Any new info / rumors regarding potential D&D-based CRPG?

I would also like to see a modern take on the gold box games. Release the engine so people could make modules like they did in Unlimited Adventures. Would love to play old modules like White Plume Mountain or Against the Giants in a modern game.

That would be one of my dream games so it will never get done. :(

Why not check out the IceBlink engine? It can create modules like the Gold Box games and is more modern so it's likely easier to build for. It has a lot of potential, IMO, if you don't mind having much more basic graphics. But if you're in it for the RPG stuff, it's worth a look.

So far not many people have made modules yet, but maybe if the word is spread a bit more that will pick up. I'm just not sure if old-school module making is really a thing anymore...
The Dungeon Craft engine is also a modernized version of the FRUA engine.

Also, if this ever gets completed, it might become the new FRUA:

Mar 5, 2016
Huh. Are there any Dungeon Craft modules available? Not that I have time to play them right now or anything. But that also looks promising.
There are a decent amount of them:

And more in development:

Similar to Iceblink, the DC engine suffers in popularity due to A.) It being a fanmade open source project. So it doesn't have the cache of a Goldbox created engine like FRUA, and B.) To take advantage of the engine's higher resolution graphics, artwork needs to be created, which is a slow process. Compare that to FRUA, where all the artwork is basically ready to use out of the box. People still make new artwork for it, but it's vastly easier for a first time module maker to just use the vast amount of FRUA art already available. Finally, C.) It had some bugs at release, so I think people stopped using it as much until they were ironed out. Again, similar to Iceblink as the new IB2 engine is being developed to expand on the original. So I think people are waiting for that to be completed.
Mar 5, 2016
Nice. I'll have to check out some of those modules. Which do you recommend?
Yeah, that does look cool. Definitely something a bit different. Lots of cool projects going on like this. Personally I hope more IceBlink stuff comes along. That is probably my preferred module system right now.
Personally I hope more IceBlink stuff comes along. That is probably my preferred module system right now.

That's mine as well.

Maybe you could do an LP of The Curse of the Wailing Death? It's only a demo, so should be relatively short. It's based on the NWN Original Campaign design document. Apparently it had a lot more interesting stuff that had to be cut when developing NWN's OC.

I think all the other IB modules have an LP except for Curse of WD. :parrot:
Mar 5, 2016
I wish we could get a proper D&D CRPG with turn-based tactical combat… basically I want a modern ToEE but with a better story and enough budget to actually finish the game. Why can't this be a thing?

With a powerful and (edit) easy to use (/edit) editor so all the kiddies can make their own shiny toys.

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Apr 9, 2015
And add in the editor an option to use RTWP combat and I'm all for it. :biggrin:
No, you. :D

RTWP as an option or I can't support it. If they are going to go through all the trouble of making a new D&D adaptation and engine, they better damn well include ways to do both RTWP or turn-based modules. :)
That's mine as well.

Maybe you could do an LP of The Curse of the Wailing Death? It's only a demo, so should be relatively short. It's based on the NWN Original Campaign design document. Apparently it had a lot more interesting stuff that had to be cut when developing NWN's OC.

I think all the other IB modules have an LP except for Curse of WD. :parrot:

I can do that. Not sure when, but I'll keep it at the top of the list. Still have an NWN LP I haven't even uploaded yet that I also have to return to.
No, you. :D

RTWP as an option or I can't support it. If they are going to go through all the trouble of making a new D&D adaptation and engine, they better damn well include ways to do both RTWP or turn-based modules. :)

Why on earth would you not be willing to support a turn-based D&D CRPG?

From what I'm aware very few RPGs give the option to toggle between turn-based and any kind of real-time combat… Arcanum is the only one that comes to mind, and many, if not most people who played the game tend to say combat is rather bad (the game's biggest, if not only flaw). The turn-based mode certainly pales in comparison to Fallout 1 & 2 and other CRPGs of that era, IMO. Project Resurgence is going to attempt to do it and I'm expecting bad combat.

Besides that, D&D PnP game is obviously turn-based so it's much easier to adapt to a turn-base system. From what I understand, the only reason Bioware / Black isle went with RTwP in Baldur's Gate (IE) was because Interplay didn't think there was enough of a market for turn-based CRPGs; (They almost did the same to Fallout), probably due to the baffling popularity of Diablo.

I could at least understand your position if you simply disliked turn-based combat (as I despise RTwP), but I don't think that's the case. But hey, if you want a modern RTwP D&D game, you have Sword Coast Legends. We haven't had a turn-based D&D RPG in nearly 15 years.
Apr 9, 2013
Ahem, Knights of the Chalice was 2009 (still gotta play this some time), is turn based and is currently at no.27 in the RPGcodex top 50 and a sequel is currently in production.

The last RTwP D&D game that had a decent reputation was the NWN2 expansions that came out the same year.

Sword Coast Legends is a bit of a red herring, in that it wasn't really pushing any boats out there and was just supplying a run-of-the-mill experience, but technically you're right.

The NWN2 design wasn't really good RTwP either, what with the camera being so cumbersome for party control, the whole NWN series being pretty poor with party control, and we're soon back at the early 2000s and the IE games again, to which Turn Based had a later example with ToEE.

I have to say I don't mind either way, as long as the implementation is good, I'm just nitpicking the obvious bias-based and the therefore inevitable slightly hyperbolic assaults from either side who are irrationally committed to one or the other.
Nov 1, 2014
Turn based over RTWP, please; though if you do RTWP do it like Baldur's Gate/Planescape Torment, I suppose.

I still hate RTWP over turn based. Less strategy more reflexes and "WTF!" button mashing which ain't why I play computer games. Even playing Torment now with RTWP on the Enhanced Edition gets slightly annoying in battles with lots going on. Turn based is so much more simple, elegant and made for the D&D experience.
Jun 5, 2015
High, high up in the mountains of the southwestern
The Icewind Dales and Baldur's Gate are the only RTwP games I enjoyed. Turn based is the way to go with party based games. Could you imagine a game like Battle Brothers being RTwP? Yuck.

Games with only one character like Skyrim is fine to be real time.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
The Icewind Dales and Baldur's Gate are the only RTwP games I enjoyed.

Sorry my good man, anyone who can't see the genius of Hordes of the Underdark is dead to me and should be flayed alive over hot coals ;) :lol: :slap:
Nov 1, 2014
Personally I want a good mix of RTwP and TB - both can be done right and fun, it's all about the implementation. I actually prefer RTwP - maybe because I enjoyed IE games so much more than any other games :)

We haven't had a turn-based D&D RPG in nearly 15 years.

There were no decent D&D games, TB or RTwP, released in last decade or so :( (from my knowledge).
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Ahem, Knights of the Chalice was 2009 (still gotta play this some time), is turn based and is currently at no.27 in the RPGcodex top 50 and a sequel is currently in production.

True, but as you know KoTC is not a D&D RPG. Of course it uses the OGL (3.5? edition) ruleset, but not the D&D world lore / licensed creatures / characters. Not that I necessarily care that much about that stuff, but an official D&D game would almost certainly have a much larger budget w/ better graphics, VA, etc as well. I'm really not a graphics whore, but KotC kinda makes my eyes bleed.

As long as I'm casting my unlimited wish® spell, I'd say if they're going to make another D&D CRPG, make it in a non-Forgotten Realms setting. I'd love to see another Dark Sun game… Not sure if that's even a thing in the latest D&D editions… But at the very least it'd be nice to have it in a lesser used part of Faerun. I could do without cameos Drizzt, Elminster, et al. too.

Unfortunately, it may be that KoTC 2 and Demon's Age are the closest we will get to D&D turn-based CRPGs any time soon. After the commercial failure of SCL I don't know when we'll even see any D&D RPGs.
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Apr 9, 2013
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