Lords of the Fallen - Patch 1.4 Released


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
CI Games announces that patch 1.4 is now available for download off Steam for Lords of the Fallen. Here is a short description off the games website from the developer.

The update (version 1.4) has been released for all the platforms: PS4, XB1, and PC (earlier). Yes, it’s taken us quite some time to put it up, sorry to keep you waiting. We hope that, even though it’s kinda last-minute, it still serves you well if you wish to spend some quality time with the game during Season Holidays.

May Your Rhogar hunt bring you awesome loot!

In case you’re a stats geek: there were total 261 issues that our devteam has identified, fixed and tested since last console update. That’s 81 issues for PS4, 41 for XB1, and 109 for PC (mind you, these sets overlap, and there are no “All-Platform” issues listed here). All three versions of the game are now at the same update branch, which means that all general fixes we have been releasing for the PC users in the meantime, are also included in the console update at this stage.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
They just got German's developers award.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Good for them. Its too bad it released in such a buggy state.

Had it released bug free it would have been my goty.

I guess that's the norm these days though. Out of the 5 games I put any significant time into 4 were buggy.

Lords of the fallen and watch dogs both had game ending bugs that required me to start over.

Shadows of mordor had minor performance bugs.

DAI has camera issues.

Dark souls 2 was the only game I didn't run in to any bugs. Go figure a console Dev who admitted not knowing how to code for PC very well released the only bug free PC game I played all year.
This patch has fixed all my problems with the game. Played for 2 hours crash free, I was getting crashes in less than 15 min. Before.
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