Unbended - A New ARPG & Interview


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
I mentioned a new ARPG called Unsacred last week that is in develpoment from a few former Sacred devlopers from Ascaron. They have renamed the game to Unbended.


UNBENDED is going to be a classic Action RPG, that drops the character of your choice into a world of constant changes. Each character experiences the story from his/her very individual point of view. And as the world is changing, so are the skills and possibilities of the characters.

The World

Huge changes rarely come out of the blue. The reasons, why things are going one way or another, are usually a result of cause and effect. If you take a close look at the history of mankind, you’re going to find a huge trail of blood. In retrospect, we will always ask ourselves, how this could have happened and why this paradise slowly turned into a bizarre Pandemonium.

At the beginning of UNBENDED, you’re going to find a world that’s all nice and dandy. People are living next door to each other, everything seems to be quite in order. But as the story continues, drastical changes are going to happen. The Drift takes its toll, slowly but surely dragging all and everything into darkness and chaos. Why does that happen? Because rational beings always long to increase their power through gaining knowledge. In our story, you will experience the inevitable consequences of uncontrolled and naive usage of magic powers.

To understand the effects of the Drift, imagine a cheesy picture postcard with a colorful image being ripped into a thousand pieces. Then, someone puts all the pieces back together, roughly and with a lot of glue strips. THIS is how the world will look like after the Drift. The world in UNBENDED will change right before your eyes. And it’s in dire need of heroes – hopefully you will be one of them!


UNBENDED is going to be what it’s supposed to be: a classic Action RPG with everything the genre needs. That includes a well-founded, charater based skill system, that does not just cover weapon and combat techniques, but extends to adjustments of the characters basic abilities. You will learn, you will develop, you will improve and gain power and finally – under the influence of the Drift and your experiences – become somthing you certainly didn’t anticipate. You will learn special moves and forget them. And by the end, you will possess abilities that are powerful enough to move and shake entire continents. You will play a classic Action RPG just like how it should be: challengeing, full of action, perfectly controllable and subjecto to constant advancements. And before you pick up the gauntlet and become the – possibly deciding – factor in the fate of the entire world, you should take care of your own fate first and prove yourself in your personal campaing.
I also have a new english interview from a site called Niche Gamer.

NG: As a Sacred fan, I was really turned off by last year’s Sacred Citadel. The trailer claiming it was “Bitchin” and the console-esque gameplay made the game look shallow. Did you see or even play the game? What are your thoughts about it?

FS: I’ve seen a trailer and some game play movies. What can I say: it’s not my kind of game, but I guess there is a market for the game, otherwise they wouldn’t have released it.

NG: Deep Silver announced Sacred 3 not too long ago, what did the old Ascaron team think about it?

FS: The response, as far as I noticed, was mixed. Some people didn’t like the style or the look or the features. Other people thought it was quite ok. I’ll refrain from judging or rating the work of other people. Sacred is no longer our child.

We wish them good luck with their decisions and prefer to focus on ‘Unbended’ instead. That said, we are in no competition with Sacred 3 whatsoever! We’re working on our vision and our game, trying to create something fresh, new and .. well.. ‘Unbended’.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Oh man, the first Sacred was such an awesome game!

I would love to donate some money to the developers but their site is not completely in English yet so I couldn't register. So far they seem to have collected
2.165,04 €

Which I assume is 2,165 Euros (who the hell donated 4 cents)? Maybe the Watch should organize a donation drive to support these folks? :)
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Oct 19, 2006
thanks for linking this thread couch, I had completely missed this newspost at the time I guess. They're now at 4815,30 euros...Going up slowly I guess. But it would probably help them to get an english forum going and finish translating their website.
Oct 18, 2006
Definitely going to keep an eye on this. You just know he wanted to say his true reaction to Sacred 3, considering the reaction of Sacred fans. I can only imagine how much of a train wreck the former Ascaron employees think that game will be.
thanks for linking this thread couch, I had completely missed this newspost at the time I guess.
It was no problem Galaad.;)

The site does have a few updates, but they are only in German. You can always use the Google translator for laughs as it always messes up.
Oh man, the first Sacred was such an awesome game!

I would love to donate some money to the developers but their site is not completely in English yet so I couldn't register. So far they seem to have collected

Which I assume is 2,165 Euros (who the hell donated 4 cents)? Maybe the Watch should organize a donation drive to support these folks? :)

That's something Myrthos would have to okay, and organize. After our last Divinity:Original Sin drive I doubt he would want to do another one.

Anyone is welcome to ask him of course.:fingerscrossed:
Oct 1, 2010
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