Life is Strange 2 - Episode 5 Review


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
RPG Site reviewed the final episode of Life is Strange 2:

Life is Strange 2 Episode 5 Review

In playing and reviewing episodic titles, I've learned never to wish for a happy ending. Episodic games, in general, thrive off drama and hooks to keep players coming back. Without a reason to remember the game two months later and see what happens next, many people will simply drop off the game, making the model fail.

This logic also applies to the conclusions. An ending that sparks discussion and debate can get people that fell off the title, or those waiting until the end of the season, to finally jump in and see what the fuss is all about.

Life is Strange 2 had lofty expectations placed on it. The success of the first season coupled with an incredible first episode for the second season has left everyone wondering how Dontnod was going to wrap everything up. I'm happy to report that Episode 5 is every bit the conclusion that Life is Strange 2 deserved, no matter how painful that is to truly say.

Note: This review will have spoilers for every previous episode. There will be no direct spoilers for Episode 5, so please don't spoil anything in the comments!


Score: 9/10
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Gave up on this halfway through the second episode, too annoyed at the behaviour of my protagonist to continue. Loved the first game to bits, and much of the second seemed to follow that vein, but I felt helplessly railroaded down a route I should have loads of choices to avoid.
Might just pick it up again, sometime, so thanks for no spoilers.
Oct 18, 2006
The first game is a musthave. Okay? Don't die before you finish it. You can't find a butterfly effect story like that one in any media, especially not in a choices based videogame. Yet videogames are exactly the reason that allowed a genious work like this to happen.
And then Alrik comes and says there are no good adventures any more… There aren't. There are even better!

The sequel? Regardless of the critics praise I'm not convinced. A few cute boys of which are two brothers get caught in a coming of age drama. At least that's the impression I got from articles and vids.
When drama is the high point of a story, or only point, I'm just not eager to go for it. Especially after the fist game that was scifi/fantasy with elements of all other possible genres in the mix.
If someone completed the second game please do tell if it's a masterpiece like the predecessor.
Apr 12, 2009
Just completed the first game before it left Game Pass.
I didn't expect much from this slow-paced adventure game, but it grew on me.
Life is Strange was much darker than I expected, and probably should've been called "A Parent's Worst Nightmare." I'll have to give the sequel a try now that all episodes have been released.
Oct 18, 2006
Seattle, WA
By the way I enjoyed Before the Storm much more than the original. Strangely I have very little interest in the second season.
Sep 6, 2009
Lis 1 is a mustplay. Full stop. Before the Storm is still very good and gives some great insight into what happens in Lis 1. Although it is a prequel, always play Lis 1 first!

I haven't played Lis 2 yet, but my hopes are not too high atm. Will likely get it during Christmas sale.
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
I played the first chapter or so of Life is Strange 1 when it was free on Steam and I was surprised that I enjoyed it, and I ended up purchasing the rest of LiS 1 and enjoyed it a whole lot. I don't think that I have ever enjoyed an adventure-type game like this in the past, and even though the gameplay was very light the story and characters were interesting enough to be an overall good game for me.

Before the Storm was only okay as the writing was a whole lot worse in my view. It was created by a different team altogether.

I have purchased LiS 2 and I'll probably start playing it within a week or two, once I finish Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (which is very good albeit action-oriented).
Oct 23, 2006
Max and Chloe are NOT in this "sequel?"

After reading some reviews, I changed my mind… I won't be playing LiS2.
Politics should stay out of games! You're always going to piss off half your potential audience. Besides, I thought it was a continuation of the first story… that's what we all want.
Oct 18, 2006
Seattle, WA
I wouldn't worry too much about politics in the second game….it has a part, but it is very minor as in it is just part of a story that makes sense and not rail roaded in. If they didn't include the part, then it would not have been realistic in that part of the game...won't say more as it will ruin the story.

I have played both 1 and 2 to finish, they are both great games and are both different yet the same. I know that sounds weird, but they both deliver a very emotional punch. I liked the first one more, but really enjoyed the second. There are tie ins with the first game, so it is a continuation of the world and it looks like they are building a world lore more then basing it on the same characters.

Also, ensure you play the demo they put out as it ties in to the second game and changes a few things based on your choices.

I thoroughly enjoy both games and bought before the storm and have yet to play it…
Apr 17, 2007
Don't ask me but it's probably due to choice and consequence. Personally I never liked this developer but did enjoy Vampyr. That at least was close to an RPG game.
Oct 1, 2010
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