Unity Engine - John Riccitiello New CEO


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
The rumors of the sale of Unity were proven false this week, and it seems Former Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello is assuming the role of CEO of Unity.

Hello everyone! As you all know, we’ve been making some big moves at Unity lately. We’ve partnered with some amazing companies and begun putting a lot more energy and resources into developing technologies that will help you be more efficient when you create games and then help you connect your games with an awesome audience when you’re ready for it.

This is a lot to take on as a company and building it right is going to take a huge effort. We keep our eyes out for the best talent and help wherever we feel we can use it at every level. That’s why today, I’m pleased to welcome John Riccitiello onto the Unity team as our new CEO. Sure, that sounds odd, as it also means I’m stepping down from the role, but this is an amazing win for Unity and the community.

He’s the right person to help guide the company to the mission that we set out for ourselves over a decade ago: democratize game development!

Many of you are likely familiar with John. He’s been in the games industry for a long time, both as COO and later CEO of Electronic Arts. He’s also helped fund and guide some notable startups like Oculus and Syntertainment among many others, and is a heartfelt believer in the indie scene and its importance to the overall well-being of the industry.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with John closely over the last year after I convinced him to join our board. It’s been a delight to see his passion for Unity and what we’re doing here grow as he got to know the Unity community better and better.

So, what does this mean for me? It means I get to get back to doing what I love the most about working at Unity: strategy, and connecting with developers. I will be heavily involved with the company’s direction, and will focus my efforts on finding the best ways to serve all of you amazing developers, all while working with some insanely talented people here at Unity.

What does this mean for Unity? Not too much, since John completely agrees with our vision and our strategy. If anything it means that we’ll be more focused than ever about making sure everyone has access to the best technology and services. We want all of you to have the best tools and opportunities, and we’re going to do everything we can to make that happen across the board.
More information.
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Oct 1, 2010
Wait, what? The former CEO of EA? Why is that a good thing? Inquiring minds would like to know...
Mar 22, 2012
If not him, someone else would turn the platform into something unappealing that would make it lose its edge, Unity simply became too big for its own good. It's used in something like 50 % of iPhone games.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
Outch! EA is going to eat Unity in a few years.

This is the guy who bought BioWare with a small holding and then sold it to...himself a few years later when he returned to EA has CEO.
Oct 13, 2007
"He’s the right person to help guide the company to the mission that we set out for ourselves over a decade ago: democratize game development!"

Shouldn't it be?

"He’s the right person to help guide the company to the mission that we set out for ourselves over a decade ago: maximize profit and minimize gamers thinking!"
Dec 20, 2010
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