DA:I BioWare's Most Successful Launch

Dragon Age: Inquisition
Update: I have had it with this sites anti-BioWare attitude for the last four years. I'll let my new signature say all I need to say about BioWare games from now on.:cool:

"I Am a Proud BioWare Fanboy and Have Been One for Fifteen Years."
I'm not saying Inquisition is crap, but I'd rather play some old ultimate RPG that I haven't experienced yet, rather than an action-adventure/RPG hybrid. But that's just me.
I have no problem with your opinion Fluent as you always have a valid reason, and you always politely provide the data to back it up without bashing a game.:thumbsup:

I'll end my post with a small quote from Brumbek.
You know what? It takes all types of games in this big world. There is room for both, and we are better off because of diversity. Look at me, I'm able to see past the faults and love games for what they are.
You my friend deserve a cookie, and an award for the sage advise.:cookie:
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Oct 1, 2010
You just prove my point so bravo to you CelticFrost.:clap:

I have had it with this sites anti-BioWare attitude for the last four years. Seriously just know you guys are not the majority just the very loud minority.:disappointed:

Like my new signature says on the bottom.

"Don't underestimate the quiet majority as we are legion on the Internet."
I have no problem with your opinion Fluent as you always have a valid reason, and provide the data to back it up without bashing a game.:thumbsup:

There is no point to make to me I am not trying to fight with you or tell you what to like in a game.

My point are:

Awards in video games are a joke at best and I haven't laughed at one of them in years. They are made by the same companies that make money off of the same companies that make the games.

Sales in a game means doesn't mean the game is any good. I am not saying DA I is or isn't a good game. I haven't played it and not sure when I will get around to it.

I did like the first DA, hated the second but in no means am I anti bioware. Even if I have no use for EA PERIOD. Though I don't blame smaller companies for selling their souls to EA for money. Not something I would do but I don't blame people as it is their life and their choice in what is important to them.

But to your tag as you brought it up. The minority in most case are the loudest as they are the ones that demand change. As they are not willing to sit back and be force feed what the majority just goes along with. All you have to do is look back through history. It was never the majority fighting for change, it was always the minority….

Edited notes:

Watch Citezenfour, the documentary on Edward Snowden...I am pretty sure he was is in the minority. BUT DAM did he Shout Loud, so Loud he is still hiding in Russia from the American's NSA.
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Apr 2, 2011
I Just imagine if you worked for BioWare, and had to read people on the internet constantly criticizing all your hard work everyday with no compromising in sight.

I put my big boy pants on every morning when I go to work. I can never please everyone nor do I try. Though I do choice to work for a smaller company for less money then what I could make for a larger one. This way I have more control over how I treat my customers.

So I guess when you put yourself in the spot light like Bioware does, they should be able to take all the bad with the good.

For the record, when did compromising yourself for the sake of others become something to even consider? If these hard working people are proud of what they have done isn't that all that should matter to them?

I am sorry, I love the hard work you do here Mr. Potato but I can not agree with any of this. Your though process on this subject just isn't logical to me in anyway. It is a game that is all it is. They are just people making a game that is all they are doing.

If people remember how great Bioware games were and don't like the EA direction. Why shouldn't they want to have that again? It doesn't mean they will but it shouldn't effect how you feel about it nor the people making the game..

I wish Lord British would make Ulitima 3 or 4 again, but he won't or hasn't yet nor lead me to believe he ever will.
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Apr 2, 2011
Mcdonalds sells millions of crappy burgers daily. That doesn't mean they are any good or even close to what a real burger should be like.

Sheep are sheep and will follow their shepherd right off a cliff. Now it might have made money, and the magazines that get paid to sing its praise all did. That doesn't make it a success as a game. It just means it was profitable for EA and bioware.

Awards for video games mean as much as awards for doing porn. Not much of anything as anyone one can fake it. The same companies that spend tons of money to addvertise in their magazines, send them free copies to play…

I haven't played the game so I don't know if I like it or not. But to call it a success because of sales and awards from people that if they don't sing their praises of the game don't get first looks at their next games. I don't know if I would call that a success.

You have no idea what you're talking about... McDonalds burgers are awesome!
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
You have no idea what you're talking about… McDonalds burgers are awesome!
I agree Caddy.:)

They are both awesome, and delicious especially the triple burger. Yet the press, and thousands of people still complain everyday. Just like BioWare games.


It's a crazy world I tell ya. Let me eat my McDonalds burgers now.
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Oct 1, 2010
Good rebuttal....

They are both awesome, and delicious especially the triple burger. Yet the press, and thousands of people still complain everyday. Just like BioWare games.

It's a crazy world I tell ya. Let me eat my McDonalds burgers now.

Sorry for making counter points to your post, let that be a lesson to myself when it comes to you and Bioware games.
Apr 2, 2011
Nice post, Fluent. Couch, I've been Bioware fangirl ever since I started playing RPG, but even I feel that their latest games are more like dating SIMS plus minor RPG tweeks.... I like the diversity and all, but as a BG lover, I can only hope one day they will go back to more hardcore/true cRPG root.... (DA:O was in right direction).
The success of DA: I is good news, as it's proof to EA that it is actually possible to make money on games that cost a lot of time/money to develop. The money's not only in all that annual crap they're doing.

Also, I see no reason to focus on the romances of DA: I . It's probably the most toned down system in a BioWare game since BG1 (where NPCs were very static). The romances are less intruding than they were in BG2 even, where every flirty character in the party would pop up a massive dialogue in your face from time to time, accompanied by music and everything. How many times has Aerie annoyed me by whining, with slow music in the background? I don't know, I've lost track. Still, it's not much of an issue, as I can just click it away fairly fast. In DA: I it's even easier, as it's simply a dialogue option that's very obvious and very easy to avoid.

At any rate, I don't think we'll ever see what we call a "hardcore RPG" with the kind of success that DA: I had. The closest we'll get are series like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Personally, I'm very glad we get games like those, as I do enjoy playing massive games with proper production values from time to time, even though I also enjoy things like D: OS.
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Oct 18, 2006
The success of DA: I is good news, as it's proof to EA that it is actually possible to make money on games that cost a lot of time/money to develop. The money's not only in all that annual crap they're doing.

That is certainly one way to look at it which I hadn't considered, and on the other hand we thankfully have the likes of Obsidian, Larian and InXile fulling the more "harcore" cRPG space. I guess it really is the best of both worlds.
Oct 18, 2006
The success of DA: I is good news, as it's proof to EA that it is actually possible to make money on games that cost a lot of time/money to develop. The money's not only in all that annual crap they're doing.

Also, I see no reason to focus on the romances of DA: I . It's probably the most toned down system in a BioWare game since BG1 (where NPCs were very static). The romances are less intruding than they were in BG2 even, where every flirty character in the party would pop up a massive dialogue in your face from time to time, accompanied by music and everything. How many times has Aerie annoyed me by whining, with slow music in the background? I don't know, I've lost track. Still, it's not much of an issue, as I can just click it away fairly fast. In DA: I it's even easier, as it's simply a dialogue option that's very obvious and very easy to avoid.

At any rate, I don't think we'll ever see what we call a "hardcore RPG" with the kind of success that DA: I had. The closest we'll get are series like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Personally, I'm very glad we get games like those, as I do enjoy playing massive games with proper production values from time to time, even though I also enjoy things like D: OS.

I wasn't talking about DA:I when in terms of dating SIMS, but other recent Bioware titles. I actually don't mind romance, so long as it's not the main focus of the game.

Not sure why I dislike DA:I so much, but I don't enjoy it. It doesn't feel exciting, nor fresh. I used to be so excited to play Bioware games, really enjoyed most of them too. Sigh.
Update: I have had it with this sites anti-BioWare attitude for the last four years.
I suspect what you're experiencing is not antibioware but antiEA.
It's EA strategy to charge extreme amount of cash for something that is a few minutes of work. The proof? Dressup Barbie DLC in all their games, not just Bioware's.
Apr 12, 2009
I don't hate DA:I, but it's so damn empty compared even with DA2. Could have been so much better.

But you know what?! I'm kind of glad that the big companies are stating to think that the RPG market is not gonna bring them tremendous profits and they move out.

That RPG niche is now serviced by AA and indie companies. Companies that showed that the genre is not dead and can sell for a hefty profit, as long you are self-publishing, retain the control of the IP and manage the budgets in the right ways. We were spoiled last year with three nice games (Shadowrun, Wasteland 2 and Divinity: Original Sin), but there were plenty others. Good ones, too.

DA:I had a Hollywood budget and yet they've sold 2.5-3 million copies?! And it went on sale pretty fast: 40% on Christmas, followed by 33% sales and even a 50% sales. Gonna add that South America and the ex-russian territories have special pricing due to their economical situation (and no EA did not include Eastern Europe or Africa or some asian countries in the c...p economy mix). So, it might look like a success on paper, but i seriously doubt that's what it is. Also the reports tend to add to the units sold whatever was given to the major retailers like Gamestop, ebgames and so on. That doesn't mean that the said retailers managed to sell that inventory to the customers. But let's agree to disagree...

P.S.: i was still foolish enough to grab DA:I in the Christmas sale and enjoy my time with it. That doesn't mean that i will forgive its flaws.:)
Aug 12, 2013
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