Last game you finished, tell us about it

What an interesting looking game :D
Never heard of this series.

I may have a look at some point :)

I like it because I love crafting, and these games have the most complex crafting systems you'll find in any game.
Sep 23, 2008
I always finish. If I pay more than a cent for a game, I'll go the distance. My mouth will flap though if it was a great or not so great experience, though.

That's cool. It's been awhile since I finished any game...

As for FFX, it's good, IMO. I finished it back when it release and liked it a lot. The character development via the Sphere Grid is pretty cool and I also liked the story, characters and the exploration later in the game when you can hunt for secret items and what not. I would just suggest to explore Blitzball a bit as well. While it gets hated a lot online it is a fun turn-based sports game, IMO, and it adds some different things to collect and explore (playing through the Blitzball tournament, recruiting players, etc..) If you liked things like chocobo breeding in FF7 and previous minigames, Blitzball is probably the best minigame in the series up to that point. Couldn't tell you about FFXII and on as the last FF game I played was XI.

Total side note but turn-based sports games are something I am still waiting for more of to be made. I actually think it could be interesting to have a sort of turn-based or RTWP basketball game. :)
Man, Atelier looks great. I've know about it for a good while now but just haven't jumped in as I have so many RPGs to play already. I'd also suggest peeking at the console games that came out, and games like Recettear on Steam, where you take the role of a shop owner in an RPG world. You have to gather items to sell and run a shop as well as crawl through dungeons for good items. I love those "weird" or obscure RPGs like Atelier, Recettear and others. Lots of hidden gems out there.
Man, Atelier looks great. I've know about it for a good while now but just haven't jumped in as I have so many RPGs to play already. I'd also suggest peeking at the console games that came out, and games like Recettear on Steam, where you take the role of a shop owner in an RPG world. You have to gather items to sell and run a shop as well as crawl through dungeons for good items. I love those "weird" or obscure RPGs like Atelier, Recettear and others. Lots of hidden gems out there.

I tried Recettear but didn't like the twitchy combat. Still, I've been meaning to try it again sometime in the next few years.
Sep 23, 2008
Finished Mass Effect Andromeda (97% completed, but I had quite a few tasks not finished). Waiting for more patches before doing a replay.

I really enjoyed the ride. There is a lots of stuff written about the game already, so I'm not going to retread it. Except, Movie Night was hilarious and I <3 Vetra.
Oct 13, 2007
Thanks for sharing your positive views on Andromeda, Azarhal. I don't think it is for me - actuallyz it's the first Bioware game in a decade I haven't bought on Day One :( - but it has been useful to read views from those who enjoyed the game as well as those that didn't.
Apr 13, 2012
:D thanks Pongo.

Funny enough, MEA is my first Mass Effect pre-order. I bought ME1 months after ME2 was released (at 8$ each) and ME3 a few weeks after release. I wasn't that much into the franchise.

I bought MEA for the gameplay (which looked awesome + Vanguard4Life) and Nomad (awesome to drive), but ended up with the most relatable BioWare protagonist I have played (I really love my Sara) and the squad/crew with the most characters I likes in it to the point my squad was always rotating (which is a first for me, in all previous BioWare games my squad/party would always be the same characters because I tend to only like 2-3 of them). Also, I loved the combat, played a Vanguard with a shotgun ;)…next character will probably be an "engineer" though.

But for now, I'm thinking of replaying DAI or even doing a DAO + DA2 + DAI completionist run (DLCs included). Which should take me like 2-4 months…hmm…or try to work on my backlog, lol.
Oct 13, 2007
So what are the best purchase options for MEA? Just digital or is there anything physical worth getting? I'd like something that I can at least load onto my computer.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Just digital for PC (outside a few European countries). I suggest the normal version (GreenGamingMan still has 28% off on it), unless you want the soundtrack (18 tracks) and the pet pyjack (adds a few crew comments) than go deluxe (not on GreenGamingMan though).
Oct 13, 2007
So what are the best purchase options for MEA? Just digital or is there anything physical worth getting? I'd like something that I can at least load onto my computer.
Do not buy super deluxe - it brings nothing but some boxes in MMO you'll get anyway.

Deluxe has:
- decent earlygame equipment you'll want to ditch soon and craft something better
- pet pyjack as a ship decoration basically
- a hoodie to dresupp barbie your protagonist
- whatever MMO bonus box
- whatever Mako skin
- soundtrack

IMO if you want the hoodie, as it's irresistible, go for it. If you don't want the hoodie, skip deluxe, you don't need any of other stuff.

Physical, no, don't! Why would you hoard more junk? Who needs wireless controlled Nomad toy and who cares about Tempest plastic mini blueprints (available at Boioware official store)!
Apr 12, 2009
Bah, you paid for repetitive MMOs much more than that. :p
But you can always wait till it appears on Steam sale. :evilgrin:
Apr 12, 2009
I pre-ordered deluxe and I'm very much enjoying ME:A. Worst gameplay and clunkiness was in original tutorial mission, after that it continues to improve & open out.

I can already see a re-run!
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
True, aside 100hour long campaign for completionists, ME4 has it's own MMO pve. Played it a bit, ditched default soldier for an adept, fun especially when all those newb soldiers charge towards trashmobs then die then you have to run and revive them. :D

But I'm on campaign replay (different choices) so MMO is on wait. There is no daily "bonus" or something to persuade me into it some more which is a shame.
Apr 12, 2009
I just completed Nethergate: Resurrection from the Celts side. This was a fun little game, my first for this Easter school holiday period. It was shorter than say Avernum: Escape from the Pit (119 hours for me) and Avadon (79 hours) but was still a healthy time sink at 45 hours. Given the story can be experienced from the Roman side as well, this is a lot of content packed into an old-school turn-based, party based game.

Whilst I was attracted to the initial premise of "Roman vs Celtic" cultures in a much more realistic setting compared to my previous Spiderweb experiences, the game didn't quite deliver on this in the manner I'd originally imagined. There's a lot of exploration of the "sidhe" (faery) culture as well as many other familiar Spiderweb elements to make someone who has played any of Jeff's games before quite comfortable.

The game is quite cleverly written, full of Jeff's lively prose and quippy dry humour. I was very happy that the game offered a choice of companions to join the base created group of 4. I ended up finishing with Brigid in the party with a fairly standard group of 4. Two melee specialists (Swords/Spear) and two druids. I didn't end up with all of the spells, but I really enjoyed building the druids in this game. Serpent's Coil (slow) was instrumental to win some of the harder fights. Deviously, I appreciate that there are wands designed to hurt the party as well as assist (If you use Wands of Carrunos on enemies, it merely makes them stronger…)
There were also several riddles; one mathematical and another anagrammatic which I liked.

The dungeons in Annwn (Halls of the Dead and Battlefield) were especially well designed and challenging, full of interesting moments. I had to do this entire section without the "create food" spell actually which was a constant drain on spell power and energy potions. There's even a miniature Pre-Witcher3 "Wild Hunt" survival quest where the player is beset by a large pursuing group of wolves, which was great fun to play and experiment with.

One curious fact is that in quasi Might & Magic VI fashion, many of the fights in the final section are slightly trivialised by the player being given access to powerful range weapons - the crystal wand. The last battle wasn't quite as epic as from my previous Spiderweb games.

Another potentially negative factor overall was probably the interface - it is quite clunky and even after adjusting to it, the pause and delay would likely frustrate many players with the chunky movement style. Still, any keyboard and mouse player can easily make the adjustments. I liked that the player could use real-time combat as well to mop up mobs and weaker monsters to quicken the action.

One final little tid-bit: The existence of the talking skull was most amusing too given its coincidental close proximity in terms of release to Morte from Planescape Torment (1998 to December 1999 respectively)

Anyway, I'm happy to have played this one! I like its structure and will replay from the Romans perspective one day. Once again, kudos to Dhruin for his review that reminded me I needed to play it.

Turn based, party based goodness. (can use real-time/wait command strategically)
Big open world to explore (so many small details and content to discover)
Signature Avernum like dungeons - lots to find!
Heaps of quests; many unusual and obscure. (I didn't do them all)
Additional companions (more than 4 characters possible)
Replayable from the other side…

Slightly clunky, ancient UI.
Limited Sound (I use various background soundtracks in a playlist to compensate…)

I suspect I'll "reward" myself now by upgrading the graphics for my next game slightly by jumping into Tyranny. :)
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Jul 12, 2009
Nethergate is a great game, that was my first foray into the Spiderweb catalogue, and I don't think I'll ever be deleting it off my pc. Ya it might not look all fancy and whatnot, but unlike many pretty games, this one is actually fun to play.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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