What games are you playing now?

Playing the long awaited Gemcraft: Chasing Shadows and loving it so far ...
Aug 31, 2006
I'm still plodding along in Divine Divinity. It's tongue-in-cheek enough that the oh-so-generic fantasy setting's not as off-putting as it is in other games. I'm at the point that I'm clearing away a fairly dull patch of uninteresting enemies (seriously, bees and snakes at this point in the game?), but I know there's better around the corner.

I've also started messing around with Mount and Blade: Warband. I've not played M&B in years, but it seems to have improved quite a bit in that time. The randomness does occasionally cause problems, like bandit hunts for bandits who don't seem to exist or periods of time with no foes to fight, but it's still fun just wandering around slowly building up my personal wealth and power. It's a refreshing change, but I find myself missing the fantasy element.
Jul 3, 2011
I'm in Chapter 2 in The Witcher.

Playing on Hard.

Surprisingly, I'm having a better time with it than I usually do. Oh, it's still severely flawed in several ways, including the crappy combat system and the terribly rigid movement system, where you're forced to run back and forth much more than if you could simply climb a fence or step over a few inches of rock.

But I'm really enjoying Chapter 2, both because of the setting and the detective story. Chapter 1 was really quite awful, but this is much better.

I'm at the swamp area now, and I just killed the big plant thingy called something with a lot of Cs in it :)

I thought that was supposed to be a hard fight? I died a couple of times, because I thought it was just a regular plant monster - and I was shocked to discover it was the beast I've heard several people talking about as a hard fight. All it took was a few potions and the Igni sign.

I'm enjoying the story and the quirky philosophical musings of the characters. The character system is growing on me, and I'm focusing on magic for the moment. The Igni sign, as mentioned, seems to be particularly useful. I'm also focusing on the Aard sign, but it's starting to seem like a bit of a waste - as Igni takes care of most things, and the spell casting is so clumsy, you can't really rely on being able to cast multiple spells in quick succession. Maybe I just suck at it, though.

Any tips on that? Aard and Igni = superfluous combo?

I also think the potions are very well implemented and really add a nice strategic layer to combat.

That said, I sort of worry it's too easy -as I've yet to face a challenge I couldn't overcome easily with the right spell. The only trouble I'm facing is the abysmal way you have to constantly switch back and forth between fighting styles, and that you have to rely on the stars aligning, so the game registers your clicks on baddies :)

Having just played The Witcher 2 for ~5 hours or so before starting TW1, the combat system is particularly hard to accept. I can see the appeal of Witcher over its sequel, which is clearly about scope and style of story - but in terms of core gameplay, I have to say TW2 is MUCH better in almost every way. With the exception of mini-games, where Witcher is kinda fun. It reminds me of KotOR - in the way you have a decent incentive to play and win - both because of money and XP. Sure, they're too easy (fist fights can't be lost if you just block and hit in sequence) - but that's perfect for me. I don't really enjoy hard mini-games, as it tends to become an OCD thing to overcome.

But I'm so into the world and the characters now, for some reason (ok, it's the W3 trailer doing things to me), and I can see myself actually getting through this game. I hope so :)
Just heading back in to Witcher 1 myself. I used to hate the game but after installing RotWW and FCR I've been enjoying it.
Nov 21, 2013
Giving DA2 a last attempt (5th attempt) since watch dogs nuked my saved game.
I stopped playing WD because of that nasty bug that's not fixed yet.
A lesson learned.
Unless Ubisoft guarantees there is no such bug in FC4, I won't preorder it! Oh they can guarantee it - by making a proper savegame system or at least the same as in FC3.
Apr 12, 2009
Oh right, I also finished my replay of CyberMage: Darklight Awakening today. Wayyyyy easier than it was back then ... and thanks to the DOSBox no crashes at all ^^.
Aug 31, 2006
I feel like I'm always in between games...at the moment, I find myself waiting for Divinity: Original Sin to release so I can play it properly. :)

Though I'm debating on how to spend my time...do I resub to FFXIV again, or do I go back and play Realms of Arkania: Star Trail....hmm....

(I've actually never gotten that far in ST...embarrassing, no?) o.o;
Dec 16, 2013
Currently replaying The Witcher 1, so it's my 2nd playthrough. It's great.
Will replay TW2 after that, so I hope D:OS is polished when I'm finished. ;)
May 6, 2013
I stopped playing WD because of that nasty bug that's not fixed yet.
A lesson learned.
Unless Ubisoft guarantees there is no such bug in FC4, I won't preorder it! Oh they can guarantee it - by making a proper savegame system or at least the same as in FC3.

I have to agree. I'm usually pretty tolerant of bugs but a corrupt save game that requires starting the game over is unacceptable.

Fortunately I was only about 11 hours in and not 40-50 like some people. I would like to play it but I don't have the kind of time where I can risk losing all my progress.
on chapter 5 of Walking Dead - biting my nails!! :anxious:

I usually cannot play "adventure" games, theyre tedious, migraine-inducing pixel hunts of maddening illogic until I finally break down and hit a FAQ. Not much "adventure" in my opinion.

Not so with Walking Dead, the entire game so far has been completely logical and well written. Scary too, got me w/ some jump scares here and there and even made me a little emotional. A game hasnt done that since the Lady of the Lake knighted me in the original Witcher game. :tears:

Best cutscene ever!
And sorry to keep banging away on Witcher II, but again a prime example of what the sequel lacked....

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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
that's it, i see i have no option but to reinstall Witcher at this point…. 3rd playthru!

Going to go down a totally different spec path this time tho, . I dont think i ever used Yrden or Axii, primarily used Igni and Aarden. Have to decide Squirrels vs Order, probably go w/ Order again
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
that's it, i see i have no option but to reinstall Witcher at this point…. 3rd playthru!

Going to go down a totally different spec path this time tho, . I dont think i ever used Yrden or Axii, primarily used Igni and Aarden. Have to decide Squirrels vs Order, probably go w/ Order again

I guess that answers my question above :)

So, these signs keep being effective throughout?
I am playing this time through more on side of the squirrels just to change it up.

I only really use Igni and skill up on group sword both steel and silver. Find most of the time when you are fighting in W1 there is groups that attack you and this works the best and fastest.
Apr 2, 2011
Interesting how many of us are replaying TW1 right now. ;)
May 6, 2013
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