Risen 2 - Preview Roundup # 1 and QA


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Previews start coming from this game and as such previews can be found at Destructod, IGN and G4 while at RPGamer a short Q&A with Björn Pankratz, the game's project director, can be found. A quote from the Q&A at RPGamer:
You've stated in a prior Q&A that choices have more of an impact on skills and who will help you. Could you elaborate on this? Does this mean that there is no branching storylines at all?
Björn Pankratz: The player's decision which guild to play for influences a lot of things, such as the skills, the hero's companions, and the storyline, which increases the game's replay value. For example, the player may hear about a certain island, or some NPCs might be friendly or unfriendly. However, you should really discover for yourselves which events develop differently.
IGN isn't that impressed.
PC performance is mostly where it should be, but the console version is a bit rougher. Both had framerate issues, but the console one looks months behind, with jagged visuals and a lot of missing or somewhat broken animations. The final months of every game's development cycle are for cleaning up issues and addressing bugs, but the skeptic inside comes out due to the developer's pedigree. Pirahna Byte's Risen had its share of technical gremlins, but Gothic 3 was an utter mess. A representative can talk till their blue in the face about how this is unfinished code, but it takes time to rebuild faith after releasing broken products.
Destructoid likes it.
Risen 2 has a lot of traditional PC RPG aspects, yet its abandonment of the medieval setting that has become so ubiquitous makes it feel surprisingly fresh. The lush, tropical environments are pleasingly vibrant, made more dynamic by some nice mood lighting and the day and night cycle. The characters are crass, affable, and oftentimes humorous -- it’s a nice break from stuffy fantasy dialogue. Everything about Risen 2: Dark Waters just feels so adventurous. I really hope my positive experience with the game is indicative of the final product, because I could really use a new, good pirate game.
G4 tell us about the game using a quest as an example. Spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk:
For example, in the demo level Deep Silver showed off for us, we walked though a seaside town filled with rickets-laden sailors and wooden buildings, on a quest for a sacrificial knife. This is done through helping a captain break a trade embargo in order to supply a ship to sail off to get the knife. In order to get drinking water for the ship, you have to take care of a boss named “Butch,” who is so ineffective; he can’t convince his workers to load barrels for him. You can either convince Butch to accompany you deep into a cave, where you summarily murder him in cold blood (pirates were not saints, after all), then order the men to get to work, or you can be a bit more devious and use voodoo to take care of old Butch. Should you choose the ancient magical art/religion of voodoo to help you, you fashion a voodoo doll of Butch, then take control of his character. You then walk over to the water carriers and browbeat them into moving some damn barrels, post-haste. Problem solved.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
ign can suck it


But it was expected since it's not made by Bioware/EA >.> After playing ME3 demo : "I didn't really need convincing that Mass Effect 3 would be a highlight of my year"

So two games that are not even out yet, a company with tradition to fans and the other a sell-out and IGN still thinks the last one is better?

Also I lol'd hard at the console one looks months behind,. They were expecting the console version to look as good or even better than the PC ? :lol:
Aug 7, 2010
Vivec, Morrowind
What kind of mental defect would play a console version if a pc one is available??? No console can compete with my pc for graphics and sheer playability, and I laugh long and loudly at anyone that thinks they can or should. This reviewer should have put on his big boy pants before submitting this review. IGN is quickly flushing what little credibility they have left right down the drain!

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Oh no how can someone have a different opinion than you syndrome again. Well we all know by now IGN hates the pc and there focus is on consoles now. Nothing new.
Oct 1, 2010
yeah, but to criticize a game based on this is pure stupidity. Nothing about the game design.
The first quote feels good, the rest don't say a thing imo
I guess everybody experiences each game differently.
But replayability, is the sum of many qualities a game can have.
complex flexible story, choice and consequence, switching NPCs into AI and viceversa can provide strange satisfaction to the player.

this gives me +15% boost to expectancy
Aug 7, 2008
The IGN bit is ridiculous. If they're worried about performance and polish, it should be because of the console version of Risen, not the seven year old Gothic 3, released under a different publisher widely known to ruin everything they touch (though it was partly PB's fault, too).
Oct 13, 2010
Still my #1 anticipated game for 2012. Nothing else is even close..

I couldn't care less about the console versions, since I would never buy one for this type of game anyways. I do hope they end up being more successful than the Xbox 360 version of Risen though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
If they manage to make similar game in terms of dificulty, that you feel a pleasant feeling when you bring down your first ghoul, I will be happy that aleast something feels right done in Risen 2.
Sep 3, 2011
The IGN bit is ridiculous.

IGN delivers gaming news using the MTV-ization method. It's all about the cool kids and being in the right 'click.'

When you view sites like IGN from this perspective, their reviews are quite consistent though infrequently fair or balanced.
Oct 18, 2006
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