Project Eternity - Interview @ RPGamer


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
RPGamer has an interview with Tim Cain about Project Eternity (currently $2.06M, 20 days to run). Here's a sample:
Michael A. Cunningham (RPGamer): Greetings Tim, and thank you for taking the time out to chat with us about Project Eternity. We'd like to talk briefly about the game itself and your tentative future plans for the project.

You state Project Eternity will have "the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration of Baldur's Gate, the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment." I know fans that love Planescape, but have no love for Icewind Dale. Since it's impossible to please everyone, how do you plan on blending those aspects?

Tim Cain (Obsidian Entertainment): The game is going to support multiple paths, meaning the player can choose how he or she wants to play the game. If you don't enjoy combat, you can avoid much of it, and have companions that help speed combat encounters that you can't avoid. You can choose to play solo if you don't want any companions, you can choose how to treat other people in dialogs, and you can involve yourself deeply or shallowly in the storyline, since we will have lots of side quests.

Multiple paths also means the game will have a lot of replayability. You can pick different classes and races and companions and side quests, and you will experience a different game.
Thanks, Asdraguuhl!
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I just have to quote from the interview

"TC: The biggest change is that we will decide on each and every feature in the game, and we can avoid the ones that add little to the game's content but a lot to its complexity. For example, we are not supporting consoles or multiplayer, both of which make the game far more complex and hard to debug. Instead, we are focusing on making the best single-player PC RPG we can make, and that focus is simplifying a lot of our choices."

Concerning debugging and QA.

That was a good answer in my book.

Oct 29, 2009
WGS84 Latitud:59.85 Longitud:17.65
I just have to quote from the interview

"TC: The biggest change is that we will decide on each and every feature in the game, and we can avoid the ones that add little to the game's content but a lot to its complexity. For example, we are not supporting consoles or multiplayer, both of which make the game far more complex and hard to debug. Instead, we are focusing on making the best single-player PC RPG we can make, and that focus is simplifying a lot of our choices."

Concerning debugging and QA.

That was a good answer in my book.


That was the quote that finally got me to pledge $65 for the game - my first KS pledge.
Jun 4, 2008
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