Pillars of Eternity II - Going Turn Based January 24th

Difference between RTwP and TB is not difficulty, the deifference is level of micromanagement. Feeling of lower difficulty in TB is only outcome of ultimate level of micromanagement. And if difficulty in cRPG is given just by ability to click fast (and thus its level can be adjusted by pausing frequency) and not through clever design, where player should give some thought to strategy, bufs, debuffs, positioning, etc., then there is something fundamentally wrong with the game design and I dont want to play it.
Oct 6, 2018
Started setting-up choices from PoE1 and character creation ... when Kingmaker finished downloading latest patch. Yea, guess I will try TB mode bit later. :)
Oct 6, 2018
Was the patch released yesterday? Has anyone tried turn-base combat yet?

It was released (patch notes).

I'm currently playing something else so I haven't tried it personally. Going by the official forums people are liking it.

The "beta state" should last until the end of February too.
Oct 13, 2007
Can anyone tell me how big the patch is ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I had heard the combat in PoE 2 was better than PoE. PoE was just insane - you never knew what was going on half the time. So was this really necessary? If it was turn based on PoE I would have enjoyed it better.

I havne't bought PoE 2 because all the content had not been released, and because Obsidian doesn't lower they're prices fast enough for me. This should change with MS flipping the bill.

I'm guessing they did this because they suddenly had the cash to do it. I thought the Codex loved turn based (> RTwP) as much as we did.

Getting it ready for (next-gen?) consoles is also a good theory. But like Bioware did with NWN in its late stages for Dragon Age, it could be that they are testing out techniques to implement for their next games.

It is certainly good PR for our mindset.


Is the full thing released with the price down yet?
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I tried it with a new character on Veteran until Port Maje…doesn't seem to flow as nicely as D:OS and there is also some weirdness with spells…you start casting…then end you turn. and at some point they fire off. Yes, they have longer action times but it feels worse that RTwP when I could anticipate character movement and target AoE accordingly. Now I have no idea where characters will move on their turn, so often place spell badly. At least some spells are "standard" actions and so go off in your turn, bust most are not. Based on what I've seen, I'll stick with RTwP for PoE2
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Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
I'm really excited to try it out, I just have to determine if it's worth starting over for…I'm probably close to the end game and feel I should probably complete my first playthrough first.
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Dec 20, 2010
Dev said TB will have its own encounter balance. Considering it's releasing in "beta" and that they want feedbacks, it will probably changing over patches.

Saying that, Deadfire doesn't have that much filler combat unless you are trying to destroy all the ships that aren't even going to attack you. Although, sometimes I'm confused because it seems people here just want a max of 10 combat encounters in their 60 hours long RPGs. What's the point of leveling up and getting new combat skills if you don't want to use them?

Not complaining about combat at all. I had a blast with the RTwP-version and will give the TB-version a go once it is out of beta.

The only thing I wish they would change would be the engagement phase in ship combat. It's too long-winded and kinda boring. A small gridmap with the ships, maybe some obstacles and flying cannon balls would have done the trick. You could then decide whether to close in for bording or to sink the enemy ship.
They left a lot of potential on the table there...
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
Definitely didn't expect this and consider it a great addition.

Tested it for an hour or so - and it seems pretty good. I don't know if it holds up and if it's properly balanced - as that would be really hard to accomplish for a game that's been designed from the ground up as a real-time combat game.

But it's promising at this point.
Definitely didn't expect this and consider it a great addition.

Tested it for an hour or so - and it seems pretty good. I don't know if it holds up and if it's properly balanced - as that would be really hard to accomplish for a game that's been designed from the ground up as a real-time combat game.

But it's promising at this point.

Well, if it already feels good I'm pretty sure it'll be great in a couple of months. I'll probably try it out a bit for fun, but don't see myself playing the entire game again unless a sequel is close to being released.
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Dec 20, 2010
There's a new bug/change with the latest past; afflictions, stuns don't get spread with an AoE weapon, but rather only take effect on the enemy targeted at the center of AoE. It completely screws over the character build I've been using for 100+ hours.

Apparently, I needed to wait longer than 9 months to start my first playthrough.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
There's a new bug/change with the latest past; afflictions, stuns don't get spread with an AoE weapon, but rather only take effect on the enemy targeted at the center of AoE. It completely screws over the character build I've been using for 100+ hours.

Apparently, I needed to wait longer than 9 months to start my first playthrough.

That sounds like a good and reasonable change to me. ^^
Jun 2, 2012
There's a new bug/change with the latest past; afflictions, stuns don't get spread with an AoE weapon, but rather only take effect on the enemy targeted at the center of AoE. It completely screws over the character build I've been using for 100+ hours.

Apparently, I needed to wait longer than 9 months to start my first playthrough.
Sounds like another Sawyer adjustment to me. He loves nerfing skills and abilities.
Oct 1, 2010
If it's a bug, I'll read a book until the next patch comes around. If it's an intended change, I'll delete the game from my drive and move on. To me, it's a terribly mundane game that I've only continued to play in hopes that it would get better. Bugs and/or further rebalancing 9 months after release are pretty much the polar opposite of this.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
It's in beta so I suggest waiting until it's out of beta for a real playthrough.
Sep 23, 2008
2019 has started so well. So far, so good. What a consecration. RTwP has no audience.

Wow not batshit crazy…

No. Already 100 posts in the thread and large welcoming to that U turn. A certain lord would have put the same stunt, people would be filling a thread with distateful comments about the lack of manners of the guy etc

The PoE series was crowdfunded to be a RTwP product. Under the lobbying of UgoIgo players, it has reached the current point when it is made UgoIgo.

Instead of allocating funds to improve on RTwP, they took it to UgoIgo.
Mar 29, 2011
Difference between RTwP and TB is not difficulty, the deifference is level of micromanagement. Feeling of lower difficulty in TB is only outcome of ultimate level of micromanagement. And if difficulty in cRPG is given just by ability to click fast (and thus its level can be adjusted by pausing frequency) and not through clever design, where player should give some thought to strategy, bufs, debuffs, positioning, etc., then there is something fundamentally wrong with the game design and I dont want to play it.


In RTwP or RT, players do not strategize on the fly. They come up with a plan (after assessing a situation) and execute it. It is a fundamental difference from UgoIgo as players make the plan as it goes.

PoE had a classical take: first take information (scouting when being stealthy) then execute the plan. Players did not like it, they wanted stealth to be something else than a measure to get information and a bonus at initiation of combat.

FTL is a good case on RT/RTwP as streamers make a commercial argument of playing it with no pause. Quite telling as FTL is mechanically more demanding than PoE, tyranny are.

RT/RTwP requires to know plans, ways to proceed before engaging an enemy.
Pause in RTwP happens to switch from one course of action to another. Which in RT demands an extra set of skill as the transition from one to another is ensured by buying time.

As for other RTwP products, FTL suffers from the same exploit due to pausing all the time. It allows to manage quite a lot more loadouts that are not sustainable in RTwP or RT.

UgiUgo is fundamentally different from RTwP and RT which require higher skills.

RTwP party based products have no audience.
Mar 29, 2011
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