Dragon Age 3 - Team Seconded to SWTOR?

Considering it's from Patcher (which is basically considered as a joke of an "analyst"), I'd take this "news" with a HUGE grain of salt. :p

Dragon Age 3 being delayed COULD be a good news, considering Dragon Age 2's biggest issues came from it being basically a rush job.

I didn't play ME3 but reaction was certainly more inclined towards negative than positive

Not true. If anything the consensus toward ME3 was that it was a great game… up to the last five minutes.

I'm sure I'm gonna have some people answering here about how ME3 completely sucked anyway, but that's just not the public opinion. If anything the reason people got so pissed by the ending is for most, the game was pretty much awesome up to that point. Indeed if the game had been a mediocre game all along, the ending wouldn't have led to such an outcry because people would have stopped caring by the time they got there.

Any bets on how long SWTOR will last?

It'll last years. Anyone thinking a MMO with 1.3 millions of active subs is a failure needs a reality check.

Star Wars Galaxies was much pretty deemed a failure (it peaked early a 300 000 subscribers which as good, but rapidely lost them with the NGE driving most of the remaining ones) and it still managed to last 9 years.

Dec 12, 2008
I think that's a waste. SWtOR is well on the way to "MMO death" - and nothing but a complete redesign and reworked engine will change that.
Considering it's from Patcher (which is basically considered as a joke of an "analyst"), I'd take this "news" with a HUGE grain of salt. :p

The 400,000 lost subscriber forecast is not from Patcher. EA released there 2012 financial report that shows there sales and revenue this week.

You can shrug it off but that is allot of lost revenue and I'm sure come next month more will leave. Maybe they should keep offering free 30 day passes again to inflate numbers.

It's not doomed but it is losing value.:rolleyes:
Oct 1, 2010
The 400,000 lost subscriber forecast is not from Patcher. EA released there 2012 financial report that shows there sales and revenue this week.

I'm not talking about the whole 400 000 lost subscribers, I'm talking about the whole "DA3's team has been put to work on SWTOR". It feels (as often) that Patcher is just talking out of his a**.

Dec 12, 2008
I'm not talking about the whole 400 000 lost subscribers, I'm talking about the whole "DA3's team has been put to work on SWTOR". It feels (as often) that Patcher is just talking out of his a**.


True they have other games in the works not announced also. Patcher has been right before and we all mocked him. I thought you were talking about the TOR issue. Still my point stands on the TOR is it dead or will it last debate.
Oct 1, 2010
Either way it doesn't matter. KOTOR is gone and will never come back. Too bad too. Loved that singleplayer game. Couldn't be less interested in this Star Wars WoW version.

I loved KOTOR to, I never did replay the 2nd one, I was waiting for the Team Gizka mod, did they every finish it?

Oct 19, 2006
Ah cool must check it out some time! I may replay KOTOR for a 3rd time first though so it's fresh in my mind. :)

Oct 19, 2006
Any bets on how long SWTOR will last?

In just two months 400k subs are gone. Now I have no idea if that's normal or not, but it seems like a big drop to me.

There is always a % of people who leave the game after their subscription run out and they get bored of the game. Same things happen to WoW every 1-2 months after an expac or content patch is released. Lots of people sub back to try the new stuff, than leave. BioWare/EA was well aware of that when they made the game (hence why they are working on more content).

Unfortunately, not enough content isn't the game problems.
Oct 13, 2007
Unfortunately, not enough content isn't the game problems.

Isn't it? I thought I'd read that the game was pretty good but then you had little to do at end game. Not played it myself.

Oct 19, 2006
I'd say the nature of the content is much more the issue than the amount of it.
No, it was never finished. Another group finished a mod that does the thing before Team Gizka, the The Sith Lords Content Restored Mod.

Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. :thumbsup: I always wondered what happened to the team gizka project. I actually abandoned my only Kotor 2 playthrough some years ago due to bugs and whatnot. This definitely gives me a reason to want to try again and like Daniel, a reason to one day replay Kotor. (which feels like oh so long ago now!)
Jul 12, 2009
The online game plays like you are playing Kotor...it's actuallyu a fairly good rpg, doesn't really feel like a MMO to be honest. I doubt the game is on it's way to death like or resident expert DArtagnan says...
Apr 17, 2007
Sounds like I'd enjoy it then.

Oct 19, 2006
Yeah it's actually pretty good as a "Solo RPG", which is a crazy thing to say for a MMO. That's pretty how I've been playing and I've been enjoying the storylines very much.

It doesn't have all the dialogue depth of a KOTOR, but it works well on the whole.

Honestly the gameplay is fine too - it feels to me most of the people who complain about the gameplay are people who've already spend YEARS on Worlds of Warcraft and just can't stand its basic gameplay anymore. Which is fine and understandable but having spend very little time on WoW that's not an issue to me. I know quite a few people who've never played a MMO before SWTOR and are enjoying it very much, even with its multiplayer/MMO content really.

I don't see the game dying or even going F2P (as much as some people wants it too) anytime soon.

Oh and regarding KOTOR2 it's definly worth playing with the Restoration Content Mod. It doesn't change teh core of the game, but it adds a lot of little details that makes the whole thing more polished and consistent, and especially (and obvioulsy) the end.

Dec 12, 2008
I thought Bioware's Austin team was responsible for SWTOR? Sounds strange that they'd move people with experience making linear corridor single-player games into working on "end-game" MMORPG content ie., raids.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
They are scrambling to save SWTOR. Who would have thought?

I reached level 50 in the first 30 days of release via casual play, a few hours a night, and realized there was virtually nothing to keep me coming back. I have not played since. It takes more than a long list of voice actors to make an average game elite, and SWTOR is an average game any way you look at it. The Star Wars universe was cheapened because of it, and yes, I did eventually start rushing through it. It doesn't take long to realize that nearly* your entire experience is 50 levels of something similar to:

"Jedi, I'm glad you're here. Despite having at least 20 armed and armored troops within sight of us right now, I can't spare them. I need you to go to the other side of this zone and kill 15 gazooba lizards or we'll all die!"


"Near the Cliffs of Ominous lies a cave, and despite the fact that you'll see no less than a dozen other people run in and out of it while you're there, no one has been there since the time of the ancients. We believe this is the lair of Sith Lord Eveeel. Kill your way through the conveniently-spaced 3 and 4 man groups, wait for Eveeel to reset from the last person who killed him, and then kill him again! Return when finished."

Star Wars Galaxies, for all its flaws, was a superior MMORPG. SWTOR is a single player game that expects you to pay a monthly fee. If this is the future of such games, then I hold little hope for Elder Scrolls online, Fallout online, eventually Mass Effect online (EA will milk that cow very soon).

It's just unfortunate DA3 has to suffer for it.

* = PvP in a non-skill, stat-roll environment doesn't appeal to me, so I could care less how much I 'missed' by not doing much of that.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
"bearing children takes nine months no matter how many [doctors] are assigned" - fred brooks, the mythical man month
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I reached level 50 in the first 30 days of release via casual play, a few hours a night, and realized there was virtually nothing to keep me coming back.
That's the problem with post-wow mmos (it latter itself included). They're all so damn easy, completed within weeks. It totally voids the whole point of a monthly subscription.
Mar 30, 2008
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