Witcher 3 Preloading and Unlock Time

The Witcher 3
It's not that simple for everyone of us. ;)
May 6, 2013
I'm surprised at how many of you seem to be willing to play right as the game is released. The biggest annoyance for me in playing just-released games is running into bugs that prevent you from progressing, and many games have such bugs when they are first released — especially RPGs. Or bugs that delete saved games, or bugs that, when fixed, require starting a new game, and the list goes on and on.

Yes, the last few years in the industry has told me one thing: waiting six months to a year to play gets you a nearly-bug free experience with a bunch of free extras added on top (enhanced version, etc.).

I understand the excitement and desire to play as soon as possible, and I fully support paying full price for good games, but I just will not play games on release day anymore as they are rarely ever sufficiently polished.
Dec 13, 2010
It's not that simple for everyone of us. ;)

Okay okay, I can add DLC called "get divorced" for $10 to it. :p
I'm surprised at how many of you seem to be willing to play right as the game is released. The biggest annoyance for me in playing just-released games is running into bugs that prevent you from progressing, and many games have such bugs when they are first released — especially RPGs. Or bugs that delete saved games, or bugs that, when fixed, require starting a new game, and the list goes on and on.
While this isn't "where are bugs" jRPG, I don't think CDpr will allow the game to be skyrimesque bug-o-rama.
So yes, many of us want to play it right away.
Apr 12, 2009
This is hilarious. They said fuck you to Europe that was their biggest fan since TW1 and went for US market.

Dude, seriously, you actually could use your brain first, you know?! :biggrin: :p
Oct 18, 2006
I believe, but am open to correction, that the review embargo ends in about 15 minutes. There are bound to be bugs that the media will gloss over but if there is anything seriously wrong they will mention it so as the reviews appear over the next few days that will be an indicator to me whether to hold off playing from day one or not. With big games like this I expect bugs but if it is essentially playable I'm not waiting.

I'm surprised at how many of you seem to be willing to play right as the game is released. The biggest annoyance for me in playing just-released games is running into bugs that prevent you from progressing, and many games have such bugs when they are first released — especially RPGs. Or bugs that delete saved games, or bugs that, when fixed, require starting a new game, and the list goes on and on.

Yes, the last few years in the industry has told me one thing: waiting six months to a year to play gets you a nearly-bug free experience with a bunch of free extras added on top (enhanced version, etc.).

I understand the excitement and desire to play as soon as possible, and I fully support paying full price for good games, but I just will not play games on release day anymore as they are rarely ever sufficiently polished.
Aug 12, 2013
Dublin, Ireland
I'm surprised at how many of you seem to be willing to play right as the game is released. The biggest annoyance for me in playing just-released games is running into bugs that prevent you from progressing

You know, since I started gaming in 1993, I have yet to find a game that had a bug or bugs that stopped me from playing and finishing a game that I started on release day.
Oct 13, 2007
Well an update on my side.
My employer is sending me to another town for "an education" (MOC 20410) whole next week. I don't see the point as it's about old server version, but well. Means I won't be playing TW3 till weekend anyway. :(
Apr 12, 2009
I'm surprised at how many of you seem to be willing to play right as the game is released. The biggest annoyance for me in playing just-released games is running into bugs that prevent you from progressing, and many games have such bugs when they are first released — especially RPGs. Or bugs that delete saved games, or bugs that, when fixed, require starting a new game, and the list goes on and on.

Yes, the last few years in the industry has told me one thing: waiting six months to a year to play gets you a nearly-bug free experience with a bunch of free extras added on top (enhanced version, etc.).

I understand the excitement and desire to play as soon as possible, and I fully support paying full price for good games, but I just will not play games on release day anymore as they are rarely ever sufficiently polished.
Well I am for sure not going to play it right away. I first need to wait for my friend Pir Atebay to try it.
Oct 3, 2014
I'll be waiting to see what my friends think about this one, tbh. I wasn't a huge fan of the prior game, but I really enjoyed the first. At the very least, I've learned my lesson with PoE about not waiting for patches before buying/playing, so this time I'm sitting on that bench.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
You know, since I started gaming in 1993, I have yet to find a game that had a bug or bugs that stopped me from playing and finishing a game that I started on release day.

Same here.

pibbur who started gaming even earlier, around 1988.
If that is the root you are going it already there
Nah, I will wait for reviews and tech analysis and patches first. I got good games to play that I own before I try out the AAA games I don't like anymore.
Oct 3, 2014
You might have missed my point. 19th is Tuesday. Normal people don't start playing games at midnight or 1 AM on working days. That means most of the Europe. So they said fuck you to EU and put it at times that are evening US where people can play it for few hours and go normally to work next day. People in EU cannot do that.

Who cares?

pibbur who has trouble finding something of less importance than this about the game.
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I'm amused. It doesn't matter how games are released - somebody complains.

I'm still on the fence over whether to buy the game at all having finally got far enough into Witcher 2 to use it as a decision making tool - it's a mix of wow this game is insanely amazing vs I really don't like scripted/click spam boss fights and have been tired of console-first design and putting up with console/controller UI design forever.
Apr 22, 2013
Same here.

pibbur who started gaming even earlier, around 1988.

I started in the early 80's and I've run in to several. It depends on your tolerance I guess.

I suppose if you want to get technical I could still play the games but it wouldn't have been enjoyable. The witcher 1 was one such game that was a mess on release day.

Alpha protocol, watch dogs, Blades of destiny remake are a few that come to mind.

Anyway I'll be waiting because I have to, not because I want to.
About TW3 preloading:

I don't know if this is happenning to you too:

I choose to preload it via GoG Galaxy, but it downloads at maximum 0.2 MB/s. Too many people at GoG forums are also noticing this low Galaxy's download speed. Of course, there are people who claims they preloaded the game via Galaxy with normal DL speeds. Go figure !

Then I gave up using Galaxy and went to download TW3 using good ol' GoG Downloader. Guess what ? My download speed just got normal.

I know GoG Galaxy is still beta, but even so I think it needs a quick fix to adjust it to our internet speed.

Nov 15, 2013
Travel will actually force me to delay starting the game for a week, and I may wait till I finish Pillars anyway. Sounds like there are plenty of minor technical glitches, and CDPR's track record in issuing fixes is excellent, so I imagine we'll get a few solid patches within the first week or two.

Normally I'd be on fire to launch this at midnight, but my enforced wait time for about 5 days leads me to feel more patience for waiting even longer. Still, this is my most anticipated new RPG in years.
Apr 2, 2015
Austin, TX
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