Skyrim - Released, Review Roundup #1

I could give more examples, but seriously who cares if you think Fallout 3 is better or not? I've got better things to do like actually playing a game. :p

Since forums are for discussion like this then I wonder why you even bothered posting?

And New Vegas is a much better game.
Jan 28, 2011
Since forums are for discussion like this then I wonder why you even bothered posting?

And New Vegas is a much better game.

They are both good. The way I look at it, Vegas had a working engine to work with and could concentrate on just content. However, I remember more locations from fallout 3, like the radio station with the dead body and sniper rifle on roof. They both have their charms, Vegas was just a more polished version of FO3. Skyrim is better then both:)
Apr 17, 2007
They are both good. The way I look at it, Vegas had a working engine to work with and could concentrate on just content. However, I remember more locations from fallout 3, like the radio station with the dead body and sniper rifle on roof. They both have their charms, Vegas was just a more polished version of FO3. Skyrim is better then both:)

I agree both are good games. I find myself playing NV more now since I played the hell out of Fallout 3.
Oct 1, 2010
They are both good. The way I look at it, Vegas had a working engine to work with and could concentrate on just content. However, I remember more locations from fallout 3, like the radio station with the dead body and sniper rifle on roof. They both have their charms, Vegas was just a more polished version of FO3. Skyrim is better then both:)

That's pretty much what I was saying. Bethesda made a better world, Obsidian made a better RPG. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Skyrim is pretty amazing so far, much better than I expected it to be. Not sure it can top New Vegas in the writing and RPG mechanics areas, but it's a closer fight than I expected it to be.
Jan 28, 2011
That's pretty much what I was saying. Bethesda made a better world, Obsidian made a better RPG. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Skyrim is pretty amazing so far, much better than I expected it to be. Not sure it can top New Vegas in the writing and RPG mechanics areas, but it's a closer fight than I expected it to be.

You gotta be kidding me.

No it isn't and no it doesn't.

First off. Placement of locations and so on didn't make any sense at all in Fallout 3 and was completly stupid. New Vegas wins alone in terms of how realistic the world design is built. Giving a reason like "Well, there is more interesting stuff closer together" is stupid.

Secondly. No, Skyrim doesn't even come close. At most they improved from mindnumbingly terrible to medicore.

Furthermore in what way can I roleplay? Where are these maginficent role play options? When does the dialouge finally allow me to role play personalities?

Oh wait, IT DOESN'T.
Jan 26, 2011
You gotta be kidding me.

No it isn't and no it isn't.

First off. Placement of locations and so on didn't make any sense at all in Fallout 3 and was completly stupid. New Vegas wins alone in terms of how realistic the world design is built. Giving a reason "Well, there is more interesting stuff closer together" is stupid.

Secondly. No, Skyrim doesn't even come close. At most they improved from mindnumbingly terrible to medicore.

Yeah, ok.... Skyrim is mediocore.....hahaha, my god.
Apr 17, 2007
First off. Placement of locations and so on didn't make any sense at all in Fallout 3 and was completly stupid. New Vegas wins alone in terms of how realistic the world design is built. Giving a reason like "Well, there is more interesting stuff closer together" is stupid.

Simply claiming everything you don't agree with is "stupid" isn't going to get you much credibility here.

How about explaining why, in your opinion, placement of locations and so on didn't make sense in FO3?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Since forums are for discussion like this then I wonder why you even bothered posting?

I posted because I had to say something about NPCs being a building, but these "discussions" go nowhere and I had Skyrim to play. Talking good locations in Fallout 3 vs Fallout New Vegas takes time and I'm loving Skyrim right now. That game takes precedence over some discussion.

Now that I'm at work, however, I'd be more than happy to compare and contrast :p

Just take a look at the list of locations from NV and Fallout 3. New Vegas made more sense than Fallout 3's locations.

The two most annoying and dumbest locations I have ever seen in a game has got to be Little Lamplight and the vampires. Let's not forget about Arfu, a four building town with a few brahmin to feed the hungry denizens of the waste. Republic of Dave, Ol' Oney, that fireant town, Megaton and many more. All of these places make me cringe when even thinking about replaying the game.

Now on the other hand there are some good locations as well. The market made some sense for a raider base. The Cthulhu inspired business (can't remember the name) the underground, the slaver's area, the old woman who had her boys looking for mirelurks, that comic business, Red Racer factory, the spaceship crash landing in random locations and many more as well.

I wouldn't have played it and replayed it if it didn't have something to offer. I'm not saying that all of Fallout 3 had horrible locations, but in comparison to New Vegas? Yes, yes it did. New Vegas made more sense and had more interesting things to see. Everything from Nellis Airforce Base (Yes, I liked to boomers :)), Great Khan Camp, Goodsprings (many homes, many farms feels lived in), Las Vegas itself, novac and all of the little locations inbetween. The world felt lived in. It felt alive and by doing this it made it all the more interesting to find new locations and see what kind of world these people are living in.

That's why I'll replay New Vegas every single time over another replay of F3.
Feb 3, 2007
You seem to mainly be arguing that New Vegas made more sense, or had a better setting overall. I completely agree with that. From a gameplay perspective however, Fallout 3 has a more interesting world. Fallout 3's world was more fun to explore IMO, because I would see weird and interesting shit all the time. New Vegas, in contrast, was more about getting quests and seeing places as a part of that… they weren't incredibly interesting by themselves.

The locations you think are silly (and they ARE silly) like Little Lamplight and the Republic of Dave are the crazy places people love to explore and find. That kind of backs up my point. Call it amusement park design versus realistic design, but the end result is that taken solely as a comparison of worlds, with no quest or campaign aspect to it, Fallout 3 is more interesting.

I think most people would agree with me. You can choose not to, of course. And again, just to be clear, I think New Vegas is 10 times the game Fallout 3 is overall.
Jan 28, 2011
I think most people would agree with me. You can choose not to, of course. And again, just to be clear, I think New Vegas is 10 times the game Fallout 3 is overall.

I'm thinking you just like silly things and that is fine. As long as they don't insult my intelligence or it is for an already silly game I like it as well. Games like Quest for Glory, Monkey Island, Space Quest and Frayed Knights did it right. The humor was great and there were interesting things to see and do.

Now comes Fallout 3 which has some interesting moments, but for the most part I just ended up thinking how dumb some of these places are. The humor/whackyness factor for places like the vamps or Little Lamplight was about on the same level as a whoopie cushion.

Once again the disclaimer that we both seem to be making….I did in fact like F3, but in comparison to New Vegas it's just doesn't hold up. New Vegas had interesting things to see that made some goddamn sense within the world and it had other things that didn't make sense, but it wasn't jaw dropping stupid.

Bottom line is we have very different tastes in what we find interesting. ;) But I'm home now and off to Skyrim. Now this place has got a ton of cool things to find. Too many in fact. I start walking towards one side-quest and get about 10 more of them in the process. Plus the random dragons are a nice touch. Always look forward to seeing those guys

Anyone else finding the economy of this game to be a lot better than the previous titles? It's great. I'm still working on my way up to 5,000 to get a home. I never have enough gold even with my companion as a pack mule when I go into the dungeons. I may get one or two magic items, a few steel armor pieces or, if I'm lucky, a dwarven/elven piece, a few gems and maybe a scroll if I'm lucky. I'm loving it! When I find even a low quality magic item or some unusual potions like invisibility, it's like finding a vast treasure.

Enough talk. More Skyrim!!!
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Feb 3, 2007
Now comes Fallout 3 which has some interesting moments, but for the most part I just ended up thinking how dumb some of these places are. The humor/whackyness factor for places like the vamps or Little Lamplight was about on the same level as a whoopie cushion.

You're exaggerating a bit there. The Fallout franchise has always had weird humor, and shit that didn't make any sense. Like New Reno in FO2, or some of the random encounters in both FO 1&2.

As far as FO3 "not holding up" compared to NV, I'm pretty sure that's subjective. I've talked to quite a few people who enjoyed the exploration more in FO3, and of course just as many who preferred NV because of the factions.

Not taking sides here btw... just sayin. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
JDR this whole conversation is subjective. It's all our opinions, dude. None of this is fact. :p

Fallout 2 had Dr. Who's tardis. Weird and cool. It had the Cafe of Broken Dreams, awesome random encounter that broke the 4th wall and a lot of others that escape me. They are interesting, silly, weird, but not insultingly stupid.

There is a big difference. At least to me there is.

I'm seriously going to Skyrim now. I saw you reply and thought I'd make a quick remark, but now I'm off to the awesomeness of the nord homeland.
Feb 3, 2007
I think FO2 was a lot more weird than you give it credit for skav. Old World Blues is wacky to the extreme in New Vegas and people called it a return to Fallout style silliness for Obsidian.
Jan 28, 2011
I think FO2 was a lot more weird than you give it credit for skav. Old World Blues is wacky to the extreme in New Vegas and people called it a return to Fallout style silliness for Obsidian.

Fallout 2 had The Brain who was planning on taking over the world and lusting after Cheetos! So yeah, it had really, really weird stuff in it.

Ok, I give. You're right, but you don't see the difference between F1, 2 and NV strange and Fallout 3? I can't be the only one who just went WTF were they thinking? And not in a good way.

Fallout 3 had invididual sights that were interesting. Like I said, the Cthulhu business and a bunch more, but then they blew it with those beyond idiotic places. Vampires, my friends, vampires dropped this game a ton of points for me :p

Still, it doesn't really matter. I enjoyed it well enough. I just had to shut off my brain to play it or the idiotic plot and some of those damn places would blow it for me.

I did like the nuka-cola girl. She was awesome in a strange way, but then they had her in a town filled with what? four people? Maybe just her and the "boyfriend". I can't remember.

Meh….I have New Vegas and now Skyrim. I'm happy enough to let sleeping dogs lie.

@Thrasher You guys seriously don't see a difference? That's ok. The stupidity of F3 will never be a part of the franchise, in my opinion. Nuff said.
Feb 3, 2007
Ok, I give. You're right, but you don't see the difference between F1, 2 and NV strange and Fallout 3? I can't be the only one who just went WTF were they thinking? And not in a good way.

I mean if you're asking me if Little Lamplight was done WELL then I might say no. If you're asking me if Little Lamplight is more interesting to find than Novac then I would have to say yes.
Jan 28, 2011
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