Two Worlds II - Patch On The Way

"the game world is about 60 square kilometers in total which is roughly 30% bigger than the original"

..he then goes on telling it also has MP content, so he's not taking that into account here. Yes you'll argue that he's not saying landmass, but even if you include the MP part of the map its absolutely not 30% bigger than TW1.

This has been said countless times over the latest 2 years or so, very hard to miss if you've been following the interviews. They've also said that they don't take the water into account when they make that measurment, that its walkable land. I can try to find that quote too. Edit.

When the devs has been asked about the weather system they also said it was in, but it isnt.

I'm not whining because i hate the game, but i dont like being lied to, not sure what you're getting out of it but again, i doubt you've been following the game much?
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Jul 15, 2009
"the game world is about 60 square kilometers in total which is roughly 30% bigger than the original"

This has been said countless times over the latest 2 years or so, very hard to miss if you've been following the interviews. They've also said that they don't take the water into account when they make that measurment, that its walkable land. I can try to find that quote too.

I haven't paid much attention to the numbers, because they're not important to me.

I agree, again, that it's misleading - and I was just making sure they've said it in such plain terms.

The land-mass seems to be there, but for some reason they've chosen to make a big chunk of it exclusive to multiplayer.

I can't figure out why they wouldn't just implement it for singleplayer also, but maybe they ran out of time.

When the devs has been asked about the weather system they also said it was in, but it isnt.


I'm not whining because i hate the game, but i dont like being lied to, not sure what you're getting out of it but again, i doubt you've been following the game much?

What I'm getting out of what?

I've been reading previews and following interviews, yeah, but I don't obsess over numbers and square miles. To me, it's mostly been reading about features and gameplay specific stuff - as well as the writing/voice acting.

I'm waiting a bit before delving into it, because I want DirectX 11 if possible - and I'd like to have more time.

I understand you feel misled - but I think you're being a bit off if you think developers deliberately wanted to cheat you.

I can't know that for sure, obviously, but since the game is actually really good according to most players, and it's fairly big - I fail to see why they'd lie and risk an angry response. There'd be no need at all for that. So, it makes no sense to me.

To me, it seems they've probably been a bit to enthusiastic - and maybe they didn't have time to do everything they wanted - and they're reacting a bit defensively - because they're probably very proud of the work they DID do.

If you feel entitled to something and you feel lied to - then of course I understand your reaction. It seems to me, though, that you're ignoring the good part and focusing on the negative as if the entire game is bad. I guess you really think they're doing all this with malicious intent.

Personally, I'll cut them some slack - at least until I play it myself. I'm much more interested in the game/content that IS there, than what could have been there.

It depends on the final experience - and if I get a good ~30 hours out of it - I doubt I'll bother whining about misleading maps. As long as I feel an effort has been made to satisfy the player and I've gotten a good deal - that's acceptable to me.

It would be different if I felt they planned this, and that it was part of some greedy scheme - but I really don't see why they'd do that.
Well, i'll be awaiting some DLC's and patches, and then i'll probably enjoy it a lot.

Just read a recent interview on FZ (swedish site) that they're "constantly going to upgrade TW2 with new quests, islands etc".. it's funny how the devs now claims its 15-20h for just the main quest, just a few weeks ago it was 24-30h hehe. Well at least they're getting more honest as time (and forum posts) goes by ;)
Jul 15, 2009
Im just going back to play fallout NV and my older rpgs again instead of this and let me know when a ultimate edition with all the features promised are finally delivered.So many delays and this is the crap we get.
Oct 1, 2010
Bye! Everyone will miss you.

Game clock says 23 hours for me, still in Chapter I.
Oct 29, 2006
To me, this whole argument is crazy!! Who cares if you can't visit the WHOLE map, if what you CAN visit provides an entertaining and enjoyable game!! It's a petty point. If what is supplied in the SP game is terrible, then complain, but if what is actually there is fun, then you are getting your money's worth!!

Bingo, voice of reason. Thank you.
Sep 6, 2009
The whole Two Worlds franchise is the most polarizing game i can remember; people either love it or completely hate it. I wonder what the forums will sound like when the masses get a hold of it in The US.

I am also waiting for DX11 and a patch for playing singleplayer. Meanwhile, I have been having a blast in MP and hope that patch includes another MP map or 2 involving coastal waters and boats. The boats sound a bit under utilized to me. Some kind of MP content for levels above 50 which is where I heard the game becomes a grinder. Village mode needs a few tweaks as well. I would like to respond to an event that has me fighting more than 2 or 3 mobs on the other side of the map. Maybe the townspeople actually have conversations with you or go fighting. Oh well, probably have to wait for an expansion.
Oct 18, 2006
Sep 3, 2010
when you say unused, do you mean as in 'not a lot going on there' or not accesible? or bit of both?

The areas are blocked off so you cant reach them (and they are empty if you cheat yourself there).

There's quite a bit of being teleported back, drowning and walls blocking you if you try to explore "too much", making it much less of a free roaming game than the previous title.

It would be one thing if it wasnt advertised as such, but it is, and obviously it's what the fans has been expecting to see.
Jul 15, 2009
The areas are blocked off so you cant reach them (and they are empty if you cheat yourself there).

There's quite a bit of being teleported back, drowning and walls blocking you if you try to explore "too much", making it much less of a free roaming game than the previous title.

It would be one thing if it wasnt advertised as such, but it is, and obviously it's what the fans has been expecting to see.
wow, that's crap…
I don't get people around here saying you should focus on what's there and enjoy it.
If you bought it mostly cause of one set of advertised properties and then found out they're not there and you were to put it lightly misguided, there is a reason to be pissed.
There is basically grounds for lawsuits and money refunds but no one will go that far over a videogame.

Edit: I wonder if we'll see some or all that space used in NA version of the game.
Sep 3, 2010
I am baffled by the obsession in the other forums on the size of the playing world. Sometimes I even wonder if the people making those statements have even played the game. About the only way I can understand their view is if they only briefly looked into all those "empty" spaces and never discovered all the other villages, campsites, quests, etc. Yes — there definitely are wide areas filled with sparse animals — just as if you travel through any real world geography (Think California, or Australia) there are wide "empty" expanses. But the TW2 world has a huge amount of content.

Game clock says 23 hours for me, still in Chapter I.

Alistair says 23 gameclock hours and still in Chapter one — that likely is around 55 hours of realtime play, and he is still in chapter one! I have 21 hours of gametime and figure I did only 2/3rds of Chapter I and less than half of chapter two. There is a lot of stuff out there. If someone is looking at mapsize and not at content size, then they really are missing a great deal. I have not finished TW2 but I believe it will end up with far more content and playtime than any other RPG released this year.
If what is supplied in the SP game is terrible, then complain, but if what is actually there is fun, then you are getting your money's worth!! I

And Corwin nailed it — think about the fun content. I have no problem if TW2 is not a fun game for people — if so, criticize it on bad content, not on some red herring issue of map size. But personally I find it to be (even with the flaws and before any patch) to be the most fun RPG released in 2010 other than GoG re-releases. (And I have probably played them all!!)
Jun 19, 2009
New England, USA
I am baffled by the obsession in the other forums on the size of the playing world.

No, it isn't about the size.

It's about being excluded from something.

Or so I understand the discussion(s).
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
And Corwin nailed it

No he didnt. It's a terrible argument to say the least, and the only reason it works for you is because you haven't been looking forward to that particular game mechanic for years. Lying can't be excused just because the rest of the game happens to be decent.

Defending lying developers, thats sooo nice of you, they'll thank you all the way to the bank!
Jul 15, 2009
Alistair says 23 gameclock hours and still in Chapter one — that likely is around 55 hours of realtime play, and he is still in chapter one!
Bloody hell - I hope it's not that much! How long has it been out :)
Oct 29, 2006
Just don't expect the last chapters to be as big as the first and you'll not be disapointed ;)

and how 23 game hours translate to 55 realtime i dont get.. no one spends that much time in menus.
Jul 15, 2009
No he didnt. It's a terrible argument to say the least, and the only reason it works for you is because you haven't been looking forward to that particular game mechanic for years. Lying can't be excused just because the rest of the game happens to be decent.

Defending lying developers, thats sooo nice of you, they'll thank you all the way to the bank!

My friend are reasons for feeling ripped off wont matter to people who are just content to play what was given.I for one will not be Defending lying developers that ask why we are shocked.I finished and the game and doubt I'll try it again.Between being lied to and having other problems.
Oct 1, 2010
I'm at the beginning of chapter 2 (Level 27) finished chapter 1 with around 80 side quests. My game clock says 20 hours = 30 real time hours. (menu, replay, pause...).

This game has already more content than TW1. I had no high expectations for this game and so I'm glad for what it is. TW 2 is an above average rpg, many things are very well done (voices, alchemy, crafting, quests, story, skill system), some are mediocre (combat, economy balance) and nothing is really bad.

You're are a hype victim. Your expectations were pitched too high and now you're dissapointed and frustrated. Try to judge the game for what it is, and not for what the marketing division claims it to be.
Oct 18, 2006
Hype victim? Uh, no, I follow most open-world RPGs and most sandbox FPS's, so far none has lied about the world size, this is the only time i've encountered it. It's really the other way around, you had no expectations (you probably didnt even like TW1?) so you're positively surprised, that's all. That doesnt excuse the lying devs. Hype is one thing, all games are hyped, lying is a different thing altogether.
Jul 15, 2009
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