

This is a volunteer site and no one is paid. We all do this because we want to.

Oh I agree about the doing reviews here, called a few out on that actually.

I was just surprised at who you found never even heard of any of them.

Game is good btw.:)
Apr 17, 2007
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