C2077 Cyberpunk 2077 - News Roundup

Cyberpunk 2077
Well seems the game was shown at an event in China today.

Word is you can play a lady with cybernetic male genitalia.:lol:

Anyway some new concept art.

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Oct 1, 2010
Some images from the Chinese event.

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Oct 1, 2010
Everything IGN Knows About Cyberpunk 2077

Setting, story, morality system and more…here's everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077 so far.
Oct 1, 2010
GOG’s giving away Cyberpunk 2077 goodies for free - GOG
Get ready for a deep dive into the futuristic, neon-shining universe of Night City. Grab the free Cyberpunk 2077 Goodies Collection on GOG.COM now, before it fades away. This unique content pack compiles for the first time ever the best of previously released CD PROJEKT RED content and adds a juicy portion of fresh, never seen before goodies.

Among the new stuff featured in Cyberpunk 2077 Goodies Collection, you'll find some unique concept arts and ad posters with design styles featured in the game. The previously released content includes printable posters, digital wallpapers, gang graffiti, and steelbook art - all that will give your computer and living room a futuristic, rebel touch. Finally, detailed Cyberpunk 2077 universe goodies, like screenshots and weapon blueprints will make you wait for the game’s premiere on the edge of your seat.

Grab the free Cyberpunk 2077 Goodies Collection while you can! It will be available on GOG.COM until the 4th of July 2020, 5 PM UTC.
Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077 — Official Trailer — The Gig

Watch the brand new trailer showcasing the world, characters, story, and action of Cyberpunk 2077!
Oct 1, 2010
looks good, hopefully geforce now will be able to run it at max lol
Cyberpunk 2077 – CYBERPUNK: EDGERUNNERS video

We're excited to announce that together with an acclaimed Japan-based animation company, Studio Trigger, and the world's leading streaming entertainment service, Netflix, we're working on a new original anime series set in the same universe as Cyberpunk 2077!
Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077 - FULL 'Braindance' Gameplay Demo

Check out Cyberpunk's Braindance Gameplay Demo shown off during the Night City Wire: Episode 1 live steam.
Cyberpunk 2077 - Official Gameplay Trailer Breakdown

Check out the new Cyberpunk 2077 trailer "The Gig" shown off during the Night City Wire: Episode 1 live stream.
Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077 Hands-On Impressions: All Three Classes Explored

We finally went hands-on with one of the most anticipated games of the generation, Cyberpunk 2077, and in this video, Jake Dekker, Tamoor Hussain, and Edmond Tran describe their experiences with the opening hours of the game. Each of them built their characters as different from one another as they could, selecting divergent life paths and building up their stats and skillsets in unique ways.
Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077 - FULL Night City Wire Gameplay Presentation Episode 1

Check out the entire Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire: Episode 1 live stream.
Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077: How 2 IGN Editors Played it Differently

IGN's Miranda Sanchez and Ryan McCaffrey each played the first four hours of Cyberpunk 2077. They discuss the very different things they did, as well as how impressed they both were with worldbuilding and other aspects. MINOR SPOILER WARNING. We don't go into any quest details in this video, but if you'd prefer not to hear any specifics about the first four hours of the game, turn back now! Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on November 19 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It will also be compatible with PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Cyberpunk 2077 - Gameplay Overview

Cyberpunk's developers answer questions on the plot, badlands, new gangs and more.
Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077 – CYBERPUNK: EDGERUNNERS video
The biggest BS anime presentation I've ever seen in my life.
With promotional rubbish like that no wonder China is becoming the king of the world animation.

Cyberpunk 2077 — Official Trailer — The Gig
Thumb up for the included captions instead of google speech misrecognizing robot!
Apr 12, 2009
Time for some articles.

What We Think After 4 Hours in Night City - IGN
I can definitively say that, in the build I played, the inventory management was a bit clunky, with some gear and upgrade screens best described as annoyingly unintuitive. So too were some of the tutorials (though at least those were short-lived), and the driving controls didn’t feel particularly good either – though I appreciated the option to drive from a third-person view. But most, if not all of these issues are exactly the kinds of things CD Projekt Red can spend the next four-plus months ironing out. Cyberpunk 2077 feels like the spiritual successor to Warren Spector’s legendary original, Hall-of-Fame-inducted Deus Ex, and I cannot personally pay it a higher compliment than that. It just might somehow live up to the years of hype.
Livestream reveals the ‘braindance’ and Mad Max-style mayhem - Polygon
On Thursday, the team behind Cyberpunk 2077 revealed new elements of its highly anticipated role-playing game, including new gameplay mechanics. The Night City Wire livestream gave the world its first look at what it will be like to boot the game up when it launches on Nov. 19. It also revealed new features of its game world — including a wild new gameplay mode called “braindance,” which was drawn from the lore of the original tabletop RPG.

Here’s a rundown on everything we learned during the show.
Cyberpunk 2077 could be the year's most ambitious game - Cnet
After nearly five hours, Cyberpunk 2077 is still a mystery to me. This is partially because the game is intensively complex. Both its gameplay and mythos are so rich in detail that the session I played was something of an information overload, but in a promising way.

Of 2020's blockbuster games, I can safely guess that Cyberpunk 2077 will be the most ambitious. If V's story is better than I think it will be and Night City as engrossing as I expect it to be, Cyberpunk 2077 may also be the best.
Cyberpunk 2077 is complex and overwhelming but it works - Kotaku
Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t quite click with me until I met Certo.

In a recent demo with the Cyberpunk 2077 devs, I was guiding my character, an urban mercenary and hacker, through her neighborhood when I was stopped by a local boxing coach near his outdoor gym. He had history with my character, apparently, and needed someone to test out the new practice robot he had purchased. My performance prompted the coach to explain that there were opportunities for competent street fighters to make some cash around the sprawling metropolis of Night City, where most of Cyberpunk is set. All I had to do was defeat other hopefuls in unsanctioned matches as a form of self-promotion.
Cyberpunk 2077 hands-on: Night City overflows with choices - The Verge
It’s hard to say right now whether this game can live up to the immense hype surrounding it. CD Projekt Red has the near-impossible task of following up arguably the best RPG of the last decade in The Witcher 3, doing so at a time of uncertainty both for an industry that’s about to switch hardware generations when Cyberpunk 2077 launches this November and in a world dealing with an unparalleled moment of uncertainty
Oct 1, 2010
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Oct 1, 2010
Too many, i watched a 3 minute trailer and that's it, no need to get hyped for nothing now :lol:
Too many, i watched a 3 minute trailer and that's it, no need to get hyped for nothing now :lol:
There's a ton more but I got tired of posting them.:biggrin:
Oct 1, 2010
CYBERPUNK 2077 Gameplay Demo

Cyberpunk 2077: gameplay demo 4K

Summer of Gaming 2020 Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Interview

Cyberpunk 2077's lead quest designer Pawel Sasko joined us to give us some details on CD Projekt Red's massively anticpated open-world RPG. He explains how the lifepath a player selects for V will affect where their campaign begins in Night City, which questlines will be available, and how such a branching narrative will tackle multiple endings. We also discussed romance options, customizeable genitalia, graphical expectations on PC, current gen, and next-gen hardware, and lots more.
More Articles.

Diving Deep Into The First Hours Of Cyberpunk 2077 - Game Informer
With only one afternoon in a game that will no doubt offer dozens, if not hundreds, of hours of potential playtime, it was challenging to get a complete picture of progression, gameplay flow, and the feel of gunplay and combat as new perks and weapons unlock. Nonetheless, I came out of my demo time blown away by the scope of what CD Projekt Red is attempting with the game, and similarly impressed by the depth of its RPG systems. This is a rich and nuanced game well worth the long wait we’ve had to play it. If you’ve been wondering if the game can really be as big and complex as early looks have implied, our time playing made it abundantly clear that the game really is an especially ambitious and massive game – now it’s just a matter of seeing how the final version comes together.
Our Five Biggest Takeaways From Our Four Hours - Game Informer
We went hands-on with the game for four hours to see how it was shaping up and walked away astounded by the ambitious scope and vast gameplay flexibility. While we ended our time feeling like we barely scratched the surface of this massive endeavor, we did get a sense of what to expect. Here are our biggest takeaways from our hands-on demo, which allowed us to experience the prologue, see life paths for player character V, play through a story mission, and check out some of the activities in the world.
After Four Hours, I'm as Happy as Concerned - Gamepressure
There's a good chance this will be a similar release to The Witcher 3, and that the pros will significantly outweigh the cons. Did horse racing or repeatable character models bury Wild Hunt? Certainly not. On the other side of the coin, we've had a fantastic story with great dialogs. I expect the same scenario to repeat this time, but it will also be much more difficult than it was with Geralt. There's a lot of uncharted territories for CDPR in Cyberpunk 2077, and they'll need quite an effort to match their opus magnum, The Witcher 3. Chances are, of course, that it will actually happen, but as I mentioned at the beginning, there's many question marks still. Given my immense sympathy for this team, I hope they will all be answered.
Freedom, master world-building, and customisable genitalia - GamesRadar
From this very first hands-on with Cyberpunk 2077, which saw me play through the opening four or so hours of the game, it's clear that CD Projekt Red isn't shying away from building a living world once again, but this time it's doing it on a bigger scale than ever before with Night City. This is a bustling metropolis oozing with neon and danger that has its own rhythms and life outside of what you're doing as V. I spent a little too much time watching civilians meander down the street (with a refreshing array of realistic body types, I might add) and staring at strangers having conversations that I could interrupt if I so chose, or just wandering around watching various side-missions, bounties, and other activities pop up like some kind of urban acne breakout.
Cyberpunk 2077 hands-on: 8 points for RPG fans - RPG Site
There’s a lot of questions to be answered about Cyberpunk 2077. The biggest question is, of course, if it’s any good. Coming off the back of The Witcher 3, one of the most highly regarded RPGs of all time, CD Projekt RED has a lot to live up to.

The release is fast approaching, and even in the wake of another delay Night City feels so close that we can practically taste it. We’ve now been hands on, playing the game from character creation through four hours of story, side content and open-world exploration.

Rather than a traditional preview, we thought we’d have an internal conversation on the RPG Site team, coming up with questions we figured RPG fans might want answered from that hands-on. So, here’s our hands-on impressions with the biggest RPG of 2020, Cyberpunk 2077.
Cyberpunk 2077 hands-on - VG247
I’ve just been shot in the head, execution-style. It’s a convenience store stick-up gone horribly wrong, and my character doesn’t even have time to scream before the screen whites out. Then the view snaps back to reality and I’m still alive. The protagonist, V, screams, ripping off future-tech virtual reality apparatus, hyperventilating.
Cyberpunk 2077 interview with Tomasz Marchewka - VG247
After our hands-on, we had a chance to hop on a call with Tomasz Marchewka, lead story writer at CD Projekt RED. Our chat covers much about the process of crafting a story for a game as huge as Cyberpunk 2077 – from time-limited dialogue choices to character origin stories and, of course, the challenge and joy of environmental storytelling in an open world. Here’s out chat in full.
Four hours with Cyberpunk 2077 - PCGamesN
Cyberpunk 2077 has some of the best bars in videogames. You can find them tucked away in practically every borough of the megapolis of Night City. There’s the legendary Afterlife, a meeting place for the mercenary elite buried beneath the brutalist architecture of Watson’s Kabuki district. It’s brightly lit so local celebrities can be seen, the music is quiet enough to allow for conversation, and private booths comprise its perimeter. It’s the Cyberpunk equivalent of a Sunset Strip celebrity haunt.
Cyberpunk 2077’s open world might not be as big as first thought - PCGamesN
It seems Cyberpunk 2077‘s open world might be a little smaller – or at least structured differently – than what we first thought. In an interview with PCGamesN, CD Projekt Red level designer Max Pears has referred to “smaller contained areas”, rather than what was understood to be a wider open world.
“GTA mode” is possible in Cyberpunk 2077 - PCGamesN
When the Cyberpunk 2077 release date rolls around later this year, you’ll be able to steal cars and stir up some chaos in the RPG game’s bustling Night City. And, developer CD Projekt Red previously confirmed there’ll be no morality system in Cyberpunk 2077 as such, so you won’t need to worry about too many questionable decisions stacking up against you. However, while the game will let you tear around and cause some carnage, the dev’s pretty sure players won’t be tempted to stick with “GTA mode” for too long.
We played Cyberpunk 2077 for four hours - Eurogamer
It's frustrating that the first chance to play Cyberpunk 2077 is not in the flesh but remotely, streamed from somebody else's PC. But there's a pandemic so a press event can't happen, and this is what we've got. And you know what? The tech's not bad. The video image is compressed but it's still a stunning game, and while there's a bit of input lag, it's negligible. It's surprisingly playable, and so I play for four hours from the very beginning of the game.
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Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077 Demo Q&A

Answering a whole bunch of your questions about Cyberpunk 2077, after I was able to play four hours of it this week! Huge thanks to CD Projekt Red for giving me access to the game.
Oct 1, 2010
Cyberpunk 2077 — The Ballad of Buck Ravers by SAMURAI

In the most dangerous megacity of the future, the real you is not enough. Become V, a cyber-enhanced mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant — the key to immortality. Customize your cyberware and skillset, and explore a vast city of the future obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. The choices you make will determine the story and shape the world around you.
Oct 1, 2010
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