Dan Jørgensen, the Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries has had it with Fox News, and likes to set the record straight:

I wish more ministers and world leaders would follow his example.
My first request to anyone that compares anywhere to Venezuela, is to point to Venezuela on a map. Also, in this case, Denmark. I wouldn't fancy her chances of getting 1 out of 2.
Haven't been to Denmark in years, but I loved the few weeks I spent there in my youth, it's a wonderful place. Also, its future Queen comes from Australia!! :D
MasterCard owns Patreon and can ban your account for politics.

Digital Unpersoning Is Very Real & How We Can Fight Back

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My first request to anyone that compares anywhere to Venezuela, is to point to Venezuela on a map. Also, in this case, Denmark. I wouldn't fancy her chances of getting 1 out of 2.

I dont know where any country is in Europe except for Italy. So I cant talk about any other country in Europe? I also only know the US as a country and have no clue where any of the states are. I pretty much only know Australia and its states and Sri Lanka and India on that level. So I can only talk about them?

Not that you shouldnt compare things to Venezuela or whatever but why is pointing to a place on the map relevant?

Anyway in the short future we pretty much cant even say anything is fact. Between Adobe Voco and Face2Face, you will be able to make it appear anyone has said anything. No audio, no video recording will be usable in court.

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I guess in the United States of America she may be grateful she is not black and still alive.
I have friends and family that are cops, that have been in combat, and I know how they would respond to someone who took a taser to an 87 year-old woman armed with a piece of cutlery.

Students once again show vandalism is the way to go.

Link - https://www.wral.com/news/video/17783349/
Protesters on Monday gathered in the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill to again voice their opposition to a Confederate statue. They carried banners, chanted and even briefly blocked Franklin Street. Just before 9:30 p.m., they pulled down the bronze statue.
Expect none to be arrested and if they are they will be let go once again.

Shame the police stood still and didn't do their job.
She carried a deadly weapon and refused to drop it. It doesn't matter if she's 10 or 90 - she represents a potential threat as a knife can be quite deadly even if you're not Arnold, as they're designed to cut into things.

What if it had been a gun? Is the weapon what makes it cowardly?

Old people don't magically become incapable of hurting people with weapons. Such things are case-by-case.

Not that tasering her is necessarily the only option, but I certainly wouldn't want to criticize without having actually been there. It could potentially have been the more lenient way of disarming her - as things can quickly get out of hand with physical contact, if she's refusing to comply.

"Pathetic cowards" is possibly not the most fitting description of the people involved. As I said, I wasn't there - so I wouldn't know. But it could have been a simple case of bad judgment in a split-second situation - or it might even have been appropriate given the circumstances.
Yes, when she's shuffling at you at over 6 inches per second, really your only hope is to bring her down with the taser before she can close to melee range. :biggrin:
Yes, because people who're 87 years old all have glowing letters announcing their age on their forehead and live up to the Hollywood stereotype of the sweet old innocent lady who's so frail she might collapse into a pile of bones any second ;)

Anyway, you think the cops are cowards - and then's cool. We just don't agree that is necessarily the case, is all.

Call me cautious - but I like to know a little bit more about that kind of scenario before I pass judgment.
Well, there are more facts available, many of them straight from the police. This video shows you the lady in question, and I'd say she's pretty close to the image you describe.


So, the 911 call simply said there was a lady with a knife, and she was cutting plants. There are three police on the scene, one with a gun trained on her. She has a knife in a public place, but also an obvious reason for having it. The police state that she was calm, not aggressive or posing an imminent lethal threat. What she did wrong was fail to obey a command the to drop the knife. Despite the fact that the three cops had the situation overwhelmingly under control, they thought that the proper response was to tase her in the chest with 50,000 volts.

No, I'm sorry, but fuck those guys.
Well, that's a lot more information than what was in your previous link :)

I thought that was what you were basing your opinion on - as you provided no other information.

Based on what you just wrote, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. I would probably still not use the word "Coward" - as I think that's a very loaded word and one I almost never use about anyone, but that's another matter.
Airline companies have mastered ripping off flyers and not paying taxes.

Link - http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2075347,00.html
Link - https://www.businessinsider.com/uni...conomy-seats-and-its-an-industry-trend-2018-8
Things took off. By 2011, unbundling was embraced by the entire airline industry. What's more, Mann said these ancillary fees are not subject to the 7.5% Federal Excise Tax, which applies only to domestic airline tickets sold in the U.S. This loophole gives the industry even more reason to charge these fees.

"It gives them a huge incentive to do it," Mann said, adding that this is not regulated by the Department of Transportation. "You can give away the airfare and then charge everybody for every other element."
China’s Mass Internment Camps Have No Clear End in Sight

Link - https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/08/22/chinas-mass-internment-camps-have-no-clear-end-in-sight/
For international audiences, the Chinese state has denied the existence of what have come to be known as “re-education camps,” but local officials continue to build new compounds, and openly call for construction contracts online, providing details on everything from camp sizes (up to 883,000 square feet) to the types of materials (“bomb-proof surfaces”) required. A few internees have been released for one reason or another and shared their stories of camp life with reporters, describing conditions ranging from uncomfortable to literally torturous.
SJW's Are Ruining Entertainment - STAND UP TO THEM

Found an interesting article.

Caught in a political echo chamber?

Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Link - http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-twitter-partisan-politics-20180831-story.html
Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.