Fallout: New Vegas - Game Informer Rumours


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Are we finally going to see the Fallout: New Vegas reveal? NMA has an unconfirmed summary of a rumoured upcoming Gamer Informer feature. Background stories (similar to Dragon Age's Origins), tweaks to Fallout 3's version of SPECIAL and vehicles are all discussed. Here's an excerpt:
- Similar to Dragon Age: Origins, at character creation the player can select from different background stories. The first few hours of the game are different depending on which background you choose, and you get some unique perks based on your background when the main game begins.

- One background story is shown, Chinese Agent. The background story takes place before the bombs fell. The player is part of a team of Crimson Dragoons infilitrating Hoover Dam. You manage to sneak through the Americans' defenses, set explosives, and head to an extraction point, but your escape is cut off by American soldiers in Power Armor. The player and other survivors of the Crimson Dragoons take refuge in a cave in the canyons, where they commit hari kari with cyanide capsules. The player about to do the same when the bombs fall. The background story ends an indeterminate time later, when the player exits the cave, removes his helmet, and sees his ghoulish reflection in the waters of the Colorado River.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I must say, the promise of "background stories ala Dragon Age" has me applauding New Vegas, in spite of the Fallout 3 association. Not that I particularly cared for DA, either, but the vignettes in such were a redeeming feature, though, I believe, rather stunted and (like much of the choices in DA...or any BioWare game) largely superficial.
Still, I do hope it's a feature we'll see in many future games, RPG and otherwise.
Feb 12, 2007
I must say, the promise of "background stories ala Dragon Age" has me applauding New Vegas, in spite of the Fallout 3 association. Not that I particularly cared for DA, either, but the vignettes in such were a redeeming feature, though, I believe, rather stunted and (like much of the choices in DA…or any BioWare game) largely superficial.
Still, I do hope it's a feature we'll see in many future games, RPG and otherwise.

Chuckled a bit at this.
Apr 17, 2007
Well ... we can always hope for some nice tweaks to FO3.
Oct 18, 2006
Honestly, I don't like the sound of the vehicles but that could turn out either way. It does sound like New Vegas might be a little more populated and being able to play through as a ghoul would sounds pretty cool.

One thing is for sure. I can't wait for this game.
Jan 5, 2010
Too bad, it was at least partly false, Andrew Reiner of Game Informer said they defiantly do not have this as a cover.

It really sounded like the development style some of the guys at Obsidian would do, especially playing as a ghoul.

I don't trust bethesda though, I think they are shopping Obsidian or at the very least some team members, they already bought id and have cash.
Oct 18, 2006
Chuckled a bit at this.
What irony, I chuckled at this!
...as I have no clue what you're chuckling about. Care to elaborate, mate?
Honestly, I stand by my opinion: "unique" backgrounds/vignettes/whatever lend the game at least a modicum of replayability.
Feb 12, 2007
I can already see what will happen. This game will become game of the decade on consoles and not to be left behind, all "PC" gaming sites will also rate it 8/10 claiming how RPG's have been saved.

Also, not another Chinese storyline thrown in for no goddamn reason (pretty much kills the game for me.. but then again, I would be surprised if game devs from west discovered any other country on map than Russia, China and Germany).
For the vehicle thing you could get a car in Fallout 2 so that would go along with Fallout.

Ortucis: You do know the war that caused the apocalypse was with China so having that in the storyline is pretty logical.
Oct 19, 2006
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