Gaming BS of the week

I don't sell used games but if I did, I'd return a letter to Bethesda writing "wanna see me doing something? fix bugs first".
Apr 12, 2009
To have EA the most hated company in the world, when there are other companies poisoning and destroying the environment and people's lives really tells you how terribly spoiled and out of touch the general public has become.

Very right. Those who give EA the award of "world's most hated company" just have terribly lost touch to REALITY, like they never cared about that hundreds of female employees burned in that Bangladesh clothes manufactory with all emergency exits being closed and the owner fleeing afterwards into places unknown.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm sure if you think about it you can come up with companies far worse than the below. After all what you described below is merely one off poor judgement (sort of like what happened in San Francisco where the apartment burned down after the owner was warned it was a fire hazard); don't take me wrong it is not a good thing and the responsible party should be punished but there are far worse companies with regards to treatment of employee and customers in the far and not so far reaches of planet earth.

Very right. Those who give EA the award of "world's most hated company" just have terribly lost touch to REALITY, like they never cared about that hundreds of female employees burned in that Bangladesh clothes manufactory with all emergency exits being closed and the owner fleeing afterwards into places unknown.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
BS of the hour:

Bethesda, someone's favorite publisher, sued someone for selling an UNOPENED SHRINK wrapped copy of a game they decided they didn't need. The claim was that the game would not carry the original warranty and therefore was materially different:
Mentioned that on the last page. Yes it's complete BS.:)

Now back to EA bashing and another BS story.

EA Origin User Has All Games Deleted, Proving Dangers Of All Digital Future

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The “all digital future” that companies like Electronic Arts and Microsoft were touting around years ago was never a pro-consumer avenue in the world of electronic entertainment. Every gamer who wasn’t a fanboy or a shill could see the dangers and the writing on the wall: handing over your entire digital library to a corporation leaves you at their mercy, and there’s nothing beneficial in it for the end-user. One EA Origin user learned that the hard way, when thousands of dollars worth of content was wiped out of his account and his account deleted, and EA refused to help him.
He finally got the attention of a representative for Electronic Arts.
“I’ll echo the sentiment shared by many of you on the thread – no this isn’t acceptable to us that in this particular instance, we haven’t been able to directly resolve this issue via our dedicated support teams, and that it’s taken an early morning hunt for memes for me to discover this thread, which has since hit the top of /r/all. I’m grateful that it’s providing us the opportunity to rectify the issue, but we will assess everything related to this case to understand why this has happened in the first place – in case it can help to prevent similar occurrences for folks in the future.

Please also understand that no matter how this issue gets resolved, I won’t be in a position to ever talk about the specifics relating to the account of one of our players. That’s not cool, that should never happen, but please respect that these things aren’t always what they seem.”
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Oct 1, 2010
From that same article:
The corrupt moderators attempted to remove the post because it called out EA for their scumbaggery, but after a lot of complaints the post was restored. For those of you who don’t know, the moderators of r/Games and r/gaming bury posts that outline corruption or malfeasance taking place within the gaming industry. It’s part of their modus operandi as revealed in the leaked moderator logs, where any post dealing with corruption or bad industry practices are deleted or filtered out, either through a bot or through manual deletion by Reddit’s staff.

The post was later restored and gained even more widespread attention due to Reddit’s corrupt moderators trying to censor the news.
This is bad. Very bad.
Apr 12, 2009
Ah yes; i missed it but the emphasis in this case the game was still shrink wrapped (unused); just used in the sense that someone purchased it and then decided they didn't want it.

Mentioned that on the last page. Yes it's complete BS.:)

Also on games deleted I think I read somewhere that what happened is that a moderator in an attempt to censor a user hit the delete key of the user (which resulted in a global delete and not just the forum; but perhaps it was a different case?)
Also that is the reason I will never buy a game from MS store or UBI store (yes steam or gog could shutdown - we all remember gog's fake shutdown); but in gog's case you can copy the game so for myself it is mostly just steam. I have had games lost from other stores (direct2drive) that did shutdown (someone purchased them - i think gamestop who sold them to someone who sold them to someone who shut them down).
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Ah yes; i missed it but the emphasis in this case the game was still shrink wrapped (unused); just used in the sense that someone purchased it and then decided they didn't want it.

Yeah he should of said it was used but like new when he sold it on amazon, but then no one would buy it as the Steam would more then likely be used already.

Heck years ago I bought the Warcraft Battlechest collection at BestBuy, and every code listed in the box was already used. Had to mail a copy of my receipt to Blizzard.
Also on games deleted I think I read somewhere that what happened is that a moderator in an attempt to censor a user hit the delete key of the user (which resulted in a global delete and not just the forum; but perhaps it was a different case?)
Well they usually delete accounts if you get to toxic, cheat, or do something illegal. This time no reason was given and they wouldn't explain or help.

As for reedit this happens all the time with replies getting censored or ban. There was a big scandal a few years back that had media coverage, and lawsuits.

The end result was new Reddit rule changes, and fired moderators.
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Oct 1, 2010
Oct 1, 2010
The Federal Bureau of Investigation filed charges yesterday against a 25-year-old, accusing him of hacking into EA’s servers and stealing in-game currency for FIFA 18 that the publisher says was worth $324,000.
Stealing INGAME currency? I'm stealing igname currencies and loot in every single RPG I play a rogue, should I expect FBI knocking at my door?

This is not the first incident of hackers allegedly using FIFA coins to make money. In 2016, most notably, the FBI accused a group of men including Texas resident Anthony Clark of mining coins from EA’s servers, then selling them on the black market. Clark was found dead in his home a few months later.
I guess after FBI next one to visit me is Grim Reaper.

Back to the case, I guess the accused can go for a court settlement and pay EA's whatever damage with Bioware Points.
Apr 12, 2009
Stealing INGAME currency? I'm stealing igname currencies and loot in every single RPG I play a rogue, should I expect FBI knocking at my door?

Na, I rather believe they mean something like SWTOR's Cartel Coins - in-game currency bought via RL money.
Because otherwise they wouldn't have been able to give it an RL money's worth.

But, apart from that, I'm not surprised at all. This is pure egoism spreadimg.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Cartel Coins? In my bank they say that kind of currency doesn't exist. At least they couldn't provide me a metal coin to touch it or see what it is.
How do you steal something that doesn't exist and as such has no value?
Apr 12, 2009
Sure, it’s on PC now, but the Yakuza series is synonymous with three generations of PlayStation consoles. And for good reason: Nintendo and Microsoft had their chance, but simply weren’t interested in the Japanese gangster saga.

The latest issue of Edge magazine has an enormous interview with series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi, where he reveals for the first time that not only were two of the three big platform manufacturers not keen on his idea for a series, his own paymasters at Sega weren’t either.

Having gone over his own boss’ heads to pitch Yakuza directly to Sega’s new owners Sammy—a move he admits was “highly irregular and quite wrong”—Nagoshi says “I’ve never said this before, but while we released this game with Sony, I’d done presentations about it to Microsoft and Nintendo. Back then they said ‘No we don’t want it’. Now they say, ‘We want it!’ (laughs) They didn’t understand the reason why I created it.”
It was mere luck Nintendo didn't put their claws on it because they'd blackmail Sega into never releasing it on proper gaming systems outside of their garbageware.

But Microsoft not being interested?

Screw you M$, you're the reason why we couldn't have all the games that were ment to be on PC first. I can only wonder how many other games that still didn't appear on PC share this same fate.
Apr 12, 2009
Longtime executive Patrick Söderlund, who spent nearly 20 years working at Electronic Arts in various positions, is leaving the publisher this year, after receiving a $20 million bonus in 2017 that was granted in an attempt to get him to stay. He made $48.3 million last year, according to SEC filings.
No need to google again where all the EA funds for next singleplayer AAA title went nor why is EA shifting to cheap phone scamware development.

Last year, Adam Winger, the director of the North Logan City library in Utah, resigned for reasons that were not immediately clear. Now things have become a teensy bit clearer: He’s been found guilty of spending $89,000 in public money on mobile game sensation Game of War.
Speaking of phone scamware, here's another story where a person is found guilty for allowing to be scammed because of addiction tendencies whereas the scamming entity, in this game a phonegame publisher, is an innocent baby.
How many years we need to wait till phone scammers are treated the same way as drug dealers at court?

As we’ve already stated, Intel will be developing a discrete GPU for consumers and gamers that will rival AMD’s and NVIDIA’s offerings. And today, we have a release window for the first discrete graphics card from the blue team. According to a new teaser trailer, Intel may release its first GPU in 2020.
Competition is good, always was always will be. But is this really a competition? This smells like cash in on ignorant people dissing a PC that has integrated CPU then buying the weakest nvidia/AMD card machine (yea, saw a plenty of those in RL).
A great business move it definetly is. Improving PC by inventing new tech and competing with nvidia/amd this is not.
For sakes of gaming I hope being wrong, but Intel's tweet did nothing to suggest that.

China’s regulators have frozen approval of game licenses amid a government shake-up, according to people familiar with the matter, throwing the world’s biggest gaming market into disarray.
China has one of the world’s most stringent approval processes for video games, an extension of Beijing’s obsession with maintaining control over online content so it can root out dissent and other ideas it considers undesirable, from sex to graphic violence. But its massive smartphone and web population also makes it the world’s largest gaming market with an estimated $37.9 billion in revenue, according to research by Newzoo.
The halts come as China’s internet sector is undergoing a stringent crackdown ahead of an important Communist Party gathering later this year. Tencent has been forced to curb playing time for children, as regulators step up scrutiny on online gambling and gaming addiction.
A big bad wolf made some chaos in gaming industry because it's communist party, communism, commies and <insert whateveringorant negativity>. WTF article is that?
I'm all against censorhip. But against content censorship, not against ban of scamware. The point of the article shouldn't be government, system and politics - it should be one country's refusal to approve anything till the law blesses or bans cancerous practices in form of lootboxes and similar preying mechanics. While it is mentioned, sadly got burried under a stockpile of irrelevant notes.
Apr 12, 2009
1. So a new manager for EA. Does this mean EA will change direction?
2. Don't underestimate the resources Intel has at its disposal. It's a giant, in contrast to Nvidia. If they really put their mind to it there is not much that can stop them
Jun 5, 2009
1. It might. Even more towards phones.

2. Intel is a giant who doesn't want to revolutionize chips but sell garbage for as much $ as possible. Gamers want progress, not stagnation.
Apr 12, 2009
I'm back with more oneangry gamer links enjoy.:devilish:

Angry Joe Misrepresenting Battlefield V Controversy

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“Angry” Joe Vargas has come under fire for misrepresenting a controversy plaguing Battlefield V‘s low pre-order sales and for censoring comments on a YouTube video he recently published titled “EA’s Battlefield V Pre-Orders “Weak”! – IT’S CUZ WOMEN & SJW’s!”. Joe claims that he’s not censoring comments, but others have pointed to evidence that some comments aren’t appearing on the video.
Eurogamer And PC Gamer Call For Valve To Censor Steam’s Communities

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Both Eurogamer and PC Gamer recently published very similar articles, complaining about the gaming communities on Steam. Both game journalists beseech Valve to censor those communities, labeling them as “toxic” “hate groups”.
Seriously can't wait for the death of game journalism as it's not needed anymore.
Oct 1, 2010
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