Dead State - New Patch On the Way


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
A new patch for Dead State should be released today, and the developers says the next patch will be out in January that will add new game content. Here are the details.

I know you're eagerly awaiting the next patch, so I wanted to give you an update on how it's coming along. We originally anticipated having it live today; however, we're now eyeing tomorrow morning (10 - 11 a.m. PST) as the time the release build goes up.

There are a couple reasons for this. First, we had originally planned to release two patches this week, but instead, we are rolling fixes from the second patch into this one because we got more done than anticipated. However, that means that there's also more to be tested, and we want to make sure Dead State is running smooth as butter before we give it all of you. Second, the holidays are coming up, and we do not plan to release another patch until January, meaning that it's that much more important that the patch we give you now resolves all the most common / problematic issues and runs well without any new bugs being introduced.

We don't want to rush anything and cause you, the players, to have a worse experience because of it. We really appreciate your understanding and patience as we give the build one final round of testing and put some spit and polish on it before delivering into your waiting hands. Okay, those metaphors didn't mix as well as I thought they would... forget the spit part, eh? ;)

On the bright side, tomorrow's build will address many things, such as:
- including a new autosave feature
- providing the ability to load your own photo at character creation
- providing far more info about weapons and armor on the inventory screen
- addressing issue with status effects not wearing off over time
- resolving a case of save corruption
- improving stabilit
Update: New Patch is now live click the following link for more information.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
This patch provides the state the game should have been released in the first place.
The whole looks much cleaner.Previously, many errors in script execution let events looping over and over. This is gone.

On the gameplay front:

  • The additional info on weapons do not matter. It is irrelevant.
  • Pathfinding is much better and serves its purpose.
  • As envisioned, zombies are supposed to move in two waves: zombies in line of sight are activated simultaneously and move towards characters. Then zombies under the fog of war move toward the noise origin. The player never knows how many zombies are heading toward the party so if it works properly, this could help building the much needed pressure during scavenging runs.
  • It is now possible for zombies to surround characters, creating the situation for a character to break into panic because of horror.
    After multiple tries though, it appears it is probably not yet implemented for members of the party.
  • I managed to engineer a few zombies vs hostile npcs situations, that bring a lot of info.
    Zombies are, for some reason, much more dangerous for hostile NPCs than they are currently for the party. For example, three well armed looters (had revolvers plus melee weapons) were totally wiped by a pack of five zombies. Apparently, the panic because of horror is implemented in NPCs as nervous looters were witnessed panicking without being hit. It is also consistent with the idea that nervous looters have a low panick threshold.
    The manual reads that panicked NPCs try to flee, that does not seem implemented. I managed to engineer a situation just close to one entrance/exit zone. The nervous looter broke fast into panic but never headed toward the exit zone.
    Another thing to be checked though: despite making noise near the border of the screen, no zombie was attracted from the outskirts.
  • This build also provides a different perspective on the balance between living off the land (fishing/gathering) and going on a scavenging run into a city.

This patch provides a new platform to build on. It remains to be seen if they manage to turn zombies into that threat that makes the player think twice before venturing to a city.

And also the question on how so much progress were made in ten days, compared to what happened previously.
Mar 29, 2011
Another thing to be checked though: despite making noise near the border of the screen, no zombie was attracted from the outskirts.

This has always worked and still does. I ran into some survivalists who immediately opened fire and it drew in half a dozen zombies from off map that ended up flanking me.
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
It did not work in the situations I tested, maybe because the level of noise they reached using fire gun was not high enough (over 80 dB though) for the location as I did not engage them.
Mar 29, 2011
"The additional info on weapons do not matter. It is irrelevant."

Why is it irrelevant, the lack of information in the UI was one of my major annoyances.
Otherwise, I agree with all of your points actually... :speechless:
Dec 20, 2010
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