Cyberpunk 2077 - Gamescom Gameplay Video

Game world looks huge and detailed. Dialog and voiceacting sounds awful. Gunplay is meh. Some textures are bad. Choices and branching quests is awesome.

Overall it looks okay. Nothing revolutionary.

Stop ruining our hype. It looks bloody awesome to me. ;)
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Dec 20, 2010
The Witcher with Guns (TM). I'm down. I'm likely to enjoy the setting more, and, more importantly, there will be melee combat, even if it is just the same as the latest Witcher.
Sep 16, 2010
I don't really believe it will be launched in 2019. If they announce it, they will probably postpone it until 2020 just like they did with The Witcher 3. Fortunately, I really believe that it will not be launched after 2020.
Jan 14, 2016
This looks good enough for me to maybe stop thinking that BG2 is the best game ever created.
Dec 18, 2014
The Witcher with Guns (TM). I'm down. I'm likely to enjoy the setting more, and, more importantly, there will be melee combat, even if it is just the same as the latest Witcher.
More like "Fallout 4 with balls"(TM) :D

The two seconds of melee in the trailer gave me a good impression. It looked like Dark Messiah's combats (love that game!).
Jul 27, 2018
One thing I hope for is that the AI is more agressive and engages in tactics. The ones in the demo almost appear braindead with how much mobility you're given. It'll make the movement system more useful that way.
Aug 26, 2018
Novo Slava
Stop ruining our hype. It looks bloody awesome to me. ��

This video proves that it isn't worthy of the hype. The dialog and voiceacting are bad, the AI is lame, the gunplay is floaty, and there are lots of popping textures.

Now in fairness, it could still be great because of its RPG elements, but I didn't see too much of that in the video. CDRP isn't exactly known for their deep RPG mechanics either.
Jun 1, 2018
If they keep the city that busy and alive, and don't cut out tons of the NPC's and graphics to make it work on a console, it will be awesome. Don't think I have ever seen a city in a game look that busy and alive. It felt like a real city from the game play.

Disappointed about the companions being only temporary though. I know many like being the lone wolf but I am big on companions myself. But a minor issue compared to lack of TP. Still that city ... and every thing else makes up for a lot of its shortcomings.
Jun 4, 2008
Yakuza has a very immersive environment, but it benefits from a smaller size allowing for very sharp detail to the world.
Aug 26, 2018
Novo Slava
My quick impressions:
The highlights are the city looks spectacular. Amazing detail and depth to the city. The scale and overall presentation of the cityscape look very promising. Whether it is a lot of hype and when you explore it personally it won't be quite what they are promoting, that remains to be seen.

Neutral corner: It does look very action focused. Whether that is because it was a deliberate decision, because they wanted to show a lot of combat and eye candy off in the trailer, and the real game will be not as twitchy, who knows. But right now, it does look almost like a first person shooter.

Lowlights: This is much more about my preferences -- The game looks extremely "Cyberpunky". Yea, I get that is the title of the damn game. But whoa, cyberpunk overload! I'm not a fan of cyberpunk in general, but still am interested just based on the hype and that this is the sequel to the Witcher 3.
But I didn't realize how much all the cyberpunk tropes and themes would be involved. I don't like all the implants, for instance, or how everything is so much all about technology and the "digital".

I also dislike the companion at the start. I don't like his personality, and anything about him, really. I would like to push him out of the car, at several points when watching the demo! Do I really want a lunkhead along with me on my missions? No.

The whole time I was watching, I was thinking, just think if they made another Witcher game (fantasy game in other words) with this kind of detail and graphics and world building, and how much I would love that game. Much more than what this game is offering.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
I've seen better. Yakuza games for example.

Nah, I've played Yakuza and it's not even comparable. This is definitely above and beyond anything in open world genre when it comes to simulation.
Before this? GTA V, AC Unity, Watch Dogs 2, Witcher 3 ( on pc), last Hitman ( few segments).
But Yakuza? It's an underrated series, but western games are at least generation ahead Japanese in world creation/simulation.
Hell, it even has invisible walls in the middle of the street.

The two seconds of melee in the trailer gave me a good impression. It looked like Dark Messiah's combats (love that game!).

I don't expect great deal of depth to it ( being shooter oriented), but it def looked meaty, with good sense of impact.
Jun 5, 2015
I'll just pin a "I'm cool and impressed by nothing" medal on his/her chest and get on with my anticipation.

Maybe, but I'm not wrong either. What they showed isn't as revolutionary as fanboys were claiming it would be. The combat actually looks kind of terrible. Floaty gunplay, dumb AI, and there's a strong impression of bullet sponge.

I also dislike the companion at the start. I don't like his personality, and anything about him, really. I would like to push him out of the car, at several points when watching the demo! Do I really want a lunkhead along with me on my missions? No.

His dialog and voiceacting are terrible, like most of the NPCs shown in the demo.

You would think with their budget they could do a lot better.
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Jun 1, 2018
I've seen better. Yakuza games for example.

Does Yakuza even have cars etc that drives around? Doesn't it just have parked cars all day/night? That's the impression i'm getting. Not very immersive for a city.. From what i could read it doesnt even have dynamic day/night cycles, that's waaay behind modern games.

I really liked the companion "Jack", and the voice acting for your character was great too. Overall the characters were really great in this, drew me in, which is unusual for games to do. Has a good mix of cheesy and dark. Felt 80's enough for me ;)

It's also funny how they explain both in text and by voice that its not finished, yet people complain about technicalities in the demo :p
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Maybe, but I'm not wrong either. What they showed isn't as revolutionary as fanboys were claiming it would be. The combat actually looks kind of terrible. Floaty gunplay, dumb AI, and there's a strong impression of bullet sponge.

His dialog and voiceacting are terrible, like most of the NPCs shown in the demo.

You would think with their budget they could do a lot better.

The gunplay doesn't look floaty to me, it looks great. Hard to tell without playing (for me AND you), but the guns seem to have some weight and kick to them. You do literally float around, intentionally, but I'm hoping that you get that.

AI may be dumb. I didn't see amazing behavior from them here. AI is pretty much the same in all games (or it's worse), and I expect that CDPR will use scripting in some encounters so that enemies do some interesting things. Anyway, this is the one area in which I might agree with you.

Back to areas in which I don't: enemies go down pretty fast. I don't see anything bullet spongy about it. Only the boss guy in the exoskeleton suit takes a while to kill, and that makes perfect sense.

The voice acting and dialogue are good, from what we hear. I hear this complaint all the time, and usually I end up feeling like the person either says that about all games, or really doesn't know what good writing is (if they pull out Tyranny, say, as an example of good writing)
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Lowlights: This is much more about my preferences -- The game looks extremely "Cyberpunky". Yea, I get that is the title of the damn game. But whoa, cyberpunk overload! I'm not a fan of cyberpunk in general, but still am interested just based on the hype and that this is the sequel to the Witcher 3.
But I didn't realize how much all the cyberpunk tropes and themes would be involved. I don't like all the implants, for instance, or how everything is so much all about technology and the "digital".

Like you acknowledge, this is about your preferences. For my part, the Cyberpunk setting, and how intricately and well they seem to implement its staple elements, is a HUGE part of why I'm so excited. One, I like Cyberpunk. Two, I'm starving for good games that aren't in fantasy settings. Three, there are just things you can do with technology as far as interactions that you can't do in other settings.

One quick example that had me giggling with glee: when V knocks the dude out and jacks into his brain, accessing the gang's network and using it to hack the connection between him and his smart weapon. In a fantasy game, if such a possibility existed at all (and it certainly didn't in the relatively magic poor Witcher world) it would be a spell. Maybe something that heated up his sword and made him drop it. It's infinitely more interesting, and more a part of actual gameplay, the way it happens here. There's so much they can do, I can't wait to mess around and see it all.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Final thought after skimming the video again. This doesn't look like much of an RPG at all, which is disappointing because I thought they were trying to recreate a Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop experience. It looks more like a cross between Deus Ex and GTA V.
Jun 1, 2018
Final thought after skimming the video again. This doesn't look like much of an RPG at all, which is disappointing because I thought they were trying to recreate a Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop experience. It looks more like a cross between Deus Ex and GTA V.

Are you playing a role?
Can you modify your character's appearance? Their background? Their skills and attributes? Do those things improve as the game goes along, and does their improvement follow the curve you determine?
Do you explore a virtual space? Do you fight and talk to people in it? Do you have decisions to make as to how that space is explored and those people are spoken to? Do you have different ways to acheive objectives?

Being a first person game in a Cyberpunk setting (like Deus Ex) and being predominately set in a large, dynamic city setting (like GTA V) is of course going to superficially make it resemble those games, but that doesn't in any way mean it's "not an RPG". Deux Ex itself is halfway to being an RPG itself. Things like having spokes on the wheel of its main plot and having a lot more control over your avatar take Cyberpunk 2077 the rest of the way.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Gunplay was definitely more than solid ( and I played my share of FPS) ...not exactly F.E.A.R, Black or Killing Floor 2 quality, but well above gameplay in nearly every rpg. Hell, if rpg has even decent gameplay, we can proclaim a miracle.
AI? Went too fast to tell, I think this and stealth are very much WIP. And you can definitely see, they're still working on UI, hacking, some animations, car physics.

But what it stands out is how open everything is: vertical levels with multiple entry points, hack into and mess with the enemies, parkour, climb across or destroy walls ( anyone who played R6S, knows what this does to gameplay), multiple firing modes, melee, etc, etc...seems like a playground for coming up with creative methods to overcome obstacles.

And quest branching based on narrative choices. This kind of blend of rpg and Immersive sim hasn't really been done before. Plus a GTA scale city with plenty of explorable interiors.

And I really like the characters/dialogue/slang, variety in how npcs look. Feels like a place brimming with attitude, character. Which is pretty much the core principle of 2020.
Jun 5, 2015
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