Invisible, Inc - Interview @ RPS


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Rock, Paper, Shotgun interviews Game Designers James Lantz and Jason Dreger.

RPS: First off, why the name change? Incognita was a pretty solid title. Why switch to Invisible Inc? Will there eventually be a prequel called Invisible Inc University?

Klei: As cool as Incognita was, there were a lot of times people would get it wrong in the media or people would struggle to remember exactly what it was. We would get lots of “what’s the name again? ‘In’ something?”. We wanted an easier name to remember and say, and when we talked to our close friends in the industry and other tactics fans, we found them far more likely to ask more about our game using Invisible, Inc.

RPS: How long do you think you’ll be doing Early Access for Invisible, Inc? Will it be comparable to Don’t Starve?

Klei: Our goal is to launch sometime this year, so yeah, similar to Don’t Starve. We’ve found the entire process of Early Access hugely beneficial to our development process to really test our theories, but we also like to release our games and keep experimenting with new design ideas.

RPS: How much content do you want in the game when it’s all said and done? Will a single playthrough (that is, finishing it once) be enough for most players, or do you think Invisible Inc’s main appeal hinges on its replayability?

Klei: We see two types of players for Invisible, Inc. One group will play the game 15 to 20 hours, become experienced enough to beat the game and then be satisfied. The other group will reach the same point but then carry on to beat the game with the many other different teams and team combo possibilities.

RPS: Are you planning mod support for Invisible, Inc to the same degree as with Don’t Starve? As in, on Steam Workshop and whatnot? If so, when do you think you’ll roll that out, and what all will you allow players to change, alter, and create?

Klei: We aren’t sure yet. It’s still too early in the project for us to make a call on that, unfortunately.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Maybe the focus group was the lead designer's son's 5th grade class.
Sep 26, 2007
Yeah, Incognita seemed a better name to me too.

But this also looks good. Need more info though. I wonder if it requires you to use multiple characters in each level or if you can just use one. The use of a Sniper indoors is...odd. I assume I'll like it cause there's stealth...but still need more info on how it plays.
Oct 19, 2006
The last title that was chosen because of a focus group was DEATHFIRE. And we all know how well THAT turned out!
Nov 12, 2010
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