Skyrim - Heartfire DLC for PC Available


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Bethesda announced that the Heartfire DLC is now also available for the PC.
We’re pleased to announce that Hearthfire™ is now available to PC users. The English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish versions can be downloaded from Steam for $4.99.
With this official add-on to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim®, you can purchase land and build your own home from the ground up - from a simple one-room cottage to a sprawling compound complete with an armory, alchemy laboratory, stable, garden, and more. Use all-new tools like the drafting table and carpenter’s workbench to transform quarried stone, clay, and sawn logs into structures and furnishings. Even transform your house into a home by adopting children.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Hard to believe Skyrim has been out for almost a year, and not a decent expansion exists for it. Great game, they could have made a huge extra killing with some good, extra content. Too bad.

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Hard to believe Skyrim has been out for almost a year, and not a decent expansion exists for it. Great game, they could have made a huge extra killing with some good, extra content. Too bad.


Yes like my avatar becoming king if your a nord or becoming the next emperor if your imperial. Even the new offensive agaisnt the Thalmor would be nice. So far we have a vampire mini expansion and a house sim.
Oct 1, 2010
They had the balls to add non-murder focused content to a mainstream game without having to hide behind the "We are Indie, we are taking chances" rhetoric.
Nov 28, 2006
Beth is a little late on this one. There is already a free fan-made mod that does the same thing, maybe more.

I've been using Supernastypants's mod for a while, and it's very well done. But this is not a linear game, it's a big world, better to add Hearthfire and give yourself more options. Also Hearthfire adds some new gameplay features, new crafting stations, new crafting materials, quests related to your player house.

You can expect to see these new features incorporated in future mods that will require Hearthfire, probably even in a future update to Supernastypants's mod.
Jan 15, 2011
I'm patient enough for the GoTY version with all DLC's :)
Oct 18, 2006
Helps to give a sense of purpose to the PC.

Well thought. Comes with tons of new content. On a side note, part of the content might be tied to additional buildings one can add to the main body of the buildings. For example, adding a kitchen allows to add an oven which comes with bread and pies recipes.Might be the same for the other buildings.

Usual weaknesses as for this kind of mod: most players want immediate gratification so buildings are built with no time. Could be changed by modding, imo.

The building is not integrated in the surrounding space, as if it were a town by itself. It is overadded to the rest and you lose contact with the surroundings once in (no windows then) This also leads to some path finding trouble, with NPCs getting stuck without being able to check for their route.

I did not play any other house mod available but by reading their depiction, they are below what you can get with this one. A great base to mod on.

Would be great if Bethesda could reach the stage when they can implement reliably scarcity. Would make restocking of this kind of places any meaningful.
Mar 29, 2011
Don't really care about the actual DLC (or Skyrim) but come on it's Hearthfire not Heartfire lol...
Jul 27, 2012
Staked off my little corner of Skyrim last night near Falkreath. I find I'm actually looking forward to chasing down some lumber later, and I'm broke, so it looks like I'm going to be sawing more than a couple logs. ;p
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Sep 16, 2010
I picked it up and Dawnguard and made a new character to play ... got a little bored with GW2 and lack the energy for TSW at the moment. Between puppy and work overtime I need a nice SRPG that I can control my time with.

So far I like it although I only got HF last night and DG last week. So for DG I have only seen some random attacks from vampires. However looking forward to the added content.

HF is rather cool - I can already see a lot of extra stuff showing up in stores and new options to craft and build things (like at the smithy). So for the price the little added immersion is very welcome. Also like the new husky model for the dogs.
Jun 4, 2008
Seems to be glitchy/buggy. Moving from mansion to mansion requires that the minimum installation is made but the option to move comes up even when the house is not complete enough to accomodate children, removing the line from the options.
Much unlikely to happen if this DLC is installed to start a new house due to cash flow.

Certain spouses are also unable to detect that you have children and also lose certain options like cooking meals/opening a shop.

The lack of acknowledgement of children might even be more than a bug as Bethesda might have forgotten to put it in.

As usual, a consequence of voice acting is that studios look for the optimal use of them in terms of repetition. Much voice acting in this DLC is completed by the original voice acting (new actors not recording bits that already existed)
And they might have simply left aside the option to save on voice acting.

All in all, a very good addition for any player wishing to get new elements to developp and give more flesh to the narrative of his/her game.
Mar 29, 2011
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