SW:TOR - Shadow of Revan Expansion


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Seems I was correct in the last news-bit as the new expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic is about the return of Revan . Here are the new details from Bioware.


Revan Returns in a New Story-Driven Expansion with Five New Levels of Adventure - Launching December 9. Pre-Order by November 2 to Secure Early Access and Exclusive Grand Statue of Revan

AUSTIN, Texas – October 6, 2014 – Prepare to face Revan, one of the galaxy’s most revered characters, in the latest story-driven adventure from Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. BioWare™, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA), and LucasArts have announced a brand-new digital expansion, Shadow of Revan, coming December 9, 2014. Shadow of Revan offers five new levels of story-driven missions, an increased level cap of 60, new worlds to explore, high-level multiplayer Flashpoints and Operations to join with friends in dynamic challenges and much more. Plus, for a limited-time, all Subscribers who pre-order receive a Class Experience Boost, offering players 12x experience gain through Level 55 with the opportunity to immerse themselves exclusively in exciting class story missions, but only through December 1, 2014.

In Shadow of Revan, a long-hidden sect of extremists has emerged from the ongoing war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. This group is led by Revan, the former hero of the Jedi Civil War. These fanatical “Revanites” are gathering an army with an apocalyptic plan that will leave the Republic and the Empire in ashes. Players will prepare to face Revan and adventure alongside a host of intriguing characters, including Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, and Jakarro the Wookiee.
Thank you Alrik for the link.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
So, more content but nothing new in terms of the gameplay arsenal? Disappointing, but not unexpected.
Oh for the love of..! Another Revan rehash. I was really hoping they'd be more original than that. In fact, I'm still hoping there's more to it.
Oct 18, 2006
Still no word on Kotor3?
Real Kotor3, not this MMO abomination.
Apr 12, 2009
No mention of extending the class stories, disappointing. That was the best part of this game.
Aug 24, 2010
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
The WoW solution.

The idea of having fewer but more meaningful choices is not bad, but I can't say WoW ended up being more interesting in terms of builds. In fact, I think it became much less interesting and straightforward.

We'll see about this.

TOR skill trees were already quite simplified - so there was less opportunity to play around than in the WoW talent trees. It might end up being a good change.

I'm tempted to resub just for the 12x story experience. That would actually make the game very KotOR like in flow - as you could focus on the story and get rid of most of the grind.

Of course, you'd also notice how painfully predictable the end to each story segment is - as in you ALWAYS end up in a room with a boss and perhaps a couple of bodyguards.
Can someone remind me whether it's possible to have a friend along for the ride when doing story missions in SWtOR?
The business type girl ? She won't like it ;)
Jun 5, 2009
The business type girl ? She won't like it ;)

Unfortunately not ;) It's my brother.

We're debating which MMO to coop in, and it's a choice between Rift, ESO and TOR.

I prefer ESO, but it's not particularly coop-friendly - or so I've heard.
In SWTOR it's possible. If you are both of the same class, you must explicitely allow the other one to get into the own class story missions in the game's settings.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It is possible, with two exceptions. One is that you can't see any class conversation happening outside instance, for example a halocall in the middle of the zone. That is usually minor story content and dsoesn't happen to often so you sum it up in a sentence or two to your friend. However, there is also major issue that you don't see anything happening on the ship, which is planet/companion/story arc intro/outro, and that is a rather sad. Some cool stuff happens there.
Also you can visit your friends class instances on the galaxy map (as opposed to planet map) but you have to travel on that players ship, as you cannot fly to other class galaxy instances directly. A bit of a bother, but not too problematic.
Aug 24, 2010
Yes, the co-op actually works rather well. Also, the game is difficult enough to allow it. In most modern MMOs, being two or more will trivialize the content to the point where it gets very, very boring.

I'm not saying SWTOR is particularly challenging when playing in a group, but at least you won't fall asleep.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks for info… I'm definitely leaning towards TOR for this coop venture. My brother probably wants Rift, but I'll have to dissuade him. Rift is like WoW without the charm :)

TOR is also a lot like WoW, but it has a strong setting - and I'm a big fan of the story-based leveling, instead of the dreary generic questing of Rift.

We just have to finish our System Shock 2 playthrough first, which is pure bliss in cooperative mode. Game holds up and then some!
For me, playing SWTOR in coop is the way to go. You get double story missions, which is fun and most of the grind is, well, less grindy as two people cut through enemies easily. Solo is a bit too grindy, and more than two people kick out your companions from party which is non-ideal.
Although I'm tempet to give thsi 12x xp a shot, I could finish some classes for the story without bothering about the side quest I've already seen.
Aug 24, 2010
For me, playing SWTOR in coop is the way to go. You get double story missions, which is fun and most of the grind is, well, less grindy as two people cut through enemies easily. Solo is a bit too grindy, and more than two people kick out your companions from party which is non-ideal.
Although I'm tempet to give thsi 12x xp a shot, I could finish some classes for the story without bothering about the side quest I've already seen.

Yeah, I've been thinking this as well. Two is a great number for the instances and heroic areas.

As for the 12X thing, It's not unlike something I've been thinking about since I first played the game.

My biggest problem with TOR was always the dreadfully dull side quests. Oh, the stories are ok, but the actual quests are incredibly samey and grindy - especially once you've completed all the planet stories one time.

I always felt the best part of the game was the class stories, but the breaks between them are often WAY too big.

This 12X boost sounds exactly like what it needs to keep me entertained, and it's such a shame that it's a pre-order bonus. They should implement a way of having that on permanently after having one max level character. Maybe some kind of ultimate Legacy bonus?

Another thing I've always wanted is the opportunity to go back and redo the story missions once you're at max level. Just some kind of "memory simulator" or whatever excuse to replay the same segments.

I'm not really too interested in new planets if they don't continue the class stories. That will seem like more grindy content once you clear it with a single character, and AFAIK - the two factions experience much the same stories for the expansion planets?
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