Games recommended for Beginners/Newbies to the RPG genre ?

Really, you never know what will get someone interested. My introduction to RPGs was Ultima 7, and all I really had played mostly before that was adventure games and flight sims (and Wing Commander).

We can speculate about which game will get someone interested in RPGs, but sometimes maybe it's just the one you like most.

I think what some of you guys are forgetting is that we're on a forum dedicated to RPGs - and almost exclusively full of CRPG fans.

For whatever reason, that's not as common as some people think.

In fact, the vastly more common response to a game like Ultima 7 or Baldur's Gate from a NON-gamer with NO prior experience with RPGs would be:

"UGH! Who vomited on your flatscreen?" ;)

Nah, ok, not that bad - but you take my meaning.

It's like showing a sophisticated foreign language film to a bunch of kids who never saw a movie before. Is it possible that they'd love it? Sure. Is it more likely that they'd love something like The Matrix or Lord of the Rings?

Well, you tell me :)

Of course, that doesn't mean it's impossible to get them to appreciate the genre by showing them Ultima 7.

It's simply a question of probability. Nothing more, nothing less.

Feel free to dispute this logic - but, please, use logic in return - and don't lash out because you're emotionally uncomfortable with the reality of the rarity of old-school CRPG fans.

I feel I need to repeat this every few weeks - but the Watch does NOT represent the average human being OR the average mainstream gamer.
I think what some of you guys are forgetting is that we're on a forum dedicated to RPGs - and almost exclusively full of CRPG fans.

For whatever reason, that's not as common as some people think.

In fact, the vastly more common response to a game like Ultima 7 or Baldur's Gate from a NON-gamer with NO prior experience with RPGs would be:

"UGH! Who vomited on your flatscreen?" ;)

Nah, ok, not that bad - but you take my meaning.

It's like showing a sophisticated foreign language film to a bunch of kids who never saw a movie before. Is it possible that they'd love it? Sure. Is it more likely that they'd love something like The Matrix or Lord of the Rings?

Well, you tell me :)

Of course, that doesn't mean it's impossible to get them to appreciate the genre by showing them Ultima 7.

It's simply a question of probability. Nothing more, nothing less.

Feel free to dispute this logic - but, please, use logic in return - and don't lash out because you're emotionally uncomfortable with the reality of the rarity of old-school CRPG fans.

I feel I need to repeat this every few weeks - but the Watch does NOT represent the average human being OR the average mainstream gamer.

Hell no I wouldn't recommend a 25 year old game today as an intro to RPGs. I spent 3 hours the other day tweaking Exult to be just right before I even started playing. I'm speaking more in relative terms, as in, at the time, U7 was quite an adjustment coming from plain old Sierra adventure games. Also, I wasn't part of the Watch 25 years ago ;)
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
The best way is to start with modern RPGs. Then once they get a taste they can explore the vintage ones. IMO. Otherwise they can get turned off by the dated aspects. While I love Baldur's Gate and the like, it's going to be too slow for your average modern gamers. But once they fall in love with RPGs, there's a high chance they go back and explore, and could in the long run end up loving the old ones too, maybe even more than the new ones.
What is Ugoigo ?
The genre of products that is massively played on this site. Shadowrun Dragonfall is UgoIgo. Wasteland 2 is UgoIgo etc

For people who are new to gaming, the UgoIgo structure is the easiest to grab.

Players deal situations as they come (no requirement to plan ahead), there is usually one item of attention everytime (the focus is on one character only, players do not have to bother about the enemy), time to take decisions is infinite, mouse and keyboard work are non issues etc

It is the entry point in gaming. Better to enquire on the kind of settings they prefer. Do they prefer fantasy? Do they prefer modern warfare? Do they prefer historical stuff? do they prefer sci fi? This is going to make the difference.

Better to collect suggestions by type of settings as UgoIgo is granted as starter block.

Modern warfare then these UgoIgo products, dark fantasy then these UgoIgo products, heroic fantasy, then these ones, sci fi, then these ones, cyberpunk, these ones, historical settings, these ones , post apocalypse, these ones...
Once the list is made, all it takes is to know the tastes of the person and suggest an accorded product.

Settings is the major decision point.
Mar 29, 2011
What is Ugoigo ?

Ah! UgoIgo is Chien's way of saying turn-based. You know, Chess or a bathroom with a single toilet. You go, then I go.

P.S. Please don't pee on the lid and please lower it for the ladies.

Also, Zelda Breath of the Wild
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
Ah! UgoIgo is Chien's way of saying turn-based. You know, Chess or a bathroom with a single toilet. You go, then I go.

P.S. Please don't pee on the lid and please lower it for the ladies.

Also, Zelda Breath of the Wild

What if you have a high initiative? Isn't it then IgoUgo?
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Probably, but that will destroy Chien's AI, so let's keep it simple ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Ah! UgoIgo is Chien's way of saying turn-based. You know, Chess or a bathroom with a single toilet. You go, then I go.

P.S. Please don't pee on the lid and please lower it for the ladies.

Also, Zelda Breath of the Wild

I never thought of Zelda being a "gateway RPG", it definitely has RPG elements that are dealt with in an introductory way.
Jul 22, 2012
Pillars of Eternity, Torment: Tides of Numenera are ideal entry-level RPGs.
Mar 9, 2015
The best way is to start with modern RPGs. Then once they get a taste they can explore the vintage ones. IMO. Otherwise they can get turned off by the dated aspects.
But they don't know they are dated! As long as no miserable cretin goes showing off their screenshots, anyway. ;)

Regarding the pace, though, I'm not so sure about that. Some people like fast, some like slow, and that's always been the case no matter the times. Books are still selling just fine and turn based combat has been making a comeback.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
They'll notice they're dated with the modern conveniences they lack. No tooltips, deeper menus that aren't as easy to navigate, etc.. The overall "comfort level" of older RPGs is lower. But who knows. I'd want to give them an easier first experience and slowly get them into the more complex/classic stuff later.
The genre of products that is massively played on this site. Shadowrun Dragonfall is UgoIgo. Wasteland 2 is UgoIgo etc

For people who are new to gaming, the UgoIgo structure is the easiest to grab.

Okay, but what does this abbreviation mean ?

Ah! UgoIgo is Chien's way of saying turn-based. You know, Chess or a bathroom with a single toilet. You go, then I go.

Ah ! Now I understand !

"U go, I go". with "u" being the English abbreviation for "you". ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Apr 12, 2009
Ah! UgoIgo is Chien's way of saying turn-based. You know, Chess or a bathroom with a single toilet. You go, then I go.
There are still people who are not burnt by the urge of grabbing what is not theirs: the term ugoigo was coined by others. It is a common term in gaming.

Then the wand of confusion: turn based products are not forcefully ugoigo.
Baldur's gate is turn based yet not ugoigo.
Pathfinder is turn based yet not ugoigo.

Simple stuff indeed.

Probably, but that will destroy Chien's AI, so let's keep it simple ;)
That is the opposite.

It can be understood that people hailing from places that make a living of messing things up, expanding on confusion like declaring freedom a human right and keeping slaves, property a human right and going on wild streak of theft are ill at ease with simple things too simple to give ground to confusion.

Initiative does not alter the ugoigo structure. It determines who goes first.
It is also poorly phrased. Initiative does not mean play twice in a row. Players do not play twice, thrice, they are given extra actions.

Stun does not alter the ugoigo structure. It remains the same. Players are given zero action to spend on their turn. Same thing as passing their turn.

Simple stuff indeed, too simple to lend way to people's practises of confusion.
Mar 29, 2011
See? I broke his AI :D
Oct 18, 2006
Hello guys, I’ve been following the watch for years, but I decided to post just now as I am in trouble, and need your help and advice.
I consider myself to be an experienced gamer, with a strong appeal to the RPG genre, and also with not limiting my mindset around one platform. I have at home a pc, ps2/3/4/vita, switch.. and a huge collection of games. You get the picture.
My problem and struggle is that I spend money buying a lot of games, but my free time is more valuable to me, and very (very!) few games in the last years have kept my interest enough to invest it into them.
I desperately need a good game, I want again to spend my days and nights with a game that will steal my attention and will make me think of it even while I sleep. Help me to find my next virtual love.
But what hints should I provide, to help the one that would decide to help me in return Maybe briefly share my gaming experience, and my preferences…
So here we go…

Games I’ve enjoyed
- Baldur’s Gate and Neverinter Nights series, Planescape Torment (not Numen..whatever)
- The Troika games are total fcking cult. Same with the Soulsborne series and Morrowind (shhh, don’t mention the next elders scrolls or total conversion mods).
- The first Dragon Age was fun, the second got a potential but quite wasted (started 4-5 times, never finished it), the Inquisition is a total sh.t.
- First two fallouts (finished each a couple of times), love them to death. The next games in the series are a total waste of time
- Mass Effect trilogy (Don’t even mention the Andromeda joke)
- Final Fantasy 9,10,12,13,15, love them all and waiting for the remake of 7.
- Spent hundreds of hours in Lords of Xuima, Tales of Maj’eyal, serpent in the staglands, battle brothers, king’s bounty.
- I liked the first Deus Ex and the first two Gothics, the Risen/Arcania/Elex games series did not trigger any empathy.
- All Larian games (D:OS 2 is quite overrated though, forced myself to finish it)
- Spiderweb games
- KotC
- The last System Shock and the last Bioshock 

Which ones I don’t like (meaning don’t bother recommending)

- I have started more than 10 times each of the Icewind Dale games, but never finished them, got bored every time.
- I got bored of wasteland 2, pillars of eternity (spent good 30 or so hours in each though), I loved Tyranny (btw don’t recommend any of the other Obsidian games).
- I have tried multiple times Wizardry 6,7,8, M&M 6,7,8,10, Ultima 7, but outdated game mechanics and graphics pushed me away.
- Don’t waste your breath in mentioning expeditions, underrail, shadowruns, grimrock, jagged alliance, xcoms
So here we go, I cum all over the place.
Needless to say, I am aware of the released or upcoming titles that are being praised by the watch and the codex.
If anyone would consider at all to respond… What hidden gem have I missed? Any recommendations are more than welcome.
Aug 24, 2013
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