Risen 3: Titan Lords - Finally Announced

DLC or not..its a piranha bytes game. So i'm getting it. And i don't mind dlcs if they are decent quality and add more content rather than replace content which was cut from main game.

Skyrim dlcs for example were worth of my money. Horse armor dlc for oblivion was not which is why i never got it.
Oct 19, 2006
Combat System:

- There will be a Prologue, where you’ll be able to experiment with higher-level skills, after that you’ll continue on level 1.(Maybe not a good idea. It takes the mystery away.)
- Monsters can be blocked (No more getting plowed down by wild boars.)
- From the beginning you’ll be able to perform a derp-roll and short-teleports to escape combat (Whatever.)
- Big armours and swords, fireball and Lightning (Yeah, fireball and lighting! How much I missed them in Risen 2.)
- There will probably be Voodoo Magic again (If it's gonna be as useless as it was in Risen 2, I don't even want to hear about it.)
- stunned enemies can be robbed (Why would you want to rob a stunned enemy? Just kill them and rob the corpse.)
- you will have support from party members (They were useful in Risen 2.)
- combat system with four different actions and simple combos (Four different actions? What does it mean exactly?)

- DLC’s will bring more content (No one asked for it, but hey, they gotta do what they gotta do.)
- Roasting meat will happen in a separate window (Oh, very fascinating.)
- Ingame world: mostly middle-european, but Mediterranean and tropical regions aswell (If middle-european means something like Myrtana, that's great.)
- The whole landmass will be designed completely by hand (not generated) (It better be.)
- Swimming will be possible again (Hooray!)
- Just like Risen 2, separated Regions – it will be impossible to travel the whole world without loading screens (Well technically, Gothic 2 DNDR had those aswell) (I'm still waiting for another complete sandbox experience like Gothic 3, but no big deal.)
- Like always several joinable guilds (probably three) (I hope they make them distinct and different as much as possible.)
- One those will be the wardens(guards), who will be like the former Paladins (Naturally.)
- New enemies: Shadows (Undead, who will rise from Skullcaves) (Whatever.)
- The soul of the main char will be eaten by a shadow lord in the beginning (maybe explaining his skill loss) (If the protagonist is someone new, why his skill loss needs to be explained? )
- After that he will have a soul-value, that can be changed in direction of humanity or demonic entity. (A real alignment system eh? It's a first for PB. Can't wait to see how it turns out.)
- New hero, the hero from R1&R2 will be playing an important role though. (I wish they'd keep him.)
- Food will again be merged into “Proviant” (don know the English expression here) (Doesn't matter. It doesn't seem like a vital piece of information.)


- Only playable with Steam & no modding tools (Doesn't matter to me.)
- Developed for X360, PS3 and PC. No Next-Gen was mentioned. (Same as above.)
- Same engine as Risen 2, with polished Details, but the bad points (whatever they mean) will stay, like rudimentary dialogues. So the engine will look dated compared to Witcher 3 and DA:Inquisition. (Personally, I don’t give a fu about that) (Me neither. I never compare PB's stuff to anything.)
Feb 19, 2011
- Monsters can be blocked
I actually liked the idea of certain creatures/monsters being "unblockable". To me, it was in the same spirit of: "Not stopping a charging beast with "karate chop"

- From the beginning you’ll be able to perform a derp-roll and short-teleports to escape combat
Sounds weird & suspicious….

- There will probably be Voodoo Magic again
Nice, I felt that voodoo had *huge* potential, as opposed to your ordinary fireball tossing magic. Unfortunatly, only a tiny bit of that potential was realized in Risen 2.

- New hero, the hero from R1&R2 will be playing an important role though.
I don´t really mind this. Wish they´d go for a female hero though, but judging by the first screenshots, thats not gonna happen. (No, I´m not a feminist, but I enjoy variety) ;-)
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Feb 11, 2014
I'm very confident that it will be a VERY good game.
Anyway if not, it will be their last one.
May 3, 2008
I liked Risen 1 a lot.
It wasn't Gothic, but it was a good game.
Could have used even more puzzles
and especially a better end.

I played RISEN 2 but I never finished it, it just didn't captivated me.
First game of PB I didn't finished.
I would probably buy RISEN 3, just to support them and try the game, with the hope it will have the greatness of the Gothic games or RISEN 1. Hopefully with some great characters like Dieog or Xardas were :p
Oct 18, 2006
I will wait and see on this one, but on the whole Risen 3 is good news.

If they go back to their (Gothic) roots, then this is an insta-buy.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
I really loved the Gothics (even Gothic 3 with all its faults), but I finished neither Risen 1 or Risen 2. Risen 1 I stopped playing once I got to the end and the whole game that came before it just fell apart. In the case of Risen 2, I honestly don't understand what people thought was so great about it. Apart from a rare moment here or there, my overall judgement was something like: "was this really made by the same guys that did the Gothics?"
So don't really care for a Risen 3, and everything mentioned in that article is just disappointing. Also DLC and Steam exclusive??? Don't think I will be spending any money on this...
Oct 27, 2006
Official site launched:

The design of the site is pathetic - too big facebook/twitter titles like it's more important than those few screenshots on the site. Okay, perhaps social networks are very important in Germany. Here, ppl breathe better without them.

What's more important is that on the site they've put the official release date: august 2014.

I have half a year to decide if I'll close my eyes on their DLC crap decision and eventually buy the game. Then again, my alergia on Skyrim bugs lasts for a bit more time, so in this case there is almost no hope I'll change my mind.
So lemme troll their official forum just a bit:
Apr 12, 2009
August of this year? Almost sounds too good to be true. Those crafty guys at PB have been hard at work.

joxer - Your comment on their forum makes you sound like a douchebag. After all, you don't even know how they're handling the DLC yet.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well, they seem to acknowledge an emphasis on exploration. That and the Gothic 2 (monastery looking/bridge) like screen (not to mention the G1ish mine in the other one) make the devious worm of hope stir in my guts, besides myself… Hmm, to squash or to nurture… ;)

Anyways, waiting for more as always. And who knows indeed!

P.S. I really hope that they have also come to the conclusion that exploration should mean larger, contiguous, non linear landmasses at least (I can handle 2-3 loading screens, sure): :fingerscrossed:

I do wonder how their engine does on the consoles on that front (map size/streaming) though :-/
Oct 18, 2006
joxer - Your comment on their forum makes you sound like a douchebag. After all, you don't even know how they're handling the DLC yet.

I know it does. But I'm not ashamed of it!
They'll say pretty soon how will they handle DLC. We'll know it in at least 6 months from now. :D
Don't tell me, you hope for an expansion like in Gothic 2. Yea… I'm not.

JonNik, don't put much hope in the continuous landmass…
Gameworld: biggest so far in a Piranha Bytes game.
Gameworld: there will be no single landmass, presumably islands.
Apr 12, 2009
Damn those screenshots look great !!!!!!

It does get my hopes up. Except, Sp fat??

The last screenshot ith that skelleton and army seems really scary
Oct 18, 2006

Oh I know there will be some (probably, unfortunately more than 2-3 it would seem? who knows…). But I hope they have realized that very small Islands with very linear paths != (edit: decent and fulfilling imho) exploration.

I don't expect say Risen1 size Islands but a few, a bit larger than the largest of #2 with every one showing the kind of vertical, condensed design they were known for would be a good compromise. If they indeed are willing to/can strike that sort of balance.

Edit: And at the very least they should strive for a bit more variety and creativity between locations if they stick with the Island format too...
Oct 18, 2006
It's too early to say. Some guys from PB did answer a few questions on WoR site, but on some he simply doesn't know the answer yet (for example which languages are included in the game) and for some it seems he is not allowed yet to comment anything - and that includes some "spoilerish" details on the game world.
Apr 12, 2009
Wonder how much they were able to tweak the Risen 2 engine, which was, iirc, not that much different from the Risen 1 engine.... Not that it was bad, just expected that there would be some significant overhaul. That said, if not doing that allows them to spend far more time world and story building, then I'm all for that.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
What the.. August 2014?! As if we didn't have enough to play this year. Still, it's looking awesome, I have to say, and I'm fairly optimistic about it. Bring it on!
Oct 18, 2006
I don't mean to be a downer, but the Risen projects that PB are doing really seem directionless and generic. The Gothics were amazing and had consistency and world building. The Risens just seem like a mess to me. I wish they'd just start over and re-do their world design, and make it more original and interesting. Not generic fantasy. That's one of the strengths that the Gothics had. At least that's what I found.
Jul 31, 2007
If there's one thing I can't bring myself to say about ANY PB game, it's that it's generic.

Arcania was generic.

Both Risens have an AMAZING sense of place and the atmosphere is palpable.

They're not quite as realised as the Gothic games - but you have to appreciate how long they've been building essentially the same game. There's only so much you can do with settings that are so similar.

Even so, I'd take a Risen over a Witcher game in terms of world building and exploration any day of the week and twice on sundays.
I don't mean to be a downer, but the Risen projects that PB are doing really seem directionless and generic. The Gothics were amazing and had consistency and world building. The Risens just seem like a mess to me. I wish they'd just start over and re-do their world design, and make it more original and interesting. Not generic fantasy. That's one of the strengths that the Gothics had. At least that's what I found.

I don't see how anyone could claim Risen 2 was generic. It has its flaws, but at least it's fairly unique in terms of setting and style. How many other RPGs have a pirate theme that mixes in gunpowder weapons and voodoo magic?

Pfft...DArtagnan beat me to the punch by 1 second. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Official site launched:

The design of the site is pathetic - too big facebook/twitter titles like it's more important than those few screenshots on the site. Okay, perhaps social networks are very important in Germany. Here, ppl breathe better without them.

What's more important is that on the site they've put the official release date: august 2014.

I have half a year to decide if I'll close my eyes on their DLC crap decision and eventually buy the game. Then again, my alergia on Skyrim bugs lasts for a bit more time, so in this case there is almost no hope I'll change my mind.
So lemme troll their official forum just a bit:

I support your comment about the DLCs and hope that PB and/or their publisher take note of this issue.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
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