Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - Trailers


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Some new trailers for Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.

The choices we make, no matter how small, can put us on the path to greatness or lead us down a road to ruin.

Available on October 5th, 2018

Get the Gold Edition now and play 3 days early:

Novinky o příběhu, světě, vybavení, level scallingu a další z AC Odyssey s českými titulky. News about story, world, equipment, level scalling and more from AC Odyssey with english subtitles. Video by JonRaptor, subtitles by Farflame.
Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
FYI - I did not watch the two videos attached to this article nor have a read anything or watched any other videos about Origins because I don't want to know anything about it I just want to play it when it comes out.

Assassin's Creed games are fun and simple action games that you can easily jump into and out of and which even with just short chunks of time available to play you can do a thing or two meaningful.

Now that they're transitioning to RPG as an official genre label for their next game, I hope that the gameplay will live up to the label. AC Origins as an action game was just fine. AC Odyssey as an RPG will have to offer a lot more intricacies, interesting things, and far more robust character progression than what AC games have offered so far, otherwise they risk getting hammered with "AC as an RPG."

Writing quality along with choice and consequence in dialog is a good start but by no means is that going to be enough, especially when AC Origins as an action game was way too long if you do everything since the gameplay becomes way too repetitive before even the halfway point of the main quest.

Some superficial things off the top of my head is that they should make all gear and mounts meaningful with stats. I didn't care about clothing or mounts in Origins because they had no stats. There's rumor that some mounts may be slightly faster than others, but I could not discern anything significant in that area. Also, when it come to gear, they need more "slots" because melee weapon, ranged weapon, and shield are too few for an RPG and even for an action game, kind of boring. Gear itself should provide more stat variations to help keep things interesting and meaningful for how somebody wants to play.

They really ought to let you develop your character the way you want to play such as sword n' board, ranger, assassin (rogue), and what not. Their skill trees could use a lot of work to make the available skills a lot more interesting and remove really dumb skills like "auto loot." I think they could actually remove a lot of superfluous skills from the skill tree while making what remains a lot more interesting.

One thing I really loved about Origins was the game engine itself. It has massive potential. The map has few loading screens and is massive and contiguous. And you can climb. I imagine Daggerfall with the Origins engine and think, "wow." They need to add day and night. They need to add real weather. They need NPC's to perhaps have schedules, react to day/night/weather, and generally simulate real people to a greater degree. Last but not least, if the map is going to be as gigantic or bigger still from Origins, it needs to include more interesting things beyond just standard "points of interest" things like raid a camp or reach a high point or kill an elephant. If not, make the world smaller and keep it interesting that way.

Crafting, if they keep it, needs to be a lot more interesting and way WAY less grindy when obtaining materials. One thing that really irked me with Origins (the only AC game I have played to the end) was that I spent a lot of time early on farming ore and various hides only to find out by the late game that I'd have zillions of those anyway but be lacking the one remaining material (a type of ore can't remember exact name) which prevented me from improving my gear until quite literally the very end of the game. Bottlenecks like that should be avoided.

AC as an action game I give it a thumbs up. AC as an RPG, we'll have to wait and see.
Oct 18, 2006
Without spoiling too much for you, it will have less RPG than AC:Origins.

Is it even possible?

Great talents at UBI Montreal, I guess. Producing same regurgitated garbage to grateful fans every year.

Sad to hear that. Are you playing the beta? Can you spoil it using spoiler tags pls as I like to know.
Oct 8, 2009
Without spoiling too much for you, it will have less RPG than AC:Origins.

Strange then that they'd call it an RPG instead of just leaving it as an Action game.
Oct 18, 2006
How did you get to this idea?
Well I can think only of three reasons.

  1. Ex or current Employee of Ubisoft.
  2. Played the Beta as a tester.
  3. Just spouting nonsense as most do the internet.
Take your pick as I'm partial to number three.
Oct 1, 2010
Without spoiling too much for you, it will have less RPG than AC:Origins.

Is it even possible?

Great talents at UBI Montreal, I guess. Producing same regurgitated garbage to grateful fans every year.

Any reasonable backing up of your words as already requested by others, or we should just ignore your comment since you got enough quotes?

Never played a single AC besides the first one like 10 years back, but the exploration mode in the previous one and the setting in this one (along with some light rpg elements) make be wanna play it badly..
Jul 25, 2018
I got bored of AC:Origins after about 40 or so hours but that 40 hours was really fun exploring Egypt so I am looking forward to this as well even without RPG elements. I might not pay full price at release but will picking up very soon afterwards.
Oct 8, 2009
Without spoiling too much for you, it will have less RPG than AC:Origins.

Is it even possible?

Great talents at UBI Montreal, I guess. Producing same regurgitated garbage to grateful fans every year.
Latest article says otherwise for proof it will be an RPG.

Link -
Ubisoft Quebec is confident in the new direction it’s taking with Assassin’s Creed. By blending RPG mechanics and loot with the best systems it’s created over the series’ lifespan, the developer is trying to strip out the busy work that bogged previous games down. But if Origins was a refresh for the series, then Odyssey is the difficult second album – back on the yearly cycle with a point to prove, hoping it won’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

“Odyssey is this final transformation of Assassin’s Creed into an RPG,” Côté states with a smile. “It feels like the true 2.0 version of Assassin’s Creed. We always planned this to be a two-step transformation and this one takes the final step. I feel like it can now truly be called an RPG.

“We try to make things have meaning. For better or worse, you will not have horse races for example. We’ve tried to make everything make sense in the life of a mercenary. It’s there for you, it’s built around this character and it’s there to add value.”
Oct 1, 2010
Currently playing AC: Origins and quite enjoying it.

Everything I’ve heard about odyssey (C&C, nemesis system, less filler, etc) makes me think I’ll enjoy it even more.

Hmm, getting excited for a Ubisoft game, just praised EA in the pricewatch thread, maybe the end is nigh. :thinking:
The end is not nigh but word of mouth sells better than $250+M marketing.

Remember - don't grind. You can, just don't.
Solve quests in an area because those lead you to points of interest and you don't want to waste time and "clear" those more than once.
Apr 12, 2009
No. It looks upscaled with playstation(TM)horriblehair and hammering 4 cores to the point of meltdown.
Apr 12, 2009
No. It looks upscaled with playstation(TM)horriblehair and hammering 4 cores to the point of meltdown.

Wut, this? They're even porting it to Switch. Ubisoft is king of optimization.
And common Jox, did you see dem thighs?
Unlocked lvl 1 ability

Jun 5, 2015
Can't wait. Looks great, hopefully even more RPG'ish than Origins, but it's probably just on the same level (which is a good direction they are going in)..

The waves rolling into the shore is, afaik, new for games, never seen it before. Looks wonderful. Overall i really like the water and the diving in these games. Gotta hate so called "open world" games where you can't dive.

I rarely find computer characters sexy or interesting looking, but Kassandra hmm, yeah, has a lot of character + really sexy. Don't find it that immersive to play as a woman though.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I rarely find computer characters sexy or interesting looking, but Kassandra hmm, yeah, has a lot of character + really sexy. Don't find it that immersive to play as a woman though.
Kassandra looks nice apart from her arms which seems out of proportions. I like her voice acting as well.

I have seen videos of Alexios as well and he is coming across as comically macho guy with good voice acting as well.

I will play as Alexios for the same reason as you since its more immersive to play man , since when I play these games I am playing version of myself.
Oct 8, 2009
The waves on the shore are nice. The only place I've seen that done well is in the Unigine 2 engine, which does it out of the box. I don't think there's been any games released with that yet, though.
Nov 8, 2014
Do you mean the game or Kassandra on the picture? :)

Some things must remain a mystery, young disciple. ;)

I rarely find computer characters sexy or interesting looking, but Kassandra hmm, yeah, has a lot of character + really sexy. Don't find it that immersive to play as a woman though.

I will play as Alexios for the same reason as you since its more immersive to play man , since when I play these games I am playing version of myself.

Same here, always a dilemma. On one hand, playing as sexy chick is always more ( visually) appealing. On the other, it's easier to get in a dude's role.
It's like two sides of your brain are always at war with one another. :)
Jun 5, 2015
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