DA:I Dragon Age: Inquisition developer wants romance scenes to be “mature and tasteful”

Dragon Age: Inquisition
man, people needs to stop (not necessarily talking about you Trasher). The sensationalist headline is freaking stupid and none of those websites are responsible for the interview to start with. They are just re-posting the stupid headline from each others while the interview was about Perry's work as a cinematic animator (it's a pretty good interview might I add) and didn't even focus on the "sex scenes".
Oct 13, 2007
Azarhal is right about sensationalist headlines. Though I was going to post that interview later. So Thanks.;)

Though in Trashers defense look at the news post from Aries100 he did talk about romance. It just wasn't the whole topic in your linked article.

It was just one question that I will post here.
One of the things BioWare RPGs are known for is their romance scenes, particularly the PG-13 camera angles and the soft focus Cinemax style approach. Has that changed at all?

We certainly could push those romance scenes in any direction we wanted really. Something that didn’t work well is that we tried more, well I won’t say graphic, but in Dragon Age: Origins we had characters crawling around in their underwear and it looked weird because they were wearing these lacy Victoria Secret panties and outfits which looked out of place. Certainly when you have these characters interacting with each other in such an intimate way it’s incredibly expensive in terms of animation fidelity and getting it to look like they are really there and touching each other. I think Mass Effect’s scenes were done really well and I think we will take Inquisition’s scenes in that direction. You might have a nude character but they are framed in such a way that parts of them are in shadow, or having characters in various states of undress.
We also want to focus not just on the sex itself, but also that this is the culmination of spending a lot of time with a character and getting to know them, and so we’re giving scenes a mature and tasteful treatment I guess. We’ll see where it goes for Dragon Age: Inquisition, it’s something that we’re working on right now so we’ll see how these scenes pan out.
We can blame Gamespot, and a few other sites I see using that as a headline.
Oct 1, 2010
Bah. Like ppl expected some classic pr0n instead so they need to specify whatever.
Did their PR give a thought what answers fans actually want to hear?
Apr 12, 2009
Like ppl expected some classic pr0n instead

They did, didn't they ?

Because currently "everybody" seems to believe : "Sex = mature game".

That Romance might be mature … Well, "Romance" doesn't even exist in the minds of most gamers !

It's like … Playing with clichés here … ;) An Death Metal fan saying that Simon & Garfunkel don't do "mature" music … ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'd settle for a game that doesn't suck. IMO, worry less about what 2% of people care about in a game (silly romances) and actually focus on what we really care about.....a decent story, and stellar game-play. That you have to tell developers things like this is kinda scary.......I'd hope they'd learned a lesson with Dragon Age Two, but, then again, maybe they didn't.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
this reminds of teen films of the 1980's Porky's and Friday the 13th where kids would sneak in hoping to get a flash of nudity. cheap thrills. the difference here is they're claiming ot be more sophisticated now. but so did comic books in the 70's and 80's. some of the really good artists then actually got hate mail, and interesting stories typically didn't sell. they relied on formula: men in tights, women with big boobs and at least one fight every issue.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
And this is why I consider all of these "mature games" discussions as utter BS.

There ARE "mature themes" which are NOTHING about either a) sexual intercourse or b) violence. There are a LOT of other themes available !

I heard that "Spec Ops : The Line" is such an game. But, since I don't play shooters, I really can't say.

I have read and heard RL tales so grim that you wouldn't believe them. Life is much, much harder sometimes, harder than the most violent or/and the most pornographic video game. There just are tales you just cannot transport into games at all ! Simply because games are the wrong medium for that. A novel can transport some things much better, imho. And - imho - Adventure Games are what's ciming closest to that.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I have to say none of what he says in the interview bothers me sorry. Over my long gaming history I have played every type of game, and that includes adult games. I'm not ashamed to admit it either.;)

Guess that helps my tolerance when it comes to mature games, and the topic of sex in games. I'm just neutral it doesn't bother me, and I wont miss them if they disappear.
Oct 1, 2010
Not interested in cinematic quality sex scenes, or realistic gun violence, etc... I do like mature, though provoking narrative elements in my RPGs, but they aren't the be all and end all. Gameplay first.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Skyrim modders have the porn stuff uncovered ;) Dragon Age can go in another direction safe in the knowledge that porn won't go away if they don't do it. However, I'd rather have no sex than PG sex. Either put it in like the Witcher 2 or modded Skyrim, or preferably just leave it out and make a good game.
Oct 18, 2006
I'd settle for a game that doesn't suck. IMO, worry less about what 2% of people care about in a game (silly romances) and actually focus on what we really care about…..a decent story, and stellar game-play. That you have to tell developers things like this is kinda scary…….I'd hope they'd learned a lesson with Dragon Age Two, but, then again, maybe they didn't.

I would say you have this in reverse - Bioware has a huge fanbase that really likes their romances, relationships, and companions. I think the 2% you are talking about are the people around here :p

For myself I could care less about the sex in a game (if I want sex there are far better avenues for it) but I do enjoy good companions and a diversity of relationships including both friends, enemies, and romantic.
Jun 4, 2008
Can I have realistic behavior in NPC's instead of mature and tasteful cutscene secks? Fanx.
I like the possibilitiy for the main character to have relationships with NPC/Companions. Friendship, hate, love, whatever, evolving by actions and dialog choices.
What I don't need are explicit cinematic sex scenes. But I don't mind if they are actually included, as long as their production doesn't eat up development ressources that could have been used for more important stuff, like realistic NPC behaviour, as Sacred_Path just said.
May 6, 2013
Jan 10, 2008
Quite so. I can get immature and tasteless sex for free; the quality stuff we should have to pay for. :blush:
Mar 22, 2012
Quite so. I can get immature and tasteless sex for free; the quality stuff we should have to pay for. :blush:

I actually agree to that.

Personally, I prefer something like the Brothel Of Intellectual Lusts in games - quality, rather than quantity.

But maybe I'm too old for this kind of gaming ( I wish for ).
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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