Another shooting - 20 children killed

Alrik Fassbauer

Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
November 5, 2006
Old Europe

there's been another shooting at a school in the USA - a relatively small town, I heard.

Probably 30 killed, but at least 20. Children, plus, the shootist is said to have killed first his father, and then his mother, who was a teacher there.


Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
This pisses me off. Civilians should not be allowed to own or carry a gun. The amendment in the constitution was for a different time and has no place in modern times.

Every time this happens we hear how laws need to be changed but nothing ever happens. This should be a wake up call.
Oct 1, 2010
Honestly, what is going on in the heads of these people?

Too tired and sad of hearing this kind of news.
Oct 4, 2007
This pisses me off. Civilians should not be allowed to own or carry a gun. The amendment in the constitution was for a different time and has no place in modern times.

Every time this happens we hear how laws need to be changed but nothing ever happens. This should be a wake up call.

Yes because if guns were illegal he could never get one.:roll: or maybe with no gun he hops on the Internet and makes a pipe bomb and blows up 100 children.

Simply making guns illegal wont solve this.
Maybe not solve but could help? How many school shootings happen in countries with stricter gun controls compared to those with looser ones?
Jan 10, 2008
repeat arguments from last shooting
Oct 26, 2006

btw good to see you Jemy!
Jan 10, 2008
sak, maybe it won't solve it, but will be a step forward as it seems noone else comes to the school with a gun but these psychos attack defenseless ppl. You, I guess, think everyone should have a gun and defend? Meh… Too much money is already wasted on weapons.

I'm with couch on this one.
Apr 12, 2009
Oct 26, 2006
Maybe not solve but could help? How many school shootings happen in countries with stricter gun controls compared to those with looser ones?

Don't get me wrong i don't own a gun, have never owned a gun and am not pro gun in anyway.

I think just making guns illegal though wouldn't stop this specific kind of violence. I think it would stop spontaneous shootings where there is a dispute and some idiot whips out a gun and shoots someone. As for these shootings though even if they aren't planned i'd bet it was something he'd thought about before and it finally built up to him doing it. He would find a means to do it.

Also, making guns illegal would be an almost impossible task at this point. Sure you can make the law but I doubt it be worth the paper it's written on.

People would not be flocking to turn their guns in even if the government offered to buy them back I think most would just keep and hide their guns. So now everyone has guns but they are illegal, so what. Does the government go door to door then and search everyone's home? I know I wouldn't go for that.

How do you get all the legal guns off the streets? Then criminals are the only ones with guns. Want to protect yourself in your own home? Have to go buy an illegal gun.

I definitely don't have the answers on how to stop this kind of thing but I don't know that simply making guns illegal would do it and how would you even enforce that? It would be like prohibition all over again (only with guns) and that didn't work at all.
sak, maybe it won't solve it, but will be a step forward as it seems noone else comes to the school with a gun but these psychos attack defenseless ppl. You, I guess, think everyone should have a gun and defend? Meh… Too much money is already wasted on weapons.

I'm with couch on this one.

Yes, but how do you do it? and you don't think he'd just obtain a gun illegally and then shoot up the place.

Unless you have a dispel all guns scroll to magically make them all disappear I just don't see how you can get rid of guns.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea but will it really stop this? and is it even enforceable at this point?

Oh and if you read my post above I'm not pro guns.
Well it would be a step up from what the government is doing now sakichop. That's the problem no one tries to do anything. Concealed weapon laws wont solve the problem.

Only law enforcement and the military should have the right to bear arms. Such a simple concept yet many find it to hard to imagine. Nothing will change unless someone tries and people stop saying it's impossible.

It works in Japan and I can't see why it wont work here. Maybe were to spoiled to give them up or to set in our ways to solve anything.

This is a serious problem that keeps happening with no solution in site. This time it was children not just adults.
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Oct 1, 2010
Well it would be a step up from what the government is doing now sakichop. That's the problem no one tries to do anything. Concealed weapon laws wont solve the problem.

Only law enforcement and the military should have the right to bear arms. Such a simple concept yet many find it to hard to imagine. Nothing will change unless someone tries and people stop saying it's impossible.

It works in Japan and I can't see why it wont work here. Maybe were to spoiled to give them up or to set in our ways to solve anything.

This is a serious problem that keeps happening with no solution in site. This time it was children not just adults.

Well, we are definitely in agreement that something need to be done and if the banned guns tomorrow it wouldn't bother me at all. The right to bear arms is in the constitution meaning is been around as long as america has. The shootings however have escalated in recent years so just having guns around hasn't always resulted in this kind of act. I think there"s much more to it is all.

Who know's if it's working in japan? You can pick out other countries, and a matter a fact all countries have fewer guns the the U.S. but not all countries have lower gun deaths.

Maybe the reason it's lower in japan is better upbringing, stronger family unit and extended family,. I don't know enough about Japan to say if that's true but it's got to be more than just gun control or every country or state with tough gun control would have less gun related deaths and the numbers don't bear that out.
Well thank goodness nobody has thought to blame the nutjob for his actions. It's those damn guns again! The really cool thing is that nutjobs only use guns when they decide to go all nutty, too—never knives or 2x4's or axes or fists…

It's certainly consistent with the liberal agenda, though. Since y'all are so hot to stomp out the concept of personal responsibility for one's actions and meaningful consequences for anti-social actions, the only thing you've got left in your toolbox to tackle a problem like this is wishful thinking, unicorns, and scrolls of dispel guns (hat tip to saki).
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
No kidding.

Maybe if the principal or someone else had a gun, they could have gunned the fucker dead after he first started shooting. Guns can be used for defense, you know. I read stories all the time of people shooting criminals who break into their homes, had they not had a weapon they would more than likely just be another tragic victim story. Sitting ducks, defenseless against an armed criminal with nothing to lose. I have a gun, and it's purely for the defense of my home and family. If someone breaks into my home, kicks in my front door, whatever, I can defend my home. That's a bad thing? No, i dont think so.

That's what the "right to bear arms" means to me - defense against criminals (who will have guns, no matter what laws you want to pass).
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
criminals commit crimes with guns and will always be able to find them through any means. serial killers, psychos and mass murderers plan shit out and nearly always have aquired the guns legally. even though i despise guns and will never own one stripping them away from people wouldn't be wise either. sure automatic and assault rifles need to get the fuck out. put pistols, shoguns, rifles have legitimite purposes even if i don't agree with them personally. the problem is guns need to be harder to get though much like a drivers licensce which is too easy in itself. also there should be limits on numbers of them per person/family. Concealed weapon laws and all of these ones for school and public places are not the right direction though.

of course the guys to blame, i don't there's any doubt there the discussion is about how to prevent these endless disasters not wank off to how astute you are about everything.

as long as people think violence is a viable option for solving there problem, the sky is the limit whether its bully some one in school, abusing someone in a position under you, whatever else, breaking points will continue to explode like roadside bombs with lack of anger managment that is learned and ingrained since childhood
Oct 26, 2006
My heartfelt condolences to these families. These children are my grandchildrens age. I cant imagine one of them being gunned down. I just can't imagine the hell these families are going through.
This one was really close to home. Too damn close. And to be honest, instead of peoples thoughts and prayers going out to those families who lost kindergarten age children at Christmas time, every one is pissing and moaning about gun laws instead. One father had said he had just finished wrapping his sons presents and had put them away in the closet when he received a phone call. Christmas will suck for each and every one of these families forever. Whats it going to come too?? Barbed wire fences and gun towers surrounding every fucking public place?? What the fuck is wrong with people? Seriously what the fuck?? Maybe its just time to get medieval on these criminals asses. Steal something, lose your hand. Rape someone, chop off the tallywhacker. Rape a child, tallywhacker AND hands. Nobody is afraid of the punishments. Thats part of the problem. Make them afraid. Good a place to start as any.
My heartfelt condolences to these families. These children are my grandchildrens age. I cant imagine one of them being gunned down. I just can't imagine the hell these families are going through.
This one was really close to home. Too damn close. And to be honest, instead of peoples thoughts and prayers going out to those families who lost kindergarten age children at Christmas time, every one is pissing and moaning about gun laws instead. One father had said he had just finished wrapping his sons presents and had put them away in the closet when he received a phone call. Christmas will suck for each and every one of these families forever. Whats it going to come too?? Barbed wire fences and gun towers surrounding every fucking public place?? What the fuck is wrong with people? Seriously what the fuck?? Maybe its just time to get medieval on these criminals asses. Steal something, lose your hand. Rape someone, chop off the tallywhacker. Rape a child, tallywhacker AND hands. Nobody is afraid of the punishments. Thats part of the problem. Make them afraid. Good a place to start as any.

I agree. Punishment should fit the crime but the animals who do this usually shoot themselves. As I said this is a serious problem and to me also it seems were heading towards barbed wire fences and gun towers surrounding every fucking public place.

Guns and total nut cases are the problem but everyone has an opinion and no solution. I guess we should all be barbarians and carry guns to kill the other person right? That's sarcasm by the way. I'm also not a liberal.

Every year we seem to be regressing in other areas while progressing in others. My sympathy's to all the family's and didn't mean for my comment to be a political statement just a fact. Guns are a problem and so are the animals who plan to attack and kill random people for no sane reason.
Oct 1, 2010
No kidding.

Maybe if the principal or someone else had a gun, they could have gunned the fucker dead after he first started shooting. Guns can be used for defense, you know. I read stories all the time of people shooting criminals who break into their homes, had they not had a weapon they would more than likely just be another tragic victim story. Sitting ducks, defenseless against an armed criminal with nothing to lose. I have a gun, and it's purely for the defense of my home and family. If someone breaks into my home, kicks in my front door, whatever, I can defend my home. That's a bad thing? No, i dont think so.

That's what the "right to bear arms" means to me - defense against criminals (who will have guns, no matter what laws you want to pass).

You think the principle should have had a gun, at the school? Yeah good idea. That's some backward logic, as is keeping a gun in your house to keep your family safe.

This is truly awful news, I can't imagine what those poor people are going through.
May 29, 2010
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