Loki - Review @ Gamers Europe


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Ouch. 2/10:
My main problem with Loki is that it's absolutely no fun to play after the first level. Firstly, it's too difficult, even on the easiest setting. It's not difficult in a challenging way, it's difficult because there are so many enemies you will die constantly because of the massive odds stacked against you. Secondly, it requires zero skill to play. The gameplay consists of you clicking on the screen to move your character and then clicking on the enemy you want to hit/shoot at. If you miss, it's not decided by your skill as a player, it’s decided by a couple of computerised dice somewhere in the game working out your percentage To Hit ratios. Most RPGs get away with this because of the wealth of skill options available to you, you can usually invest skill points in every facet of your character – from different types of attacks to how good they are at cooking. But not in Loki.

No, in Loki, you level up spells occasionally and physical attributes regularly. There are no choices to make because they've already been made by your choice in character. As a warrior, you will upgrade your strength and toughness. As a wizard, you will upgrade your magic reserve and movement speed. You do choose how many skill points to add to each one but the choices are so generic; you may as well not bother. This all means that it is not your skill getting you through the game, it is those computerised dice. This throws any sense of achievement you feel through levelling up out the proverbial window.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Very poor review here. Clearly the reviewer is not a fan of the genre, didnt play 3/4 characters, didn't win the game, etc, etc....

he says the character building is a matter of one or two stats, but there are 3 individual SKILL trees (guess he doesnt understand tabs?) with a total of over 50 skills per class!

the levels are all random, the first game to do this since diablo, adding great replayability.

very nice dx9 graphics. Cool animations. Cool weapons and armour and at least 500 uniques...

Im not saying its the best game ever, but this review isnt worth reading.

He even has the nerve to suggest that "hardcore hack n slash fans no longer exist" - obviously he wasnt playing with friends... this game makes up a PERFECT multiplayer game where the action never stops for one player to hit 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 for the dialog options.

I am a hardcore hack n slash fan!! so are 2 of my friends.... so are all the Hellgate players!!

worst review ive read in ages. games at LEAST worth 74%
Jul 10, 2007
I am currently playing the game, and yes, the reviewer is correct about the gameplay, but so is the gameplay in Baldur's Gate, Titan Quest, Diablo and many, many more games. Apparently, the reviewer is a fan of say Oblivion and other skill based games where you level your stats and skills up when you do things, instead of D&D inspired games (like BG) where the computer dice is rolled to see whether you hit or not as well as being rolled to see how much damage you do.

The game, LOKI, imo, is very fine to play, and plays fine from a 3rd person perspective, the combat feels very smooth and intuitive, too. The inventory could use a little more work and so could the interface. Overall, I would say, I would give the game 7.5-8.0 rating out of 10.


I'm somewhat tired of people reviewing games they don't like, genres they don't like, and games they don't have interests in reviewing nor have any preconditions and prerequisistions for reviewing....
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Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
There's a lot of disparagement in general for hack-n-slash. Saying you like an action rpg on a forum is like telling all your friends of the opposite sex you have herpes or something. :) Hack-n-slash is no more mindless IMO than the run-of-the-mill FPS or even RTS game. It can be boring and poorly done, or addictive and well-done just like any other genre.

I tried to download this demo yesterday and got an error message asking for a disk to be inserted--will try again later. I'm curious to see how it compares to Titan Quest.
Oct 18, 2006
Hack-n-slash is no more mindless IMO than the run-of-the-mill FPS or even RTS game.
Very true - sometimes you just want to blow something up, or hack through a horde of something ...

But I still disliked the structure of the review - 90% preamble and 10% review.
Oct 18, 2006
don't know, the demo i've tried left a cardboard taste in my mouth, i couldn't handle more than 10 minutes before quitting.
Nov 10, 2006
Just now read the actual review:blush: Mike and aries are on the money--it's pretty sorry. The guy starts out like he knows what he's talking about, but after a few sentences it's obvious he has no clue, and is the last person that should have reviewed this game.

He's appalled & disappointed because his avatar looks different at start out than in the selection screen?? Amazed that a low level mage can't kill wolves with his bare hands when he runs out of fireballs?? The review is definitely neither helpful nor fair to the game.

That said, though, after a couple of hours of the demo, I don't see anything really outstanding that would make me want to rush out and buy it. Still, it isn't a bad game for what it's trying to do. I liked the setting option that allows you to re-enter the game without having all the mobs respawn. If every hack-n-slasher had this feature, there'd be a lot less grind and boredom all round.

Like aries100 said, the inventory/GUI needs work. The voice-acting, etc is pretty average, but it can be turned off, so no biggie there. Visually, it's quite attractive, even if they did steal the intro cinematics from Diablo 2 and the mythological premise from Titan Quest. ;)

This looks like more of a bargain bin game for me, though. There's just nothing there that I don't have in games I already own.
Oct 18, 2006
That said, though, after a couple of hours of the demo, I don't see anything really outstanding that would make me want to rush out and buy it.
I didn't play it very long, but I didn't see anything that made me drop my other game obligations and play more ... and ended up uninstalling it. But, unlike this guy, I don't feel that puts me in a position to review it ;)
Oct 18, 2006
That's cuz u r a professhunal. :)
Oct 18, 2006
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