Scaring off the female members

Anyway, like I said I think the moderation here is superb and they shouldn't change a thing. In my humble opinion.
Thanks, Arkadia. It is good to read your kind words, especially after the last couple of days where I have been quite busy on the forums and via PM talking about moderation from the moment I got up till I went to bed.
Longing for the days people focus on games again instead of moderation... :)
@dte: I have no problem reading what you wrote. However I also read that in the context of your previous efforts to "support" moderation since the TOS went live and given that I feel you were responded to in the right way.
Aug 30, 2006
We all enjoy different games it's like a matter of opinion even though we often share them (like myself enjoying dungeon crawlers).
It's that the trend in the past five-ten years has been to bully and harass people. That is what trolling is. It's pathetic.
Mar 23, 2012
Trolling and bullying are two completely different things. For trolling you need wits, informations and wild sense of humor. For bullying you need lust for power, low iq and ignorance.
The cure for troll if you need it is - ignore. The cure for bully isn't, ignoring them will only turn them into a stalker and you can't do anything about that in modern world where privacy data is being shared without your consent by social networks.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
The cure for troll if you need it is - ignore. The cure for bully isn't, ignoring them will only turn them into a stalker and you can't do anything about that in modern world where privacy data is being shared without your consent by social networks.
Well, luckily at the Watch we have a clear and solid TOS - unlike the one in the old days where people had to ‘self-moderate’ (read: ignore the trouble maker) - that gives enough leverage to deal with both bullies and trolls; not many warnings needed.
O and your data is safe with us: Privacy Statement
I ment in general on internet, at least that's how warmonger's post felt to me as it doesn't describe rpgwatch, the site is very friendly I believe.
If I misunderstood, sorry, but if warmonger ment rpgwatch then I have to disagree as I didn't notice any bully picking on a victim then chasing that same person all over the place here.
Apr 12, 2009
All that because he wants to show moderation sucks.
Couldn't be further from the truth in this case. You might have figured that out had you not been too damn bored to read my words instead of rushing to judgment.

This time he wanted to show that I allowed myself to be sexist but others (him for example) are being punished for that.
Completely false. I've got a real problem with these bullshit accusations, actually. That's got nothing to do with moderation nor the moderator- that's just you being ignorant and rude in this case.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
dteowner;1061597347[b said:
Completely[/b] false. I've got a real problem with these bullshit accusations, actually. That's got nothing to do with moderation nor the moderator- that's just you being ignorant and rude in this case.

Not false. You're framing it as pointing out how silly it is to call posts misogynistic when posts bashing men are fair game, and in doing so you're doing what all privileged people do: claiming a perceived double standard as permission for you (and anyone) to keep making misogynistic posts.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Hey guys, I think it is time to just give up on this conversation, it's not going anywhere and your time is probably better spent elsewhere :)
Oct 18, 2006
It's not always women who suffer from "scaring" posts, of course. But at least some places seem to be more hostile to women that men. That being said, personally I think the watch is among the better sites, but there's still room for improvement
Feb 28, 2020
Trolling and bullying are two completely different things. For trolling you need wits, informations and wild sense of humor. For bullying you need lust for power, low iq and ignorance.

The sad thing is that sometimes both are combined.

In fact, both are imho so close to one another that I too often really can't tell the difference. Or, one could say that "for successful bullying one must have wits, too".

There has been this scientific study which shows it :

For trolling you need wits, informations and wild sense of humor.

Sounds to me very much like competition to me again.

Plus, that "rock star achievement". Trolls are the new wannabe-rockstars, haven't you noticed that ? Especially virus and trojan makers. They do it for the "press" they get, too !

It's not always women who suffer from "scaring" posts, of course.

It's of course always the weakest one. Or the one perceived as the weakest one - and machos always perceive women as the weaker ones - and when a women suddenly strikes back (like with that robber who thought he'd found an easy prey but disn't know that she was a kickboxing master), then suddenly the macho's "honour" is injured, and that macho then seeks revenge.

But in general it is always the ones perceived as the weakest ones.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
All I can say is that we have a new Baldur's Gate game coming with plenty of new information and i looked forward to Purple's comments about it. Please come back!!

I know I do more reading then posting(that's just how I'm wired) and your posts were some of the more informative and interesting on the site. I bought Kingmaker after reading your comments(no, of course I didn't finish it).

Please come back and I miss Aubrielle too.
Oct 18, 2006
Scaring off female members?

We've been leaking members of both sexes for a long time.

I don't know why, exactly.
Scaring off female members?

We've been leaking members of both sexes for a long time.

I was thinking the exact same thing!

I think slowly but steadily polarisation is also coming to the watch as well.
Oct 8, 2009
Well, there is such a thing as oversensitivity creating the illusion of a bigger problem.

I've been on countless forums, and the Watch was always - by a country mile - the most laidback and tolerant of diversity of all the gaming forums I've frequented.

Now, do note that such is simply my perception - and I can't enter the minds of other members.

I've been to forums where there's certainly more "politeness" on the surface - like on QT3 forums, but if you dig a little deeper, you notice a severe lack of tolerance for outsiders and there's a lot of unspoken rules that seem to support certain "high ranking" members on that site.

To me, that kind of deceit and let's-pretend-to-be-amiable is much worse.

So, I definitely think this place made a turn for the worse when they tried to regulate certain behavior.

Like I said, it became a little nauseatingly woke in that way.

But, as I said, moderating is a hard job - and I don't envy anyone trying to police human behavior.
There's always attrition. You have to have growth to compensate for it. My guess is, is the number of female members who stop posting is about the same as male in terms of the ratio.

The real question is, what's the growth rate and sustainability like?
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Scaring off female members?

We've been leaking members of both sexes for a long time.

I don't know why, exactly.
As you have personal experience, maybe you can shed some light on this? :)
Jun 5, 2009
As you have personal experience, maybe you can shed some light on this? :)

My particular example has very little to do with the Watch, and very much to do with me not wanting to spend so much time arguing with people about absolutely trivial bullshit :)

I (mostly) keep away from participating on all forums for this reason.

Other than that, I still really like the place.

I do think it used to be a little more appealing and especially more inclusive and diverse - and I think there's a couple of members who're heavily contributing to the way it's going even though they're "following the rules" - but I'm not going to get personal in that way.

Suffice to say that I don't think the "enhanced" moderation helped at all.

That's assuming the objective was ever to keep the site diverse and tolerant of such diversity.
With respect to growth rates / sustainability: age is probably more important than gender. At least, my intuition tells me that the Watch has a harder time of attracting "young" members.

Let's have a look at the bit of polling that's available (note: one of the polls is not closed, so might still change, and the phrasing/answers are not perfectly the same):

Start of poll: 2017-04-08

Start of poll: 2014-10-06

|group    | response2014| response2017|
|[00,20]  |         0.00|         0.00|
|[20,29]  |         0.13|         0.07|
|[30,39]  |         0.36|         0.31|
|[40,49]  |         0.30|         0.39|
|[50,59]  |         0.15|         0.16|
|[60,inf) |         0.05|         0.07|

So, our community might be growing older. Of course, we'd have to put this into relation with the overall demographics in the respective countries we come from.

These are just the relative numbers. Interestingly, the absolute number of votes increased from 91 to 153. Not sure how much that correlates with activity on this board.
May 18, 2012
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