CD Projekt RED - The Witcher 2 Un-Confirmed?


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The Witcher site has the following message, correcting the recent news via Polish CD Action magazine that confirmed two titles in development - I assume this is the confirmation of The Witcher 2 story we recently linked. Here's the correction:
We just wanted to clear up some recent media reports concerning new projects being prepared by CD Projekt RED and Metropolis by noting that the news confirming the two games was a misunderstanding and is not true. The statement from Micha³ Kiciñski published in the last issue of CD-Action magazine was a bit awkwardly edited, significantly changing its meaning. Below you’ll find Micha³’s comment on the situation:

'The interview was edited by CD-Action without informing me, and after the changes the meaning of my answer concerning our studios’ future plans became significantly distorted. I realize I could have expressed myself more clearly; this is my mistake, and should not have happened, as I’ve been doing interviews for quite some time and I’m careful with such details. However, the fact is that the question was edited and accompanied with an editorial lead that is not a quote from my statement (and which directly speaks about The Witcher’s sequel), distorted the issue of next RED’s project and caused quite a big confusion. Regardless of whose fault it is (a bit of mine as well), I’d like to apologize for the confusion (and also for the fact that this response did not appear as quick, as it should have). As for the most interesting thing – namely our future projects – you’ll still need to wait for official statements.’
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
What's to be gained or lost if they confirm they're making The Witcher 2? I don't get it. We all know The Witcher 2 is in development and has been for some time. Why all these stupid PR games?

Maybe, it has something to do with the other two titles. Maybe that is why CDPR's panties are in a twist over his statement. Even then I still don't get it.
Feb 3, 2007
Some attempt to keep control of the information flow, because once they just let 'Witcher 2 announced' float, the public can take hold, and pretty soon it is like the 100,000 protesting 'Left 4 Dead 2' over stuff that was never actually said ...
Oct 18, 2006
I hope that's the case, Mike, because if they're not (officially)making the Witcher 2, they're (definitely)not making ROTWW, what the heck are they supposed to be making?
Oct 18, 2006
For me this just means "we're still not sure whether we'll manage to publish the game before Christmas".
Oct 18, 2006
I hope that's the case, Mike, because if they're not (officially)making the Witcher 2, they're (definitely)not making ROTWW, what the heck are they supposed to be making?

Nothing, obv.

I don't think it's a case of CDP:Red not being aware that everyone already knows they're working on the Witcher 2, but more wanting to handle the announcement in their own good time and fanfare. This is good. I thought the method of announcing it through a Polish mag with little international fanfare would've been a bit odd.
Oct 19, 2006
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