Review of Judgment / New English youtube Channel


June 2, 2012
Hey there!

I have been doing Reviews and Let's Plays on German for a while and now I am basically experimenting with the idea to expand/move some stuff over to english. As it's probably a bad idea to mix languages in channels, I made a new channel for that called Kordanor's Gaming Lair (because "Kordanor [UK]" would suck as name).
I will however mix types of content there: Reviews, Previews and Let's Plays, because splitting that up would be messy to handle and would come with other limitations.
You got some limitations which are tied to subscribers, like the short URL at 100 subs and youtube partner program at 1000 subs. I am pretty much running into that problem now on my German channels where the LP channel got close to 1000 subs, but my review channel is still around 500 and also much less hours viewed. This channel gets more views per video and costs much more effort, but is doing far worse on youtube. So a split is kinda bad unless you reach a big audience right away because you are some big established name.

My first video there is a review about Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation, which goes into the direction of Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld, with a different setting and focus.

I am not sure yet when and what will follow next there and it will definitely be a while. Might only ramp up later on when I got more time, but wanted to get it started to experiment.

And speaking of that, it would be super helpful if you give me any non sugar-coated feedback about it. Especially whether or not the quality of English is acceptable for English Natives and Non-Natives. I'd consider my English as pretty good, but it's nowhere near literature quality. So I am not sure if you'd call it sufficient for that purpose.
I also did a first look into the alpha of Urban Strife before in English (on the German Channel) which was not scripted and can also be taken as reference here. A good example is the first sentence of the review already, which first was…."epiphany of graphics" instead of "epitome of graphics", which was the last edit I did to the video.
Jun 2, 2012
Awesome! Video has 3 views already (2 probably by myself) and I received the first spam comment. ^^
Last edited:
Jun 2, 2012
Well count me as another who watched your video. As for the game I remember reading about it and forgot about. So thanks for the review. I'll probably play it sometime now.
Oct 1, 2010
I'm already a Krodanor fan in German language reviews.
You have the same good traits I like in the German as in the English.

You tend to :
Hit highlights, hit lowlights.
Review objectively without fear of giving your opinion.*
Don't dramatize things for the sake of drama/sensationalize.
Talk fast.

As for your english....
Nobody needs English Literature quality unless you are writing material for study. The majority of english speakers worldwide wouldn't understand literature quality anyway. You have a good grasp of enough slang to make everything natural and believable.

I've got nothing negative to add.

*Example. In this video you talk the rolling characters the game presents, but have no issue saying you'd rather have a point pool. Good blend.
Disclaimer : I rarely watch LPs or watch excessive reviews. Probably not representative of the typical YouTubeChannel viewer.
Aug 13, 2013
Review and Conclusion after my playthrough of the Survival Simulation Gamey: "Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation"

And if you want to get super nitpicky on the wording...
Aug 13, 2013
Awesome! Video has 3 views already (2 probably by myself) and I received the first spam comment. ^^

Hey Kordanor,

I just subscribed to your "Kordanor's Gaming Lair". I'm still subscribed to your original DE channel but I won't fool you, I know Scheisse of German language :)

As for the game, I never heard of this game you just covered (Judgment), but I also never cared that much for either Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress. Perhaps I may give'em a chance in the future.

Anyway, congratulations for creating an English channel!! :) I will follow it more closely.
Nov 15, 2013
Thanks a lot guys! Much appreciated!

Also especially interesting when someone speaking German has nothing to criticise. I think Germans are especially nitpicky about other German's English. ^^
Jun 2, 2012
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